Today is Valentines Day, but it is also V-Day.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chelloveck, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Just one more reminder..... You know what a broken arm or a black eye looks like but do you know what a broken spirit looks like?
    Tracy and chelloveck like this.
  2. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    I think many people think "it's not my business" when they see violence toward women and kids..some things I won't tolerate in my sight.
    Alpha Dog, chelloveck and ColtCarbine like this.
  3. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    You are right and I also think and have seen overtime dealing with it, It happens more in your rual areas the people think it's away of life I've heard it a thousand time well it's my wife and I told her to do this and she didn't. Thats why if I have a domestic and Im not talking where mom and dad are arguing and a nosey neighbor calls it turns out to be a family thing L.E.O. not needed. But I meen one where there is violence, intimidation, and a person being mistreated if there are children I automatically call CPS. Thats the only way to stop people from excepting this way of life. Little boys grow up watching dad beat mom and thats how he treats his wife and then you have the little girls who see dad beat mom and think it's ok for some man to beat them. At which time you have dads like me that will kill the S.O.B. for touching his little girls. People in some areas believe this is a natural way of life and how love is shown. The whole communities live that way.
  4. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    The way to end violence towards women is to raise a Strong Daughter who won't tolerate it & have them raise a strong son. Think I'm kidding? My mother was always a strong woman it seemed. Then when I was 16 she was in a car accident & had to go to a chiropractor. Well the quack tried to blackmail her for ALL the insurance money or else he'd say nothing was wrong with her. I heard later. When I quit seeing red I went with her to her next appointment. I jerked that boney lil turd across his desk by his necktie & let him see a little of the rage inside me. An offer to remove his testicles & shove them down his throat later & he suddenly felt a severe urge to apologize to my mother.

    My strong mother raised two sons on her own. An once we reached our mid teen years none dared cross, intimidate, or threaten my mother. Cuz with her standing strong, behind her was two strong sons. One the brains the other the brawn.

    My mother is not as strong as she used to be, my brother lives 4 hours away, but with me around, no one dares try intimidating her in the least. An the thought of actually hitting her or trying to abuse her in any way, brings thoughts of certain death to mind.

    An yeah, sumone TRIED it once before my age reached double digits, a Louisville slugger to the ribs later & my mother finally stopped laughing at their ass , pulled my 7 year old tail off them, & threw them out.

    Yeah, I'm a Mama's Boy *knocks dust off his bat* wanna make sumthing of it? >=)
  5. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    LOL Reminds me very much of the day I went into the very crowded store where my daughter was working and explained quite publicly to her much older and married boss that if he ever laid a hand on my daughter again I would carefully separate him from his crown jewels, place them in a brown paper bag and deliver them to his boss with a full explanation as to why he was the recipient of such a package. She was transferred to another department the very next day, never knowing of my visit to her boss.

    Lesson learned by boss - never mess with the daughter of a mother liion
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++


  7. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Reminds me of my knife...
    That i explained to the young man that wanted to date my daughter...
    This knife is only used to cut off the B***'s of my enemy...
    Do not become my enemy...You will see the knife but once...
    +1 R.H.

    Sapper John, Alpha Dog and RightHand like this.
  8. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Is there anything a parent is not willing to do in defense of their child? Nothing in my repertoire of violence!
  9. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    It is our duty...Damn the one's that test us...
  10. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Worse yet, is there anything a Son or Daughter won't do to protect their Mother? You cross the Mama, if she don't take you down, the Son will.
  11. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    If I would have anything left for me after mom emptied her 38spl. I think there are nothing more important in a mans life than his wife, daughters and momma. Not saying that a mom loves her daughter any less than dad but when it comes to Ol' dads little girls there is nothing to get a man killed any quicker it's something hard to explain they just hold a special place in a dads heart.
  12. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Rules to Date My Daughter

    • Rule #1
      • My daughter’s name is Stephanie. Her name is not "Mama", "Houchie", "Babe", "Yo Bitch", or any other name currently in the vocabulary of your age group identifying young women. With her permission, you may call her by her nickname, "Sam." If I hear any of these other terms used to refer to my sweet girl you will get an immediate response from me, her father.
    • Rule #2
      • I am Stephanie’s father. You can call me "Sir". This is as in "Yes Sir", "No Sir", "I wouldn’t think of it, Sir", and "I will remember that good advice, Sir."
    • Rule #3
      • Do not touch my daughter in front of me as it may provoke an uncontrollable and probably overly aggressive response on my part. You may glance at her as long as your glances are from the neck up.
    • Rule #4
      • When a woman says "No" it means "No!" However, when Stephanie says "No" it means, "If you do not immediately stop what you are doing I will tell my Daddy and very soon, when you are alone and least expect it, he will be standing behind you in the dark with a grin on his face waiting for you to turn around so you and he can have a "friendly" chat."
    • Rule #5
      • If you stop in front of my house and honk you had better be delivering a pizza. If I learn that you are honking for my daughter I will come outside and twist off your honker. Also, be aware that I will be observing to see if Stephanie opens her own car door. I open the door for my mother, my wife, my daughter, and any other woman who gets in my car. You should do the same. However, if I ever get into your car, please do not open my door.
    • Rule #6
      • When you meet me for the first time please do not be uncomfortable if I stare at you. I am only doing this so I can cement the memory of what you look like into my mind. This, of course, is in case I have to come after you for violating one of the rules. I would hate for there to ever be a case of mistaken identity involving an innocent bystander.
    • Rule #7
      • Please bring my daughter back home in the same shape she left in. Drive carefully. Protect her from drunks and obnoxious people. Do not coax her to try drugs or alcohol. Always be ready to use your body to get between her and any objects flying in her direction. Also, I expect her clothing to come back in the same condition it left in. You should know that I would not react well if I saw even one grass stain on any portion of her clothing.
    • Rule #8
      • Do not go to school and tell stories to your pals about my daughter, whether true or untrue. If you do, be prepared to explain to those same pals how that mouse appeared under your right eye.
    • Rule #9
      • I am aware it is considered fashionable for boys your age to want to put "hickeys" on the necks of their girlfriends. I can only guess it is done to show your friends how passionate you can get. If you ever get that passionate feeling with my daughter and have the desire to suck on her neck, please remember, a hickey on my daughter’s neck only tells me that you have no concern for your well-being.
    • Rule #10
      • Stephanie will always have a specific time in the evening when I expect her home. Please take this curfew seriously because I will not be able to sleep until I know she has safely returned home. If you bring her home too late or, God forbid, the next morning, the camouflaged face looking in the window of your car will be mine.
      Last Comment From Dad:
      Young man, if you are still here after reading these rules you must really care for my daughter. This is the way to get me on your side. Seriously, there is only one rule. This one rule is simply that you care for my daughter as much as I do.

  13. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    With your permission I will print those and post at the front door. Change the name and add it to my I will hurt you file
  14. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    bountyhunter and Alpha Dog like this.
  15. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

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