Perhaps second guessing or the "runner" was quick enough to cover the 21' in 1.5 seconds, who knows? Or the distance was less than 21'. It is a civilian world so positive identification is a must or one might shoot the innocent person running from the nut with the axe. However, unless one can enforce a no fly zone with a radius of 21' and the firearm is in their hand; a firearm may not be the best or quickest response. That applies to everyone except Bruce and others who live in similar locations who are exempt most of the time. lol
True sometimes just taking cover and giving commands will end a situation, and I will tell you I am a big boy and I can get my country A$$ down behind a curb when SHTF and shots start poppin off. All 280lbs can get down and fit behind the curb been there and done that.
At my age and condition, 21" is by no means enough unless the attacker just happens to match my age and condition. Consider these things, and don't just jump on a number that was established by someone else. It's your situation that matters, not an arbitrary number, no matter how well tested and researched. My NFZ is apt to be closer to 50', and my sights are set for that.
I've seen a good cop take command and defuse a bad situation with no more than a few words. Been there with a rice paddy berm and most of them weren't thick enough.. LE carries and is trained to use more than one weapon; IMO, civilians need to do the same thing.
The one thing i remember about the drill was how fast someone could cover the distance given the fact's that someone on a high or illegal drug could and would become a person who has become a danger to himself and those who answer the call . As i remember my training as a Mp in the army at the time was to answer a call man with a knife call with a nightstick's in hand once you exited the vehicle or one man with the nightstick out and one person with duty weapon draw and ready to use once you have entered the scene and your going to have to deal with that person . When the Sergeant did the drills he was trying to figure out to protect the officer when dealing with the man with the knife call ..If you remember right about how the knife drills came about was there brunch of officer involved knife calls where the officer's where dealing with a 51/50 personal ..At the time officer survival was a very low point in the history of police work and from those drills foward to today officer survival training it allway's going forward in the thinking of personal survival during a person encounter's with a violet person who means to harm you
As the road is bad very few ever come here unless they live here so 50' works for me and the dogs. Actually the dogs have the other guy trying for 50' LOL. However, when I leave here; no matter if it is the grocery or the hardware store it is a whole different story. Now, anything that happens has me in a reactive mode; as the distance is short, I probably won't be able to shoot.