Interesting read Aren't High Gas Prices What Democrats Want? - David Harsanyi - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1
Things are getting bad. Averaging between 4.25 and 4.32, noticed a few "Give me a gallon of gas" types loitering at the pumps today. Here's a nation wide price map, just zoom into your area and you can locate individual prices. USA National Gas Price Heat Map -
You will notice that ALASKA is NOT on that Map..... Our Gas has been at $5US/USG since September of last year... I will hate to see what the price will jump to after our first Fuel Barge in May 2012...... ..... YMMV....
Gasoline pricing will start catching up with the oil sooner than later. These "small" hikes are in anticipation of gasoline stations purchasing replacement fuel for sale. With crude at $109.77, at closing Friday, andsummer blends around the corner, pain is coming. Diesel in my area is already pushing $4.50 a gallon. Regular Unleaded is already pushing $4.00 a gallon. That is exceptionally high. Gas prices in my area have risen nearly $0.70 cents in a week. Average of $0.10 a day. Hang on, folks, it has only just begun.