There are thousands and thousands of websites. Im sure that not everyone on here has heard of it Im in the Marines. I spend 12 hours of my day on duty. Two working out, 5 or 6 sleeping and what time I can spending with my wife and two kids. . I do not have alot of free time looking up every new source in the world. As for how I got into this debate? Im not debating as far as im concerned. Im merely stating my point of view. Im pretty sure that this website is all about letting people use the freedom of speech.
babesinthewoods... its oneof thetop liberal discussion/news forums on the ''d you get into this exchange anyway? Your political naivete is showing. I've gotta go outside and snow blow. Okay It's obvious I can't prove there's anything influencing the negotiators besides money; (but fox has the attention of the conservative viewers in the country, that's gotta be a huge amount of money in advertising). but it is certainly a "possibility" If you don't think powerfull rich leftist like George Soros don't have anyinfluence on such matters we have nothing left to discuss. anyway: What Should Obama Do About Fox News? Oct 13, 09 | 8:30 AM byMichael Wolff <script> function preview(type) { if (loaded) { pageSizeArray = getPageSize(); doPopup('subscribe.aspx?action=preview&type=' + type, 800, 800, ((pageSizeArray[2] - 800) / 2), 200); } } </script> Get posts from Michael Wolff via email (Sample) <!-- BEGIN: TweetMeme --> <script type="text/javascript"> var tweetmeme_url = ""; var tweetmeme_source = "newser"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="61" width="50"></iframe> <!-- END: TweetMeme --> <style> .fb_share_count_nub_right {margin-top:3px;} </style> Share <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> The plan now is to harrumph. Fox is "undertaking a war against Barack Obama," the White House says, and therefore it’s not going to treat Fox the same as "legitimate news organizations." That’s a harrumph. A petulant harrumph. And a gift—to Fox. The network was out in force yesterday, basking in the White House’s disapproval. Beck and O’Reilly were nearly orgiastic. Every presidential harrumph sends their ratings through the roof. The Obama campaign is so ass-backward that I’m tempted to surmise that the White House must purposefully want to increase the Fox glee. When Fox froths at the mouth, that makes the Obama base froth, too. The president is matching his base against the conservative one, understanding that, even if Fox’s ratings are increasing, the conservative base itself is contracting and the liberal base expanding. Or some such thesis. But I don’t think the president is so calculating or clear-headed on this subject. Rather, he’s fulminating. He talks about Fox the same way the Clintons talked about the right-wing conspiracy. He feels similarly pissed-off and helpless in the face of it. During the campaign he had a secret meeting with Fox chief Roger Ailes in which he blasted Ailes for basically equating him with a terrorist. After the meeting, Ailes, I am told, had a cat-who-swallowed-a-canary look. There was a recent meeting between Ailes and David Axelrod, the president’s media guru. Ailes preened and gloated and delivered his proud defense of the network and, I am told, ate Axelrod for lunch. They’re fuming at the White House and they don’t know what to do. Fox may be preaching to the converted and, indeed, those ranks might well be shrinking—the white conservatives aging out, the new much-less-white demographic catching up—but all the words that are used against the president, all the flies around his face, are Fox words and flies. These are painful and effective distractions. Here’s my view: Don’t fight Fox. You can’t fight Roger Ailes—because that’s what he lives for. He lives off your rage and blood. Rather, this is what you do (please listen closely): Exploit the rift that exists between Ailes and the man he works for, Rupert Murdoch. That rift has grown ever larger because Ailes is the only guy making money for Murdoch now. Ailes has been proven right in his down-low media strategy; Murdoch, who has staked his business acumen (and the value of his company) on his acquisition of the hoity-toity Wall Street Journal two years ago, has been proven wrong. Here’s a program: Lavish incredible attentions on the Journal, interviews, scoops, wonderful photo ops. The WSJ needs this—Murdoch needs this. Build yourself some leverage with Mr. M. In the end, no matter the economics, Murdoch will do what’s best for the Journal—even if that means he has to discipline his cash cow, Fox. Also: Squeeze the Hollywood and chattering class liberals. If you can get the fancy people to snub Murdoch and his wife, Wendi, that would be something they’d feel. You literally cannot hurt Roger Ailes. But Rupert is more and more a little touchy about his standing in the world. He’s the weak link. More of Newser founder Michael Wolff's articles and commentary can be found at, where he writes a regular column. He can be emailed at You can also follow him on Twitter:
Then why not just edit that last post instead of repeating the whole big thing with one little part added? Just curious.
98% ofus here vote, write our congress critters and wail at the top of our lungs and the ones who don't vote abstain for hard won political reasons and are upfront about it. I know it sounds like New math; Even if 51% swallowed "hope and change" 49% didn't. hows that hope and change thing workin' for you ?
Like i said, Leftist, Rightist, its all the same to me. I dont worry about how a person or group is labled, only about there actions and beleifs. Seeing how no one fits into anyone category I dont keep track of it. Im glad to hear about the voting. It seems in general that most of the people who complain the most about something do absolutly nothing about it(like voting). By the way, down boy, no reason to get upset, was just asking a question.
"By the way, down boy, no reason to get upset, was just asking a question." Yep you asked a question and we answered it. But you didn't like the answer so little baby cried more. Maybe he reposted it so you would read it and make the connection. Obviously , right over your head. "Like i said, Leftist, Rightist, its all the same to me. I dont worry about how a person or group is labled, only about there actions and beleifs. Seeing how no one fits into anyone category I dont keep track of it." Maybe if you didn't think leftist and rightist were the same then you'd understand that what makes a leftist a leftist are their beliefs and actions and what makes a rightist a rightist are their actions and beliefs.
What I am trying to say and what it seems people are not understanding is that people dont fall into just two groups, people dont even fall into a dozen or a hundered groups. By saying someone is Left, or someone is Right is unfair to that person and to everyone that everyone says is in that group. Everyone should be based on there OWN actions and beleifs. Not the actions and beleifs of the group that everyone else thinks they should be in. For instance, many Marines and military members were labled as baby killers during the Veitnam war by people who were anti-war. Just because they were in the military over in veitnam didnt mean that they were baby killers. Many of them didnt even want to be over there. By labeling everyone who went to veitname a Baby-killer a grave injustice was done to those military members who didnt commit any attrosities. Who said anything about not likeing the anwer. I specifically said that I am glad most people here do vote. Read the replies please before insulting me. By the way, "we" did not answer the question. Tango did. Thank you Tango. As to the double post. I will admit that that was my error. No, I didnt read the article because I thought it was an example of the type of stuff they posted on Daily KOS and that was my mistake.
Hawk, you can edit your own posts if you want to. Or, ask a mod to fix it for you. Better yourself, that way you get it the way you want. Now then, you guys might all back off about half a notch, or someone might get cranky and turn our hair trigger renegade mod loose. It ain't pretty --
Holy crap... What a perfectly awful thread to end the decade on.. Apologies to the cadre and even to the new member who is perfectly free to hold onto whatever ideas he brought with him/her(?). I'm sure I just drove him deeper into the waiting arms of the nanny state... I never used to think of myself as an asshole, perhaps I should re-evaluate that position. And If you are a Marine ( and I have no reason to suspect otherwise)You have my utmost respect and gratitude. You'l find quite a few active duty and vets here. Sorry folks I'm gonna go sit in the naughty chair for a bit...
. . Hell Ghrit, we all know you ain't pretty. We are just having a lively discussion here. Been awhile since we have seen such passion. JMHO of course. . By the way Hawk, you got some serious patriots and veterans here. Some of us go back as far as the Vietnam war era. Several are military retirees. Thank you for your service "jarhead"! As previously said most of us vote, and do alot more than piss and moan. There are tons of archives to peruse what and who a person here is, if you just look. Don't jump in feet first and assume anything, you might find it come back to bite you. . Everyone here has opinions! some agree and some don't. Some can be swayed through debate, and some can't. Discussion and debate are good. A totally closed mind is a terrible thing to waste. Semper fi Marine!