Thwarted attack....or not?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by dragonfly, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    You seem to be fighting a losing battle - the cops and judges are on the take.
    I'd sell out and move. Until you can stay there permanently, you will contnue to lose anything you leave there. You are a Golden Goose to these barstages. maddd
    dragonfly likes this.
  2. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    DF - I am waiting to see a documentary made on you and this "homestead". Imagine what a wonderful place this will be when the SHTF. If the scumbags are already in the area, your screwed.

    Time to relocate the retreat. Your ****ed!
    dragonfly and VisuTrac like this.
  3. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Some say, they FEAR they will see my name on the news one day...soon!
    Not as the one that was shot and killed....just the opposite.
    They think I'll meet a confrontation and the lead would fly, leaving a lot of bodies in the wake. Now my theory is simple, soon most of them will either kill each other or have to move to much greener pastures, as they will have stolen and sold everything of value in the area. Right now it's like a 3 stooges re-make, with really moronic people. They steal from each other, sell it back to each other, try to trade, and con each other, and it's gone to the point where they have nothing they can do anymore, to get something for nothing!
    Pickin's are a gettin scarce up in them thar woods!
    I have been patient and watched, waited, and listened, to all that is happening. Lately the bad guys are getting worried, they know they can't stay there much longer. They have no work, and no friends. ( most are like a bunch of fleas arguing with a bunch of ticks, over who owns the dog they're on!) No food makes people want to move on!
    Something has to give and I'd be willing to ( almost) bet, that very soon several of them will depart for other places where they are not known, and can con their way in and start their crap all over anew! In the past 2 months something has happened,( can't say) that has a lot of them really paranoid. It wasn't me! I haven't been up there for some time now! Whatever it is, they are getting ready to bug out! Maybe, if I have any luck at all, when my last property is paid off( May 2012) they'll be long gone! Then life will be better for the rest that are decent people ( there are maybe 2-3...?) Ok, so I'm being generous on that amount! 1 good really harsh winter would ensure the depature of many quickly!
    bountyhunter likes this.
  4. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    i was thinking make some sort of spike strip, take a 2x4 and drive a bunch of nails through it, burry the 2x4 with just the nails sticking up. if you got an area where you have stuff stored at put in in your driveway when you leave. i dont think many people are gonna try driving on 4 flat tires.
  5. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    The 2 x 4's are already in use by a few people up there and yes folks, they work! Flattening the nails out after driving them thru the boards, then grinding them to a sharp point is one type I've seen, another is really nasty, they flatten them out and then shaped the nails into a hook style with barbs!
    OUCH! ( Holy shades of V.C.!) One guy made up "sticky boards" that are 2 foot by 4 foot and of 3/4 inch plywood. Then he put deck screws thru them so they stick up about an inch and a half! Yikes! That'll ruin anyone's day! Right now they are used to keep the coyotes at bay and it's working!
    Personally I like the "tanglefoot" made of barbed wire, from say 6 inches to a foot in height, and then varied in a zig zag pattern! That would set ya back, driving your nose into the ground!
    Or, you could use a LOT of old rakes, and leave them set out with the tines up! ( That really hurts! I won't ever forget it!) Those handles travel at the speed of SMACK DOWN!
  6. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    i wonder for the thieves that move in on foot, if a guy could come up with some sort of electric fence with some thin wire hooked up to a big ol battery? just a rough idea im sure someone could come up with something.
  7. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    One person has recently "suggested" I use the "tanglefoot" system and inside the wires, put those "stickyboards" with the drywall screws....
    ONLY IF and WHEN the "rule of law" or SHT proverbail fan so to speak, then yes, that would be a viable alternative.
    Not now. It would be easily construed again as a "booby trap" device.
    It would be highly effective and nasty. The perps would come thru, get tripped up or entangled and IF they should fall ( the intent is clear) the injuries would be very bad. I can imagine falling and being "impaled" by a LOT of those sharp screws. It would be much harder to extract ones hands, arms, legs, etc from those things...If you are "creative" you could "coat" those screws with any number of very filthy substances that ensure severe infection to set in. The only drawbacks are to be sure and stay clear of them yourself, and the screams would be quite unnerving!
    Now for the more "technical" side of things, I'd think lasers that cut the bad guys in half are a nice security fence system!
    The good side would be the bad guys wouldn't bleed much, as the cuts would be instantly cauterized by the heat of the lasers!
  8. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Some times deterence is like sex appeal.... 10% what you got and 90% what they think you got....

    there are ways to protect your properrty that are not booby traps but function in the same way...

    tripwires that connect to blank firing devices... tripwires that hook to flashbulbs... etc some might be worth a look....
  9. Nutpantz

    Nutpantz Monkey+

    You could always build a decoy building for them to go for.
    Some thing that looks temping as hell but scares the hell out of them if they try to break in.

    Lots of lights.loud sirens on timers. Camera recording when the motion lights go on. then dump the video proof of the perps pictures at the local cop shop.

    Its not easy be law abiding when you see no law protecting you.
  10. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Tomorrow at 7:00 am "investigators" both detectives and fire types will be up there. Seems my emails got someone's attention! They actually checked on me and the facts I laid out for them, like so many bread crumbs, has them motivated, last! Now the next BIG problem is: that my place wasn't being "scouted for scrapping"...Oh No, there were 3 people are using my empty mobile home to "cook" in! As in METH! No wonder they scattered into the trees, one leaving his mail type jeep behind! But one thing at a time......Slowly but surely the mess ( rats nest) will be cleaned out.
    So far 2 people are being investigated NOW, for: providing false information to a law enforcement officer, trespassing, criminal damages, arson, and hit and run. They were recently informed about the amount of "scrap" leavuing certains parts of the area, to the tune of $3,000 or more a week. Including stolen vehicles, trailers, solar panels, solar water heaters, propane water heaters, propane refrigerators, battries, gas, and any copper wiring and pipes.
    That should keep them interested for a few days and involves some 8-9 persons...Then there's the matter of those that are "cooking" and at least 4-5 people growing crops of MJ!
    Yeah, they will be busy! ( if they decide to do their jobs!)
  11. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    as far as people cutting chains and stuff with torches
    get some aluminum magnesium allow and make a few chain links of it
    right where they are most likely to cut with a torch
    they wont do that again :)
    dragonfly likes this.
  12. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Well, I once made some rather (shall I say) "intereresting" bolts, for a guy that was having ISSUES with the rear steel door of a pawn shop being broken into?
    It's not hard, but more than likely quite illegal. I drilled out the inside of the grade 5 bolts, then I tapped the ends to fit a set screw in them. The bolts ( he did, this NOT me) were then filled partially with BP. The set screws were put in and the doors hinges put back up with those bolts. NO way would you want to touch them, NOT with a hammer and chisel, a sawzall, a grinder, or a torch! The noise would be sudden and very SCARY! ( not to mention those shards of metal ! ( remember they were threaded bolts!) He evidently had no more issues, as I never saw him come back for more ITEMS! Or, he made a serious error and he's no longer worried about burglars!
    I just purchased some zirconium ( finely powdered) metal. ZOWIE! Close to Magnesium and Titanium when it comes to blinding white light and sparks!
    Talk about wild stuff! Only works when it gets hot (see "Dragon's Breath shotgun shells!) The metal is heavy, almost like steel or even heavier, close to lead. It is awesome! It can be NASTY!
    Now I recently saw an ad on ebay for white phosphorus..NOT my cup of tea, BUT just think of the possibilites, most of which are fire inclusive!
    Personally, I won't touch it! I woudn't buy it, and I want NO part of that stuff!
    That is HELL on earth! I once Had to "deal" with some "boobytrapped" WP grenades ....Still scares the daylights out of me today, and that was over
    40 years ago! Talk about "see your life pass before your eyes" kinda stuff!
    That's the stuff!
  13. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Just think all, I too live up here in the "North" as Dragonfly calls it. When I first bought my property about 16 years ago, it was loaded with drug cookers etc. Well, after about 2 years, we got rid of most of them. Now last week it was people cutting down trees on my neighbors property. They have no idea of how bad it would have been if Danny had been here. He is certifiably nuts !

    Lately, they have been breaking into cabins etc and stealing anything and everything that is movable. Imagine what it will be like after tshtf ?
    dragonfly likes this.
  14. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I for one am glad that no resident victim up there has turned vigilante and done anything so foolish as to take the law into their own hands. While I'm sure it's fun to contimplate, dirty tricks like sneaking up on their place at night and shooting it up, burning their place down, scattering nasty surprises, and the like is very illegal and could get someone into really bad trouble. It's good that the decent folk are showing restraint and patience, not everyone is able to do that.

    Stay safe, stay legal.
    dragonfly likes this.
  15. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

  16. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    One of the scrappers in the town I work in (for another week anyway) tried to steal a transformer from behind a Braums a town over, and nearly fried himself. Got careflighted to Dallas, from what I heard, and Xcel was there to greet him when he rolled into the recovery room. However, he's back running around stealing anything that isn't nailed down so I guess nothing came of it.

    At work, they've stolen every bit of wiring out of our trailers and trucks, steal the gas out of the city vehicles (busting off our locking caps), torn up the hoses on our overhead fuel tanks trying to steal fuel, and there isn't an empty trailer in town that still has it's siding or copper pipes left intact. Some of them even got on the roof of city hall and stole all the copper wiring out of our air conditioning units. It's like roaches swarming a dirty kitchen. Next week is my LAST week working there and good riddance to all of them, but my town is just 15 minutes away and they already go foraging into the surrounding communities.

    (erm, just realized I replied to a really old thread)
  17. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I was recently "recruited" by the local welder here to help design and fabricate some "cages" to fit over pickups used by a large residential and commercial electrical company...Even rebar won't stop the determined....the company went out of business as a direct result of their losses,,,,Insurance would no longer pay for the thefts...that means 26 people were jobless overnight...the good guys don't always win! But we tried!
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