Well some work finaly came through for a while. Ive been getting 8-10 hours most days for the last week or so litteraly and completely removing the roof (as in to the top of the walls) from a house that is being moved to a new location where we will be replacing the roof and reshingleing it, plus get a couple hours paid time riding to and from the work site each day. On top of that have been cleaning up a bunch of the metal junk around the farm and takeing it to sell for scrap and working on all the spring chores like trying to get the garden ready and so pastures cleared and so on. Just wanted to drop in and let everyone know was still alive, just finaly getting some paying work as well as lots of work around home so havent had much computer time and probably still wont have a lot for the another week or so at least.
What E.L. said! I was going to post and ask if anyone had seen him...on Wednesday! and he shows up....kind of like a super hero.....!
The Lady was a Scamp Funny Story from today. I was between 2 client offices today and I had decided to stop at a local sport center to see what that had in the way of knives. I'm looking for one for my Grandson's 10th birthday and I wanted to spec out the choices before I brought him in. Anyway, I'm dressed for office work today, pink silk blouse, blazer, trousers - you get the picture. I figured that since I was stopping there anyway, I'd bring in some Sadlak samples to see if the shop was interested in carrying our line. The gun room is at the very back of the shop and there were 7 or 8 guys in there who looked like they were just back from the bush, their rifles on the counter, and enjoying lots of good natured talk. As I walked in, total silence fell over the group. It was as if I had just walked into the men's room by mistake - all eyes were on my. The time has passed when I could consider the eyeballing a tribute to my feminine wiles so it had to be that I had envaded a male bastion. The man behind the counter must have assumed that I had wander in by mistake and left the guys to rush up and ask "Were you looking for something ma'am?" I pulled my parts out of my bag, put them on the counter, and began to explain in what ways they were be best M14/M1A parts available (pardon my prejudice.) Before you know it, all of the guys in the room had circled around and were listening to the discussion about USGI specs, receivers, gas systems, etc. and asking questions. After I passed cards out to everybody, I made arrangements with the gun manager to go back next week and install a mount of his SA so he could use it as a demo. Feeling like I should give a little shake and zip up my trousers, I left, still female, still older than anyone in the room, but a little straighter in the back and a little taller in my stance. A good day.
I think it's a still-shot from a documentary; Wild Chicks and Their Native Habitat Species; Stupidous blondeous.
RH that was priceless. After laughing out loud my folks and my wife looked at me kind of odd, so I read your post and they all got a big laugh out of your story. You are awesome.
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, dancing a jig; To market, to market, to buy a fat hog; Home again, home again, jiggety-jog; To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again, market is done. Sooooo much to catch up on...didn't even turn a computer on the last 3 days...