I was walking to the kitchen for some Golden Grahams and accidently stepped into an alternate dimension.
I was listening to Wierd Al Yankovic That is a line from his song, but I had one beer down at that point I just wanted to through something off the wall out there
First Tracy, I love your roaming avatar... second, I sleep with windows/doors open. If you want to steal my truck or other vehicles, The key is in the ignition... If someone comes all the way down to my place to rip me off, they wont be stopped by a lock... They may, however, be stopped by a Glock.... wait, that didn't rhyme. anyhoo, I sleep naked. Wha, I didn't just type that... Kop in the house?
Windows shut, ac on. Thought of the day: "Why did the baby wake up three times early this morning? Second thought of the day: "How did I sleep through it all?" Third thought of the day: "My poor little wife." Oh well.
Too hot for open windows here recently, aircon is on. But a couple weeks ago, before Momma Nature fired up the boilers and the windows got closed, the damn crows in the pasture woke up at 4 AM. Naked is cool, but no one here to share it with ---
The Federal Government is what makes a tomato fruit. They decided that back in either the late 1800's or the early 1900's I forget which. I believe it was the Supreme Court in fact. You did ask melbo. Don't believe me - look it up. (Of course you never know I could be lying). Then again this is what I call or government at work (or absolute power goes to people's heads).
I don't remember the exact story but it had to do with Latin American imports of fruit.Fruit imports were subject to an import tax.They started importing tomatos and claimed a tax exemption because they were a veggie.No veggie tax on the books at that time.The Gov. had to close the loophole so they could get the money.I believe you're right in that it went to the supreme court,where tomatos were ruled to be a fruit.Got to get every dime they can.