This thread Will never die!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Quigley_Sharps, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I got a $50 bill in the mail from my father around 2:30pm. So on the spur of the moment decided to go to the mall. I'm not so sure if that was a bad move or not on my part.

    As it is the traffic was horrible, I did not spend $50, I had to wait over 1 1/2 hours for a tow truck to take the car down to where it had been worked on a little over a month ago (you see cars don't run very well when they have no anti-freeze in the radiator). Just got home.

    I'm glad I have good insurance since the towing won't cost me anything (had this happened somewhere else it would of cost me since they tow only the first 5 miles for free and it just so happens this put it within that 5 miles)...and it's a real good possibility that it's not going to cost me anything to have the car repaired either. But just how much damage was done before I could get the car out of bumper to bumper traffic and parked???

    I am not a happy camper with the rudeness of some people. I was trying to be polite, the least they could of been was be polite as well.

    The tow truck driver was very nice. He drove mom and myself all the way home and we live on the other side of town from where all this happened. Very nice guy.
  2. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Sorry to hear your luck. I think it is best to stay out of the Malls anyway, especially this time of year. The people are nuts. They drive especially crazy this time of year too.
  3. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That is the pits TLynn....

    I know what you mean about would think they never had any adversity in their life, the way they treat others.... :rolleyes:

    Sorry for your problems......

    want to borrow the pimpmobile?? ;)
  4. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That's okay CRC, I do own a 4x4 truck (sigh)...

    This time of year??? Around here it's 365/24/7...the only difference around Christmas is you just find them all in once place. :lol:
  5. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    watching Elk out my window right now walking around in the snow
  6. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I'm jeolous
  7. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Me too. I am watching my English Bulldog try and eat the lights off of the Christmas tree. :rolleyes:
  8. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I watched my Jaguars pull another one off! :D :D :D :D
  9. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Wooooooo Freakin Hoooooooo!!!!

    We may close Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b:: b:: b:: [winkthumb]
  10. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Freezing rain, fog, snow and back to 43 degs today all within 10 hours and it started out 12 degs this morning and sun.
  11. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Here I am sitting in a recliner, looking at the Christmas tree after eating a nice supper. My bulldog is laying on the floor on the rug, then she farts. It is 37F outside and raining, but it stinks so bad I might have to open all of the doors. [camo]
  12. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Crap, the damn dog farted again. Now she's snoring like a freight train. I think Magnus must have snuck her something..... :evil:
  13. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Weather warms up and all we get is fog...go figure.

    Good news is I got my car back.

    Bad news is $923.00, on the other hand they did find the oil leak I've been looking for the past 2 years (and fixed it).

    So I was right about my feelings about this time of year. I truly do hate Christmas time. [cof]
  14. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Wasnt the cause of the problem this time that they screwed up on what they did last time? I would think they would be responsible to fix it for nothing on the basis that they were the ones who screwed it up. That sucks!
  15. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    It had been my hope it was...but no such luck. Even I know that flushing the radiator system does not mean I lose my head gasket among other things. Nope, I'm just lucky it was only 15 or so degrees outside and the engine wasn't damaged.

    The bill would of been less but I told them to go ahead and replace a few more gaskets (including the one with the oil leak). The gaskets are cheap, but removing brush guards and cleaning up injectors are not.

    So much for my gun buying days for awhile...going to go hit a few boards I frequent as soon as the weather improves (got to take some pictures first) and sell of some guns...after all it's not like I can shoot them all (and I don't shoot the S&W .41 mag at all).
  16. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Got any snub nose revolvers your looking to sell off that arent high dollar ones? I wont be able to look seriously untill probably March or so but figured would ask sincy your cleaning the safe.
  17. TLynn

    TLynn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Fraid no snub nosed ones...smallest I have is 4" revolvers and the only one I'm probably going to sell is the NIB (presentation box at that) :lol: S&W Model 57 .41 mag.

    I figure between that, the custom knife (if it sells on another board), the Turk Mauser, possibly the Enfield, probably the Chinese SKS and might even pull out one or two more bolt rifles I might actually not only pay off the bill but the whole dang credit card (I really hate credit cards). [cof]
  18. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Yeah, I already have my .357 with a 4" barrel. Figure once I get my CCP it will work fine for carrying in the winter but kind of looking for something a little smaller for the summer time, even at my size concealing that .357 when Im wearing nothing but jeans and a T-shirt is a bit tough, especialy since finding oversized T-shirts for me that dont cost a fortune is near impossible. Im a little to heavy and a lot to tall in the torso.
  19. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Hmmmm...Let's see who's here today....

    There's me....

    oh yeah....then there's ; me...

    oh, and ME. :rolleyes:

    WHY AM I HERE???????????????

    and I have to do it again tomorrow morning....but only for 3 hours...Phone hasn't rang in 2 hours.....

    Anyone want to call? ;)

    I am soooooooooooo freaking bored...
  20. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Sure, go ahead and put that number out over the net, we won't tell anyone else......... [yack] [phone] ;) :sneaky: [troll]
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