Thanks Quig, yes Magnus, she makes the holidays that much more enjoyable. We are having a hard time keeping her away from the tree. I actually tied the top to the stairs just in case. The tree actually looks better than the pics show. With the stand it is 12 ft. tall. I wanted to get the tree up while my family was here for Thanksgiving, that way everyone could help decorate it. We had a good time, wine, Christmas songs, and decorating the tree. My wife bought a couple of lighted deer for the front yard, their heads even move. Me being me though, I snuck out there and placed a 2413 Superlite Superslam with a 125 gr. Thunderhead broadhead right through the spot where the heart would be.
Now that's funny........LMAO! No lit up flamingo's??? I need to take a picture of this one yard here..Santa in a a bathing suit...sleigh pulled by dolphins and flamingos...Actually it is one of those neighborhoods that do the WHOLE street and go WAY overboard?? It is totally awesome..I ride down it almost every night just to cracks me up.. One house has a huge angel right next to a Jacksonville Jaguar all lit up...LOL!
You may want to check the ingredients and regulations, I seem to recall haveing heard that the soldiers are not alowed to have pork products (along with alcohol, and a few other things) there due to the laws there or whatever. I may be wrong but would be better to check in advance than have him get in trouble or not get the package due to BS regs that way.
Ok came home with a Christmas tree, and Arizona Fir. Isnt as big as EL's but very nice color and size though. Pics to come later......
I've just about decided I need one of them things, too. I was convinced a couple years ago when on a tour with a group, and one of the other guys had a 2 lb camera around his neck, and I was packing 15 lbs of gear all the way and every walkabout. Print processing is getting pretty pricey and isn't as easy to find as it was some time back. The world is going digi, and somehow, I think I need to keep up.
I may not like it ....but I think I have to do it..I saw one advertised last night..The new Nikon?? It says it is the easiest one yet to operate... Perhaps you can teach an old dog new tricks.....
I've always been a photo buff with several highend cameras but I got both a digital Sony and Nikon within the past couple years and they have become my primary day to day cameras. When I use my manual cameras, I shoot exclusively slides. I have a slide scan attachment for my scanner so everything can be digitized for archiving purposes. Having a digital encourages everyone to document the everyday moments of their lives which become more precious as time passes, children grown, parents die...
The Kodak easy share camera is real easy to use ad all. Thats what we have and once you install the software on the computer you just plug in the camera and click a deal on the screen to download all the pics in the camera or you can get the port for it that you just set it in and print the pics. Its not super high end for some pics but its what all the pics Ive taken and posted have been taken with.
SOMEbody is gonna have to teach us both. I got you by several years, youngster. Not afraid to learn, it just doesn't come as easily as it used to. I'm looking at full featured SLRs to start with, since my background is with 35 mm SLR film cameras, seems like I might understand them better. Most of my pic taking is sorta of the "we wuz dere" sort, but every now and then, I go for quality shots, and I want the camera to be at least one step ahead of me. Anyhow, film is getting priceyer and priceyer, and processing ditto. And worse, places to process it are getting harder to find without making special trips. So I figures that the savings in processing, gas to get there and pick it up, and the film itself will offset the cost of the camera itself. The high end NIkon has been ruled out for price alone, 1200 bux for a box with no lenses is too rich for my blood. The high end Olympus, Canon, Sony, Minolta, are all in play for now. I've been an Oly owner for a LONG time and favor the E500 on the face of it. If my old lenses will fit it, that will settle the deal for me. No hurry, I have no immediate needs, just wants. I do have some interesting old tricks, or so I've been told. RH, that is sort of my plan as well. I have the old OM 1 fit out for mostly slides, and have made a mask for slide scans that worked well in the past, and now will again. Slide processing is out of sight these days, but is the only way to fly for archive purposes. I'd be a mite cautious about archiving digitally, the technology is outpacing things to the point that CDs will soon be obsolete, and we'll need legacy hardware to recover the images. Even my zip drive disks are useless (but I managed to get then on CDs and now have them on a portable HDD as well as backup. But each translation loses a bit of detail to electronic "noise" in the system that cannot be filtered out.) Save anything you want to save as hard copy or slides along with electronic format. Note that the "experts" will tell you that saving digi pix in more detail than you can use on your monitor is a waste of pixels. I say bullshit, , the more pixels you have in digital format, the more pixels you can afford to lose in upgrading your storage without losiing the details you want. MM, the shots you posted with the butchering tutorial should work just fine. I haven't yet tried to make a PPS show, but it is on the list of things to do. Even if your shots pixelate, I think they can be smoothed out in one or another of the photo editing softwares that are around. Maybe this part of the thread should go to the Tech forum? Then again, maybe not --
I like my Nikon for several reasons. 1. Nikon has always had a superior lend. 2. I like to case structure - it's comfortable. 3. For a few bucks, you can get a lens adapter so that the Nikon lens from for 35mm slr's can be mounted on the digital camera. I have a lot invested in lenses so that was a deciding factor for me. The Sony is a great little camera but I prefer the Nikon. The Sony was around $600 and the Nikon around $500. Regarding archiving, I agree that technology changes but I still have the slides carefully stored do if I have to, I repeat the process.
YEAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I FINALLY figured out what was up with our hot water heater. I kept thinking in terms of like with DC that pos is pos and neg is neg but with the AC (in 220)you have 2 hot wires that are polar opposite and a neutral, so testing across the element (hot to hot) you should get 220 AND either side to the neutral should be 120. I was getting the 120 on either side but nothing across, so I finally tracked it back and found out it was before you got to the box, the 120 on one side was coming backwards from the other side. I found out that one of the hot wires that comes from our poll to the house (buried shallow) had gotten a hole and had turned to a powdered aluminum oxide that was only letting about 20 volts through. So had to unburied it, throw the main at the pole and splice past the problem and cover it with most of a roll of electric tape as a temp fix until we have money to replace the wire. We now have hot water for the first time in a few weeks AND the clothes dryer we thought the element was bad on and hadn't worked right for a couple of months now works right again too! I'm very happy to find we don't need a new water heater and dryer and can put off replacing the main power line to the house for a couple months until we can afford it.
Looks like I won't be buying that Nikon...was just talking to a friend about buying one ..and they said "You really don't want to do that"...and I just kept on and on about how I did.. Finally they said "Damn it..I just spent 3 whole days on the internet finding the best camera for you! Don't buy yourself anything from Thanksgiving on anymore...that's why your friends can't get you anything..You get it yourself!" Oh well. I really wanted that Nikon too...
Cool! Yeah we got the Kodak easy share with the printer port for like $300 on a so so sale at Walmart then a memory card for another $60 or so to where it will hold like 150 or 200 pics at top quality. The ones I posted in the butchering thread were from that and sized down to considerably less than half. I dont think it has a super good zoom for some stuff like pics of wild life that look like you are right by them while you were actualy 1/4 to 1/2 mile off, but for general stuff it works great and will do like 30 seconds or some such of vidio, so for the price we have been real happy with it, and I think you can cut that about in half if you down load to the computer rather than getting the printer port and can print them on a normal printer if wanted.
Unfortunately when you buy a Nikon you are stuck with their lenses and their lenses only. If I upgrade to a Canon (I have right now a Kodak - mid range - about $400.00), I can buy lenses from several different manufacturers to put on it. So I'm waiting for the new Canon to go down in price. I just don't feel like spending $1,000. Yes, I research my cameras and there are some other aspects about the Canon I like better than the Nikon - especially in close up photo work.
All y'all sound like you really know what you're talking when mine comes and I can't figure out how to turn it're going to be
CRC, whatever you get, turn it on, take it with you where ever you go, and shoot everythingthat vaguely interests you. Try different settings, filters, etc until you learn what gives you the results you are looking for.