Very nice melbo....Glad you could do that yesterday... I don't have much family left children , and my father (who is 82) ...and my much younger brother , in Texas...who calls only when he is in trouble.. That's it...Maybe that is why my friends are so important to me..They have become the family I chose..(or they chose me) It's good to have family..I sincerely hope that works out for you...!
Anybody know why my left hand is swollen? I figure I didn't shoot more than 100 rounds of 45 ammo yesterday. Today I can hardly make the fingers bend without it hurting. I even shot at least 30 rounds of it right handed... Dang there's got to be an easier way to have fun... Then again maybe not.
You guys ever get that feeling of what you are reading is pissing you off on the Computer? Time to slide the keyboard in, shut it down, slide the chair in. Get up and go for a walk and take a break and get a life back for a little while.
Quig, that's what a good book is for. I spend a lot more time these days cleaning guns and reading. Life is meant to be enjoyed I intend to do more of enjoying it...computers are not life. at least not as I know it...
Yeah, I hate the BS... but I don't let it get to me too often. I laugh a lot about it thouh... Problem is, this keyboard has allowed me to meet a really good base of good people. They are a global bunch at this point and if wading through all the crap netted me even 1% good people, I'd say it was worth it. So Budweiser salutes you, "Mr, pack up the keyboard and slide in the chair man!" See you tomorrow
Sometimes I enjoy the debate of an issue and other times, it's not worth my energy. I guess it depends on how my day/week has gone. But, like melbo, for the most part, I enjoy the diversity and try to avoid those that just simply piss me off.
God save me from people who's whole day is spent discussing last nights television soap opera's...Desperate Housewives...and Everybody loves Raymond... I have never seen either one..and if they want to watch it..fine.. But please do not sit next to me and discuss it for over an hour.......................already.
Between working 2 jobs and working PT from home I don't have time to watch TV, so the "gossip" about what happened the night before is all I get. And, yes, it's very annoying. Now if they would just talk about good shows (if there are any on TV these days). Ryan
Me neither Quigley! Too many good books to read.... and some to re-read.... Buffett, in one of his songs ...says "Turn off the TV, Turn off the Crap..." Yep. Works for me......
TV is okay...about once a month or so...other than that I've got other things I like to do (mostly reading books, working on stuff). Just have other things in life...
Me too T.....I can't imagine a life without books...Reading a Mark Twain book right now..that I don't know how I missed? "Traveling the Equator".....Great read... Off for a day or two y'all.....See you when I get back...Hope everyone's Thanksgiving is good...and peaceful....I'm going to visit an old friend...and try to get back tomorrow before dinner at another friends house... Have a good one...and yeah...y'all are on my gratitude list .... Happy Thanksgiving...
Hey Galactus...Happy Thanksgiving.... and I am out of here.......but first... I just think my friends are totally nuts..and wouldn't have it any other way....Off another board....the Buffett board.. Posted: November 20, 2005 9:13 pm Post subject: Margaritaville at the Dallas Cowboys Game -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We went to the Cowboys game today. Midway through the third quarter, they played Margaritaville as the "KLUV Hit of the Game". I did what any self-respecting parrothead would do. I stood up and held my hand over my heart for the National Anthem
I won a turkey at work yesterday...gave it to a veteran I know. Should feed him for a few days. About died laughing when he said turkey and lima beans though... You all have a good Thanksgiving (good thing he's coming over for dinner tomorrow - he can have his turkey later). T out
I only eat turkey once a year, and that's only if I have to! Hopefully there'll be ham also tomorrow.