Im back! Headed home this morning instead of hunting today since they were calling for the first snow of the season here and it was supposed to be rain then snow (pronounced sheet of ice under snow) with 50 MPH winds, so I decided to come home before I had to drive in that if it did hit.
Came home tonight after work to our cat all messed up, somebody musta gave him a hard kick to the front left shoulder and ribs. fking people why dont they just kill animals instead of messing them up? Is a really cool cat, first one out of thousand's of them i have seen that i really liked. Doesnt cause trouble hangs around the house. Taking him to the Vet tomorrow, Man I dont like it when my daughter is sad.......
Tonight at dinner I bought a Cav scouts dinner that just came home from Iraq. I don’t know him, but I thanked him by buying his dinner without telling him. Try that when you see our service men and women in uniform. He was smiling looking around the room as he left, I asked not to be known from the waitress..
Quig, some people are born with a mean streak in them. Torture is all they know. Killing clean is not something they would understand and doesn't give them pleasure. I hope the cat survives. You did a good thing buying that returning soldier his meal. It is something he'll remember for a long time to come. Ghost hang in there. You can do it.
This one day at a time is great..but this week ...well, I could have told you it was a Full Moon without looking outside..... I will be glad to put this one to bed.....
Better today... Had a long talk with the Tiki Gods last night...walked over to the Beach...and got up this morning around 6 and walked over there to watch the Sunrise .... Just know that the this last week really kicked me in the gut... Right before I left for JP's funeral..I got a call about a dear , dear man..who was a good friend...little older than me......who suffered a stroke on Wed...Life Flighted down to Jax on Thurs morning...and left us yesterday morning.... Yesterday was too much about death for me..Until I realized that that is what life is...and that my life was so much better for knowing these two fine men....and all they taught me... I have turned this around...and instead of feeling sorry for myself and everyone that these guy's lives touched? I will be grateful that I had the good fortune to know both of them..and live and learn and laugh with them... I forgot what is important for a couple of days..... Glad I remembered......I don't like that other side of me very much.....Too much Ego and Self Will run riot...... Sooooo...with that....I'm back! Have a good one y'all.....
CRC, while I am sorry to hear about your dear friend, I am glad to see that you have turned things around to understand a little bit more about celebrating life. In truth that is all we can do...for none of us know what will happen next. May your life be a long and joyful one CRC. You of all of us definitely deserve some more sunshine in your life.
Thank you Teresa....2 in one week was a bit more than I wanted to , or thought I could, handle... But some reflection...and well...I am just grateful I have friends like that...and that they crossed my path.... I have a lot to be grateful for when it comes down to it...
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It is a grand day! My Jaguars beat Tennessee AT Tennessee......(sorry melbo...but this goes WAY back!)
What a wonderful afternoon. I finally got to experience an indoor range. Shoot lots of different 45's. Meet 2 people from a different internet board (one a custom knife maker out of Eagle), fondle custom knives and even shoot an AR-15 (and actually hit the paper). Dang can life get any better? Oh wait, work is tomorrow and I've got 45's to clean...drat! Best of all was watching the knife maker shoot good old 1911's. Like a kid in his first candy store. I think we've got him hooked!!!
Happiness is listening to my two daughters play and giggle. You would think that they were twins, instead of 12 1/2 years apart.
I spent the weekend with family... the other side of my family and I think my brother and I are on our way to repairing some wounds. Or maybe he just liked shooting suppressed weapons off his deck