Just a garter snake...has those stripes on it....kind of yellowish green.... I wasn't taking any chances in the dark...... I gotta replace that light......My garbage can is out there on the patio and it is fenced in....can't run too far... and I didn't even scream or anything!
Try parrothead and "I'm feeling Lucky"... You get a buffettesque boat name generator (I tried CRC but it didn't work)
I googled the New CRC and found this... earnest1 adjective Marked by sober sincerity: businesslike, no-nonsense, serious, sobersided. Idioms: in earnest. See heavy/light, work/play. Full of or marked by dignity and seriousness: grave2, sedate, serious, sober, solemn, somber, staid. See attitude/good attitude/bad attitude/neutral attitude, heavy/light. Having great consequence or weight: grave2, heavy, momentous, serious, severe, weighty. See important/unimportant.
The Parrothead friends have flown in...arrived safely and squawking about flocking to the Palace Saloon... T minus 15 minutes and counting..See y'all later ....
Pretty much sums it up.....again. He didn't write it...but he sang it on "License to Chill"..... Here I’m singin’ happy birthday Better think about the about the wish I make This year gone by ain’t been a piece of cake Everyday’s a revolution Pull it together and it comes undone Just one more candle and a trip around the sun I’m just hangin’ on while this old world keeps spinning And it’s good to know it’s out of my control If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from all this livin’ Is that it wouldn’t change a thing if I let go No you never see it comin’ Always wind up wonderin’ where it went Only time will tell if it was time well spent It’s another revelation Celebrating what I should have done With these souvenirs of my trip around the sun I’m just hangin’ on while this old world keeps spinning And it’s good to know it’s out of my control If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from all this livin’ Is that it wouldn’t change a thing if I let go Yes I’ll make a resolution That I’ll never make another one Just enjoy this ride on my trip around the sun Just enjoy this ride
Things I learned today: Today, 11/10/2005 is the 230th anniversary of the USMC. (Thank you Quigley, and the Parrotheads) Semper Fi On November 10th, 1775, the Second Continental Congress resolved to raise two battalions of Continental Marines marking the birth of our United States Marine Corps. As Major General Lejeune’s message reminds us, the ensuing generations of Marines would come to signify all that is highest in warfighting excellence and military virtue. Each November as Marines the world over celebrate the birth of our Corps, we pay tribute to that long line of “Soldiers of the Sea” and the illustrious legacy they have handed down to us. also.. It is 30 yrs since the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, today. http://www.cleveland.com/edmund/wide/index.ssf?/edmund/wide/graphic.html Sail On..Capt McSorely, and crew.....
So ...I'm watching the news tonight....and they are interviewing people after the Suicide Bomber ..... and one of the "almost" victims is speaking ..in English. And they have subtitles..and all I can think about is Quigley's video (the interview with the terrorist?) and LMAO! I need help....