I would never have expected to see that result... and how'd they do that? I can't imagine the page's webmaster set it up that way! Thank you! Soggiest Halloween on record here. We still had a blast! I hope your family did, too!
Got a flu Shot monday morning and I think I got a small case of the flu from it. Really tired now.. Back to bed. I think I'll be better tomorrow
The flu shot will not give you the flu...you already had the flu when you got the shot. What the shot did do was accelerate the actual flu you had and bring it on quicker. It's a preconceived notion people have that they got the flu from the shot (doesn't happen that way). However, I truly am sorry about you catching the flu bug and hope you feel better soon.
I need to get a flu shot - love 'em! I used to get real sick once a year but once I had a liver transplant I had to start getting them and now I don't get sick at all. Last year I couldn't find one until January!
Ok...I found the gratitude today.... Got my flu shot and I'm fine...(TLynn is right) I don't have any health problems at all..... I have a job that once I am there a little longer..I will be fine with....I like the people I work with .... I now accept that , NO....Men are not from Mars..and Women are not from Venus...we're just different.....and I'm glad.....Be kind of boring if we were all the same... Thanks for the help today , y'all.....
That'll be 13 years ago in January - all went well. Just haven't been able to drink, I quit that 8/91.
My dad quit smoking and drinking when he was in his 50's and laughingly said he never had another healthy day after that. It got to be a family joke. Glad you have had better luck Valkman.
Good to know the liver transplant has gone this good for so long Valkman...keep it up. CRC, glad you got your flu shot. I think it's time I finally put my auto insurance papers in the car...after all it's only been about 3 months ago since the new set arrived. Then again in anther 3 months the next set will arrive so maybe I should just wait.
I'm guessing that it was the power of my mind that made me sick, or another reaction to the vaccine unrelated to the actual virus' in the serum. I know that I could not have possible gotten sick 3 hours after the injection from a weakened virus. Too short of incubation time. So, TLynn may be right in that I already had the bug but didn't know it, or my 100% skepticism of the vaccine, coupled with my uncle's paralysis after a flu shot put me in a bad state of mind from the get-go. Whatever the case. I am feeling much better now and will attempt to head back to work in the morning.
SO I called Bear monday... I had totally confused the time zone thing and realized while laying in bed today that it was 5:40AM rather than 5:40PM like I was thinking... I am so sorry Bear. My geopraphy was waaaay off day. Bear, "hello" melbo, "Hey man, it's melbo, WHat's up?" Bear, "Oh, not much..." He should have hung up on me
Oh ouch!!! Ummm yeah there's a huge time difference between east coast and Hawaii melbo...a huge time difference. Poor bear. Thank god he's such a nice guy. ps - and yes you might of had so much going on in your head about the flu shot thing that you psyched yourself into getting sick. On the other hand you may be one of those who has an allergic reaction to the vaccine itself...it's a hard call (there are so many variables here).
They gave me the Flu shot..and a pneumonia shot....I get them every year...My Dr is a great guy...he just has me come in, either before or after hours and gets Jane to give me the shots....He's a great guy... and....the source of many of my jokes... [rofllmao]
I don't get the flu shot any more. I got it 2 years in a row, those 2 years I had the flu worse than I ever did in my life Ya, I still get sick, but I'm usually over whatever bug I have within 24 - 48 hours. Both years I got the flu shot I was out sick for a week each time. There may be no connection, but then again, there may be one. For now, I guess my own immune system does a pretty good job so I will leave it at that. My wife does not get one either, egg allergies, and because of that my daughter does not get one either. ok, i'm gonna go seek some shelter now Ryan
I should be in Key West this week. Really. This is the pits. Least I have my sense of humor....and drunk dials from people in front of webcams in Hogs Breath Saloon...and on Duval St.....