I need better math skills. Increased prices for everything and decreasing income is getting tough to figure out how to balance the ledger.
I'm making Octo-Dogs today! They make me laugh! Every kitchen needs one of these... gives you these: I love my little world...it's fun here.
Well, crapola....I wish I had thought about it... I actually have this weekend off, which is strange, in Retail to have a Holiday weekend off. Guess I'll have to go watch the Fireworks down at the Marina, or at the State Park where I go kayaking....and come home. Waaayyyyy too many tourists in town to go to Margaritaville, or Tootsies , at the Beach. Have fun! I'll take pictures of my Octo-dogs....
House full of boys tonight... Movies, pizza, video games, birthday stuff (and maybe a little wine for Mom ). With the variety of friends invited, I'm just hoping for no altercations and the house to remain standing . Wish me luck . Nah... On second thought... wish them luck (I'm tougher than I look ).
I used to fly airplanes. Then one day I went to the eye doctor to see about the stupid floaters in my vision. The doctor said I might have glaucoma. After much soul searching, I sold said airplane, and decided to tke up a new hobby- sailing. I was sort of brought up around boats. Not like you guys in the Gulf of Mexico, but in lakes and rivers. I bought a cheap little 20' sailboat. My family joined the closest yacht club I could find- 1 hour away! I got and paid for a mooring. The boat wasn't ready, it took on water from the rain! I wasn't going to have it done in time for the season, so next season I bought another, bigger, better, slightly more expensive boat. Not being a sailor by nature, I didn't know how to rig it. Everybody at the club told me what I needed to do to fix it. Nothing money can't solve, huh? By the time I got it sorted out, the season is over and I can't put it in the water anymore. Two years at said club with no boat floating. My wife tells me she liked the first boat better. It was sitting in the mountains, untouched because all attention was focused on second, bigger boat. I was going to fix first boat again, but got kicked out of yacht club because they put in a new floating dock system, taking 75% of all of their moorings. So we go to another club on the other side of the bay, but limited to the river feeding it. Cheaper, but not better. Meanwhile my dad decides to move smaller boat so he can mow. He forgets to tie it down when he is done. Wind storm blows said boat over, damaging it beyond my repair. I went back to the eye doctor, they said my vision is okay, but my retenal nerve is really-really thin, must be the way my genes are. Anyway, no glaucoma. Just really concerned, check back every year for a full battery of tests. Tried to sell second, bigger, better boat, but no takers. I gave it away to charity so I didn't have to pay storage fees anymore. First boat is still where it fell over. I'm going to take the keel (800lbs of cast iron) to the recyclers someday soon. The mast is aluminum... My best boat is my dinghy- an 11' rigid inflatable boat with an 8hp motor. I take it on the river every so often. It sits deflated in my garage for the most part. Most practical boat- stows to almost nothing when not needed, but can be ready in 10 minutes, goes 20 mph, holds 800lbs, takes 3 foot waves, etc. A mi$$-$pent youth is a joy forever. I still have the stainless steel Marlin Papoose rifle that I was going to keep in the bigger, better boat. I never use it. Anybody want it for $150? I'd like to say I hate boats, but sonofabitch I love sailing. Almost as exciting as flying. The sail races were the best, I loved crewing for other boats at the club... the food at the club was exquisite, as was the price of the booze... Can I still say I hate boats? How about airplanes? When I sold my Ercoupe, it was to some guy in Tennesee, over the internet sight unseen! Unreal. He hired some punk kid to ferry it down to his location, but punk kid throttles 1947 vintage Erco Ercoupe 415CD and burns up the 75hp motor. That's too bad, says I, it was fully functional when I sold it, my A&P mechanic said so. I felt bad for the guy, but it was the punk kid's fault. He didn't even preflight the airplane, no maps, had to ask me where to get one at the closest airport with services! I pointed North, told him to follow the river, but when he took off he went west into the afternoon sun. Whatever. I get a call the next day that he crashed. I hate airplanes. Or better yet, I hate owning airplanes. But I hate renting airplanes more. What I need is an airplane like my dinghy (named GOLIATH, ha ha) that folds up and sits in my garage when not needed... Basically, I recovered from the airplane thing, just to fall into the snare of the boat thing, but I guess it doesn't mean much because I still have my good health thing!
I switched Doctor's after a fiasco at the V.A here in Phoenix. I found an older country type guy, seemed to be a good bet! Well, he says I have high blood pressure, and really bad cholesterol levels! 220/160 BP! Who knew!??? He wants me to quit smoking, Hey! so do I! He does some blood tests and the following week informs me that I am an alcoholic! Well, if he says so, he IS the DOCTOR right? 2 weeks go by my wife goes in to see him.... You won't beleive it! Seems she is a diabetic! I did what had to be done.... I got a NEW doctor! I'm better now! I'm still curious about my latent alcoholism though! Wife went back to said Dr.,...... Now, she has heart problems! I told her it's ok, I know a great Mortician!
Holy guacamole CRC (I was so inclined) that site has just about everything!! Yes sir! What matters most is how you see yourself, ya' know . I did get to have a bit of fun; followed them when they left too late. Stayed shadowed, totally busted (and scared the crap outta') them when they were done with their "fun". Muwahahahahaha. Never underestimate the stealth of a momma' (at least, not this one ).
Interesting couple weeks. Bucked hay and put up (for hire) about 3500 square bales, lost my phone that conects me to the web and just got it replaced today, have 2 pending job offers/prospects that Im waiting on the edge of my seat for them to become solid offers so can get back to work that actualy pays the bills. Makeing $325 for 4 long days of bucking hay sucks.
His Obamaness has arrived in Germany and will be giving his speech tonight, I have CNN intl., on the tv, and some presenter has just been talking with their anchor here in Germany and trying to convince him that the Germans love Obama WTF., 99,99999% of all Germans just don't really give a flying knatts knacker who visits Berlin, especially the not yet elected potential PROTUS. You have to admit, he has some nerve going around the world introducing himself to all of those heads of state, well all accept Gordon Clown of the UK., but he is having an audience with his Tonyness B Liar. Did I mention that I don't really care for him. Tony
Obama's campaign has just received the bill for the Berlin show. Security was extensive and very expensive, and why the hell should the German taxpayer pay for it? Before some nut gives it they lost the war, that's why! To qualify that statement he has to have served in a Combat unit from 1938 to 1947, have campaign medals for the European and Asian theatre's within that time frame. Is the world ready for the first Black American President? maybe. Is the world ready for the first Muslim Black American President? who knows. I don't know why but I get flash backs to JFK every time I see the man. The "Yea though my candle burns at both end's" poem springs to mind. Obama is to young and McCain is to old, just my opinion on a topic over which I have no control over whatsoever. God bless America, and the rest of the world too. Tony
11 kids, a school to run, a railroad to battle with, and you want MORE? WassamaddahU, glutton for punishment?