If you shoot someone in the heart they actually don't bleed much. If you plug them through the aorta they will bleed like a garden hose for several seconds.
True! A heart shot is pretty much an instant stop, but doesn't bleed much, any hit to the arteries will bleed like crazy! I got clipped across the forhead TWICE and I blead like a stuck pig until I got the insta-clot on it! Pro tip, NEVER use insta-clot on the head/face, it's brutal to carve off and will leave you with worse scaring then stitches, don't do it unless it's a life or death situation! This kid looks like it was shoot in the chest and possibly the left hip or groin, death wasn't instant, and it certainly felt it before it expired, which makes me feel a tiny bit better!
Uvalde was not fake, sadly. A really good friend of mine was one of the responding Border Patrol. She is totally professional and a badass in skill level across a large spectrum. She IS a smoking hot redhead but I don't know if she was in any videos. Maybe that's where that rumor started.
There's always an extra shooter in the beginning reports. Then they get scrubbed from the news. I wonder who they work for?