Everyone bitches and moans about the Congress Critters and Senators, but usually only those from other states...never their own. Members of Congress and Senators are expected to bring home the bacon, in the form of industry, government jobs, highways, bridges, water treatment plants, etc,.and we act surprised when they steal a few slices for themselves. If we want this to stop, we have to vote them out of office after a few terms regardless of how good they are. But NO, we keep re-electing them until they get too old, die in office or just can't bear the thought of mingling with the unwashed masses (that's US) anymore. As long as greedy citizens depend upon greedy politicians to secure state and Federal government funding there will be graft. VOTE THEM ALL OUT!
It gives AG Bondi and FBI Kash a reason to clean houses in New York. Lots of people with the FBI and DOJ are gonna be losing their jobs or be relocated to Iowa.
YA You all be waiting till death EyesIsWatchin #174 – Epstein File Psy-Op, The Noticing, Destruction of The West & The Measles BS