Things you quit buying due to inflation.

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by larryinalabama, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    The Goya doesn't have the earthy flavor of a Kona or similiar volcanic soil grown bean. I use Goya because it is strong, and started drinking it when I started to find coffee palatable. A good friend's father would make a whole pot (of expresso, no less) and drink it all. I just followed suit, albeit nowhere near in quantity as he did! I was further supprised by the use of the Goya brand expresso grind by a local Vietnamese resteraunt making this wonderful French concoction called cafe sua-da; single cup brewed over sweetened-condenced milk and sometimes followed up by pouring the mixed coffee over these really large tapioca grains. I mean they were the size of marbles... I don't think the tapioca added to the flavor at all, maybe just a gimick, or "that's the way we did it over there." I don't pretend to know, but it sure was good.
    jungatheart likes this.
  2. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    I guess I wasn't thinking hard enough, and try to live as freugally as possible, and I only came up with one example. I had my mind narrowed down to food.

    Well, there is a lot more I haven't been doing or buying since 2008. My Jeep has suffered quite a bit of neglect since then. There are several things that I can think of off the top of my head. As long as the vehicle still passes inspection, I won't bother until it becomes a problem.

    One example is the death wobble. Since I have been modifying my Jeep to be better offroad, it's on road handling has decreased. The death wobble is an incidious problem not usually associated with a small 2 1/2" lift. When you add in some other modifications like 4:10 gears, and an aftermarket front sway bar disconnect, it reared it's ugly head.

    The easiest way to fix this was to replace the steering stabilizer with a larger, aftermarket unit for about $30. So that's what I did. About 2 years later, I can start to feel the shimmy slowly come back.

    If you know the shimmy is there, you can effectively deal with it by staying out of the 45-50 mph range or accellerating through it as quickly as possible. My wife has problems with this. If you let the wobble self-propigate it can become dangerous.

    The funny thing is, there is a simple fix for it, and that is an adjustable track bar for the front axle. I just can't seem to justify (at the moment) spending $160 for one.

    Last year I didn't get a night time only seasonal pass at the local ski resort. Normally I get one because if you go more than 6 times the card pays for itself. Not last year; for some reason the season didn't feel right and I opted out before the cutoff date. That saved me some money.

    I guess I can forget next year at this rate, too. I have to hope for copious ammounts of natural snow so I can use my cross country skiis- they only cost me sweat and a few bucks for ski wax.

    I've been shooting centerfire rifle less and less, and rimfire more and more. I also practice stance, sight picture, breathing, dryfire, and follow through more, like I used to the week before a high power service rifle match to stay sharp.

    I also started to reload cast lead bullets for my pistols and gas checks in some rifles. Only in the aftermarket barrels for the Glocks, unlike one of my former co-workers. He said not to worry, it won't hurt a thing, but did complain that he had a bulged barrel once...

    It has been a slow process. Some of the things I used to do when I was younger I can look back on with shame for the sheer wastefulness, and wish that I had saved some of my consumables.
  3. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Lets see...uh...gas, so I don't drive right now and haven't for months...Food,since I haven't been driving, I am using my reserve foods...most everything....except the necessities like T.P.! I send the son for it!
  4. divadmas

    divadmas Monkey+

    i use a lot of butter. it has dropped under $2/lb lately.
    nuts are very high. cheapest are almonds at $4/lb. pecans and cashews are over $6.
    Salted Weapon likes this.
  5. nathan

    nathan Monkey+++

    I cut back on meats,Lachoy canned dinners,soups,and just about anything I can get Buy without.
  6. Ken_C

    Ken_C Monkey

    I dont go to the movies. its so expensive and the product is usually not that good. we wait till they come to the rental or cable. I dont buy store branded items because they usually suck (meijer brand stuff). Im not above using coupons or sales to get the good name brand stuff at a better price though. I like canning. I will try to make double batches of soups, sauces, and chili that we have for dinner just so I can store the left overs. my mom gave me a nice food dehydrator it works great. love using it on fruit that has been ripe for too long. better than throwing it away. over ripe fruit makes a fine adult beverage if you have enough of it and some skill.
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    As it turns out, I only eat 1 snack and 1 meal daily. I have been working on reducing my caloric intake as a rule to condition myself. So far, it is working. I am taking vitamins and drinking lots of water. My energy isn't too low, but I am still testing.

    I have bowls of nuts all over the house for light nibbles as I feel the need. The 1 "snack" I mentioned can be just about anything from cottage cheese and fruit to leftovers and a hearty breakfast of eggs and bacon.

    Coffee and tea are a must.
  8. kfaulk

    kfaulk Monkey

    Though something that I think would be rally critical with being able to save if you are able to cut back on, fuel is something that has to be looked at and really considered. But the might in terms of amount they are posing is something that is really hard to come by.

    And with daily life being really fuel dependent, it makes for something that actually works and is needed.
  9. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Makes me want to buy a bicycle or a bike, but the initial cost is just too much.
  10. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I quit buying the BS and I feel much better now!
  11. Shotgunpapa

    Shotgunpapa Monkey

    we got done a way with cable just use the antenna now watch local channels, don't eat out as much, try and do most shopping on line. and buy what's on sale.
  12. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Monkey+++

    Name brand foods, especially when most of the store brands are just as good....or better!
    3M-TA3 likes this.
  13. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Had to quit buying boats. Even the leaky ones are getting outrageous. who is buying up all the leaky boats ? A conspiracy ? :cautious: Guess I can't take my guns and ammo fishing any more. :(
    Ganado likes this.
  14. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Morning coffee at America's Favorite Drive Thru. It feels a little discriminatory, but management decided that since I only got drinks and no food items, that I could no longer get my coffee for free. (They had freely offered the free coffee refill deal as a Christmas gift to me last year.) Since the large drink was the only carbonated beverage that I was still drinking I just started getting my coffee at the corner gas station and cut out the Sprite Zero from my diet entirely.

    Now I get twice the coffee for half the price of the soft drink, and can add an apple or banana and still pay less than what my new cost for the coffee alone would be at the drive thru.
  15. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I didn't quit buying so much as the stores and places I went to, have gone.
    the local Radio shack is going soon and apparently so are many others.
    Electronics supply houses are few and far between.
    I'm glad I bought spare parts long ago . all this prepping has been good for something.
    Many don't appreciate it till it's too late.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  16. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I havn't really quit, I have switched habits. I still use up a LOT of fuel, but this is offset by my work requirements! Food I get in bulk at discount stores or We grow/raise our own! I also do quite a bit of foraging and hunting seasons tend to fill the need as well!
    Sgt Nambu likes this.
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