vonslob, to me you are an American regardless of heritage, and you and your family are great patriots as well. I was referring to illegals and the la raza types who are just here for whatever they can get, and I apologize for not making that clear. Not even all illegals fall into that category, and I have known many who are hard working family people who contribute to society. I had a long term relationship with a lovely Hispanic lady who was a second generation citizen. Her family was as patriotic as you can get. When we lived in Florida she had relatives who were here illegally and worked in the orange groves. These were just decent people who in my book were intentionally victimized by a horrible guest worker program. As illegals they had to tolerate poor living conditions and low pay or face deportation. I'd really like to see reform of that system so they can work legally, pay taxes, afford health care, etc.. I also see that this is needed for us to have a secure border. In a coincidence, I just learned about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and the heirs of those who lost property have a legitimate grievance. As for la raza, a racist is a racist regardless of skin color. They are no different than if a group of Caucasians called them selves "The Race" and chanted "For the Race Everything, For Those Outside the Race, Nothing!" Imagine how how well that would go over?
@3M-TA3 Thank you for the post. As for the trouble that Donald trump is in for what he said about Mexicans has a lot of truth behind it. As a country we will never be secure until we secure the border
Same for my opinion of "come to northern NM and say that, lets see how well it goes for you" I took it as a personal attack on my right of free speech and as a way to control my freedom of movement. My reply was a question, Von's was a threat to my welfare aka personal attack.
I do wonder since the Confederate flag has now been declared racists, will they remove it from text books. I do not believe they will completely remove the image but I do wonder what they will write about it.
I have a Gadsden flag hanging in my office, my dad has gotten several complaints about it from clients about it. His reaction "do you know what that flag stands for". Some people only agree with free speech as long as it is speech they agree with. If they do not want to see the flag don't come in my office and if you do not want to do business with us so be it. IMO if they get rid of the confederate flag then the Gadsden flag is next. Some people just want to be offended and look forward to it.
To many people on both sides of the aisle think the first amendment means free speech for you and me, as long as you agree with me. When everyone on Facebook was putting that rainbow flag overlay on their profile picture, one woman on my friends list laid it over a confederate flag, lol, people went nuts. There's a truck I saw the other day, had two flagpoles on the back of his truck, one is the rebel flag and the other is the Gonzales "Come And Take It" cannon flag. I wanted to get a photo of it but never could catch that Gonzales flag where you could see what it was. He's pretty safe flying them in this region but were he to venture down to Austin or DFW I have little doubt that truck would be vandalized before the day was out. Much like my car used to be up here whenever I dared to slap a Darwin fish on it.
Never fear, the Confederate Battle Flag will not go quietly. In doubt then check out Sundays Pics from the Auto race. The"Confederate flag has now been declared racists" by the usual libs and money lenders. Just another way to keep folks stirred up and a way to get other things done under the table while we bicker.
In all honesty I don't give a damn about the Confederate flag one way or the other. What I give a damn about is free speech and I think this move to appease only 13% of the population is asinine. And I am proud of the people who continue to wave the Confederate flag despite this nonsense. At least they are standing for something they believe in. As much as I dislike the current administration and hate hilbeast I still believe in their right to free speech as well. It's up to me to sort thru the lies they tell
Unless and until the federal government weighs in on this formally (the Confederate Battle Flag) this is not a 1st Amendment issue. From another post I made (I'm lazy, don't want to retype it). As for the First Amendment, this is not a US Government run site and as such, it doesn't apply. The First protects individuals from being censored by the government, and the Federal Government specifically, period, end of discussion. The crap that has been adjudicated to the contrary is garbage. Read it, that's what it says. If there are laws in a state or tied to the state constitution, those laws apply. The First doesn't have any bearing on interpersonal communication between two "private citizens" as it were...not getting into the whole "we're not free and we're not citizens, we're serfs" argument. The point above is that a state or private institution calling for the removal or request that it not be brought to their party doesn't have anything to do with the 1st Amendment.