Supposed to be that having it should confer immunity, which we certainly hope is fact. Did you happen to get that verified with an antibody test? That has not been addressed publicly as far as I know. My doctor could not answer the question, either.
I will not be getting the vaccine. I have had reactions to medications and the last vaccine I got, I was sick for a year. My body my choice. I am getting pressure to receive the shot. My local CERT team is only allowing vaccinated members to participate and that is their choice but they may change that requirement in the future. I really do not want the shot. Sounds like poison to me. My brother got the J & J shot. He has always had high blood pressure but after the vaccine his BP dropped so low that he was hospitalized. One of my closest friends got the Pfizer and became ill within days. She took 2 trips to the ER, I was there the day we called 911 the first time. Her doctor stressed that she needed to get the second shot otherwise she would die from covid so she did the second. She was sick again and has had some weird stuff happen. She will never be 100% again. My co-worker got really ill after his second shot- 104 fever. And another co-worker now has to wear compression socks. My boys are getting pressured from their employers to get vaccinated. They look to me to advise them and I told them not to rush. Both have had reactions to medications and since they are young and healthy so no need to get the shot immediately. Not sure what we are going to do if employers make it mandatory.
I got the J&J shot. It was a personal calculation Based on where i feel that the govt and private businesses are going with respect to a vaccinated vs. unvaccinated persons and their access to _________________ (fill in the blank). Figured if it damages the DNA, oh well, i'm not having any more kids. If it actually works and others in my circle come down with it, I'll actually be able to help them at a way lower risk of getting infected with or transmitting it. Family can use me as the canary in the coal mine and make their own choices on whether to get the jab or not. Granted, they are letting this run for a month or so before they decided for themselves. Underlying health conditions that would probably mean serious complications and bad outcomes if infected (hbp, weight, desk jockey, smoker) I've had reactions to other vaccines in the past so went with the non-mRNA choice. Maybe it was a placebo. Only thing that happened to me was chills the next day (16 hrs post injection). Low grade fever right around 100.5. Lasted maybe 6 hrs. After that ... nada. No headache, no feeling like i got punched in the arm, just the chills. I don't need 97% protection from getting infected. I'm going to call 67% effective it good enough. I just wanted nearly 100% (or as close as every other vaccine can get) protection from dying or winding up on a ventilator. If it knocks me on my ass for a week but i don't die, it's a win.
Im not getting any of them. As Ms Motomom says , my body , my choice. Did ya hear about India's health ambassador ,, during their serious outbreak,, he took the shot on tv to prove its safe ,,, 2 day's later , he dies . Another doctor, can't remember his name,, says they've had more deaths attributed to this vaccine since its been released,,, than for all other vaccines in the last 20 years . So I figure I'll just take my chances,, if I end up catching it ,, if I end up dying from it ,, I figure I've seen the best I'm going to see out of this world,, cause it damned sure ain't getting no better ,, not with what we've got running this country.
This is all you need to know. I bet the older, higher risk, type a blood, ect employees all got it. The younger white/Asian did not.
All full of IT !! A JAB from a MT needle is not a insertion (Change the NAME TO JAB & INSERTION OF DEATH ) It was said , Vac;s will still need masks plus !! Sloth
If you had the virus the reinfection rate is some where between 0.4% and 1%. I searched for vaccinated infection rates and could not find any measurable results it was always abstract, comparative or intentionally vague. The cdc says it's "a small percentage". That sure sounds like its greater than 1%.
Its locked up at the local place,You have to ask for it or rather I did, Not bad $3.50 a tube,Apple flavored.
Well, Gator...regardless of whether or not the Ivermectin is efficacious with the Covid-19 virus, at least you won't have head lice and scabies for a while.