Are you suggesting that 'they' (non cisgender conforming folk) are not being mistreated? It also has to be said that a number of cisgender folk also whinge, simply because they feel that 'other gendered' are being offered opportunities to enjoy the same kind of appreciation that cis-gendered folk assume without question. Some cisgendered folk insist on special handling, yet somehow that isn't questioned. 130+ Examples Of Cis Privilege in All Areas of Life For You To Reflect On and Address - Everyday Feminism
Know what happens to the 'not normals' in nature? They're either utterly destroyed or become a more dominate mutation that destroys the weaker cousin. How exactly does this current paradigm shift in thinking & behavior benefit the species? To what end is their goal moving us as a species? Where does personal liberty stand as relates to this new 'normal' this small minority wants to force upon the rest of us? Does our liberty to be ourselves interfere with the liberty of this minority? No. They can call me whatever they want and blame me for their inability to get along within the currently dominant society but I'm not in the least responsible for their situation. I've never met a person that I've treated poorly that didn't first spit in my eye so to speak. Surely even you can appreciate the situation long term chello. This scrabbling for dominance & control goes nowhere good. Not sure about you but I'm not quite ready for Huxley's birthing rooms. For now, the egg & sperm reign supreme. Hence the need for the male/female duality. Sure science allows for some pretty incredible family situations to happen and I'm not at all saying we shouldn't be using technology to make such situations possible, but even the science is rooted in that ever present male/female duality. I for one, do not want the shake of a test tube to be the dominate method for insuring the longevity of our species. Maybe this minority will utterly destroy our current paradigm. I Certainly doubt it though. Lastly, life and the world are not fair, nor will they ever be. Anybody using the force of godvernment to forcefully build equality into society is nothing but a tyrant trying to hide their stripes. They are nothing but evil on their face. I'm using good/evil outside of religious connotation as I'm not personally aware of another concept that expresses my meaning of this particular duality. I don't advocate one religion over another. In fact, I abhor the notion that the current left has completely replaced the religiosity of a supreme being with the religiosity of a supreme state. None of this diatribe is to say that discussing these things is a bad thing. From a philosophical standpoint, these are the things we should be discussing and coming to conclusions where mutual cooperation is held as the only good outcome. Force cannot be the answer. Personal responsibility and accountability are the answers you seek. The tyranny of the minority is no less abhorrent than the tyranny of the majority as it relates to personal liberty. OK, really lastly, this all boils down to bullies fighting amongst themselves for control over the narrative. I don't personally care which bully wins until the winner gets it into their head that they now have some authority over me because...reasons. That I cannot abide.
I am asexual, for a long time I was confused and tried to force myself to fit into the "normal" lifestyle. It didn't work, I became bitter and very hateful of myself for not being normal. Couple years back I finally excepted it and I am a lot happier with myself. I go through life really not caring what other people do with there personal lives. What you do in your bedroom is your business not mine. I am a firm believer in equal opportunity. I do not think certain groups should get more or less benefits then another. Key word being EQUAL!