Original Work The Stuarts of Texas

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by jim2, Aug 27, 2023.

  1. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    “What I’m gonna need is ten pounds of jerky, about five pounds of hardtack, a pound of coffee, and a little sugar tied up in a single bag. Something like a gunny sack. Can you manage that? Good, everybody except you on the left, and you holding down Loud Mouth lay flat on the ground. Now, you on the left get the supplies I asked for, and when you’ve done that find me some salve and laudinum for that mule Mr Loud Mouth was beating on. Make it snappy.” Said the soft voiced Glass.

    Glass moved back near the mule where he noticed the animal watching the proceedings intently. Smart animal thought Glass. Moving up in a submissive slouch and speaking to the mule with a soft voice, Glass spoke gently to him and watched the ears. At first the ears were laid back flat and animal showed extreme anger. Being about 16hh tall, and rock solid, Glass rightly figured that he was one dangerous animal right now. The mule’s eyes began to show curiosity and finally allowed Glass to tough his mouth and scratch his chin. This mule had been bred from a saddle horse of some type and was built for running or traveling, not pulling wagon or plow.

    “How come you dumbass Yankees got this animal pulling freight when he should have been a cav mount?” Glass inquired.

    “He couldn’t be handled as he was used to being babied around by that girl we took him from. Besides, we were short a mule, so…” replied one of the union men.

    “Where in Tennessee did y’all get him? Asked Glass

    “Near the Northern Border someplace, not sure though.” Came the reply.

    “Man, that’s over 200 miles from here at least, and I can’t go that far outa my way to return him.” Said Glass. “Guess I’ll just have to let him go. Instead and hope he finds his way home.”

    “That’s gonna make for an uneven team, and the wagon will be harder to pull.” Said the man.

    “Well then, guess I’ll just have to let them all go since that wouldn’t be fair to the other mules, and y’all can’t be trusted to properly handle livestock.” Said Glass.

    Looking around, David noticed a couple of rifles leaning up against one of the wagons. “Without making any move towards them, what kind of rifles are over there?” Asked Glass.

    “One of them is a .44 Henry, and the other is an Enfield with one of them fancy new fangled rifle scopes. We were going to try them out tomorrow morning before we left here. They’re supposed to be delivered to the armory in Houston.”

    Glass pondered this for a moment and asked if they carried any ammunition for the rifles, and the answer was yes. “”How many rifles and how much ammunition?”

    “Ten Enfields, and twenty five Henrys, with five hundred Enfield rounds and a thousand rounds for the Henrys, and a couple of small rifle powder barrels .” Came the reply.

    “Well, I’ll take one each of the rifles, one hundred Enfield rounds, and five hundred for the Henry.” Said David.

    “The Colonel ain’t gonna like this at all.” Said the man.

    “I Expect he ain’t gonna like me shooting Mr Loud Mouth, and running off all of your mules either.”said Glass with a smile.

    “No, I spect he won’t.” Replied the union man.

    The salve and Laudinum produced along with the rifles and supplies, and David applied the medications to the mules back, gently massaging it in. Then having accomplished his task removed the halter, and freed the animal.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
    Srchdawg-again likes this.
  2. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Mules aren't lazy nor stubborn, what they are is smart enough not to do harm to themselves by doing every fool thing humans demand of them...unlike a horse.
  3. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    We used to own mules. We found a few that would turn mean for no apparent reason. For the most part, make them your buddy, and things work better.

  4. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The Confederacy paid $1000 in GOLD (or a couple of bales of cotton) for each Whitworth rifle, including the scope and bullets! The Enfield rifles cost about $25! The South imported fewer than 200 Whitworths during the War.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
  5. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    When Glass turned his full attention to the union men, the mule turned around and placed his head on Glass’ shoulder and snuggled in. Glass placed the shotgun under his right arm and reaching up, began rubbing the mule’s head, scratching ears, and patted the neck.

    “All right, you on the right, turn the rest of the mules loose and scatter them. Stay in clear visible line of sight, or I will shoot you without warning.” Said David in a tone less voice.

    As the remuda was scattered Glass urged the mule to follow the rest of the herd, but the mule refused to move, preferring to stay by Glass.

    “Put a tourniquet on Loud Mouth’s leg and then use that rope over there on the wagon to tie up everybody else. I’ll tie you up last. You should be able to get loose by morning some time, but by then I will be miles away. And while you’re at it, go through everyone’s pockets and bring me all the money.”

    “We just got paid, and if you take all the money, we’ll be broke ‘till the end of the month.” The man protested.

    “Well, I reckon that you’ll be stealing everything you can get your hands on anyways, so it’s not gonna hurt a thing if I get some needed traveling money” David drawled with a smile. “What is the mule’s name by the way?”

    “The folks we got him from called him Socrates. Hell of a name for a mule.”

    With an amused look David asked; “Do you know who Socrates was?”

    “Some English knight or something like that. Musta been a friend of King George.”

    “I am at times simply amazed at the depth and success of the Northern educational system.” Said David with a shake of his head.

    “Well you shouldn’t be, we have public schools and quite a few of us know how to read and write unlike you ignorant Rebs.”

    “Interesting, can you write in cursive?” David asked.

    “No, I never studied no furrin languages, just American.”

    Suppressing a smile, David nodded his head and said “I stand chastised.”

    By this time the man had accomplished his task and then David secured him. Glass took time to go over the Henry carbine then load it. “Not a bad little rifle, it’s gonna be right helpful where I’m going. Gentlemen, get a good night’s rest and I hope you have a great day tomorrow.” David said with a small laugh.

    Turning back into the woods, with the mule trailing behind, Glass disappeared into the woods Upon reaching the small temporary camp, Glass pulled up stakes and began putting distance between himself and the subjugated Yankees. Turning toward the east, Glass found some soft ground where he could lay a trail and rode for a couple of miles when he found a rock ledge that turned northward. Taking the ledge until he found firmer ground Glass continued northward for an hour, then turned back west toward Texas. He rode until the sky began showing some light from the east, then stopped in a small grove of trees. The dun and mule were both relaxed and showed no particular interest in the surrounding area.

    David secured both animals and scouted several hundred yards around the site and discovering no signs of activity except for a farmer going about his daily routine, he then went back to the mounts and tying hobbles on the dun loosed them for grazing. Socrates refused to leave his side, so David laced down for a nap. He mumbled never studied no furrin languages with a smile then drifted off to sleep.
    Srchdawg-again likes this.
  6. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    David awoke close to 11:00 am. Listening closely to his surroundings, he noticed plenty of bird and insect activity. The dun and mule were grazing peacefully, with no alarm or interest in the immediate area other than grass. David had learned to trust the instincts and senses of his prairie bred mustang. More than once had his equines saved him from unwanted and unexpected dangerous company, he had learned to trust them. Father, you sure did right by us in gifting dogs, donkeys, and horses to us. Thank you, And please give me your divine protection today, and guide me safely home to Texas where I belong. In Christ’s name, Amen.

    David stretched, which drew the immediate attention of Socrates who eased over to say good morning and begin pushing David with his nose to get up and get moving. Reaching up, David began to rub up between the animals ears and then behind them. “Boy, you are an attention hog aren’t you?” He muttered. The Dun noticing the proceedings, crow hopped over so as to not be left out.

    After rubbing down both animals and leaving them tied in the trees, he heated water for coffee and jerky broth to soften the hardtack in.
    Shaving a piece of jerky into his battered mess kit, he remained alert to the sights and sounds of his environment. No point in getting lazy, things were still just as dangerous now as before. Maybe even worse he thought. The water having come to a boil, he poured most of it into his mess kit and placed it in the small fire. Then, he poured a teaspoon of Arbuckle's coffee into the cup containing the leftover water letting it steep for a few minutes. Stirring the broth and finding it about right, he placed two hardtack inside and set it aside also. In five minutes, he had enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. Using a little water from his canteen to rinse out the tin cup and mess kit David drank the liquid, and then wiped both down with the cloth flour sack he used for a kitchen towel.Within ten minutes, he had fed his animals a piece of hardtack each, saddled up and began moving westward stopping every few minutes to listen for troop movements and other activity. Though not tied, Socrates continued to follow and come alongside for the occasional ear scratching.

    Almost two hours into his trip, David and the dun heard a metallic tink and came to a halt as did Socrates. Sitting still for several minutes, Glass knew that someone was near but being quiet. Was it an enemy or some neutral local holding still? Whoever moved first might well die or at least have unnecessary problems. Then his horse, growing impatient stamped his foot.

    Damn! David thought. Turning to Socrates, he hissed “Get him!” And the mule exploded into action braying and running hard toward the noise. A man began yelling for help and swearing at the mule.
    Srchdawg-again likes this.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    An attack mule?!:LOL:
  8. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    We had one! Finally had to get rid of her as she was a danger to non-family. She had been free roaming like the dogs for a few years, but then she got too mean. Even tried to kick me in the head when I wouldn’t let her hog all the grain for the horses.
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