If you need a history lesson then pull up the life and times of Jesus the Messiah/Christ. Jesus was prophesied for centuries before coming to bring in the new era of man's relationship with God. The calendar we use today is the most accurate ever but they did not use it then--nor did they have atomic clocks. Ever watch Crocodile Dundee--when asked when he was born the elder said--"in the summer". Time and punching clocks was not of primary importance to people of that day. They got up with the birds and went to sleep a dusk. Days were started about midnight and ended about dusk the next evening--hmmm--there is a gap there--big deal--meant nothing to a farmer/sheep herder/fisherman/shop owner. All that may mean nothing to someone looking for an exact time--but exact times did not exist then. Jesus was born in a stable(as foretold), to a virgin, in Bethlehem, welcomed by "wise men" bearing gifts, etc etc etc---all precisely as foretold centuries before. You want a time---pick one. Tradition is all we have today but the actual date of His birth may have been different. You forget that Christians were persecuted terribly--the highway into Rome was lined with bodies nailed to crosses and the gardens were lit with tar soaked bodies hanging and burning. People ran away but in doing spread the story(the gospel) of this glorious "man" who did miracles, raised the dead, made the lame walk, etc. Gradually the world was won to those who were witnessed to and eventually Christianity became the world's (Roman Empire) religion. Sadly it became politicized and super powerful till it ran the empire through terrorism of several kinds. Back to dates. He was born, raised a carpenter's son, and began His ministry at 30--per Jewish law. We do know that when He was born the world accepted it and changed the calendar marking it AD and BC. If you would like specific info please ask and will try to find answers--specific answers that will satisfy your searching
Fair enough @BTPost - I retract the "YOU don't know" but the rest pretty much proves my point. I've studied some NLP and memetics....the way BT writes is actually quite interesting to a linguist. 90% subliminal but clearly (to me anyway) NLP/M that he doesn't even realize he's doing. With @Brokor s permission we can run a little experiment to prove a point if you like....(he knows what i'm talkn aboot)