You mentioned fires do not always go as planned, yet missed the irony of a professional fire watcher setting a fire by mistake?
The analogy was to hazard reduction and back burning...not fires lit in general. Yes there is something of an irony that a park ranger started a fire that it was her job to prevent...perhaps wiping her backside with it would have been the better and more environmentally responsible option...but love letters are so rarely written on TP.
Political Correctness is nothing more than someone telling you to shut up because they don't like what you have to say. I make a point of being as Politically Incorrect as possible, and as often as possible. And anyone that wants to make me be Politically Correct is cordially invited to receive at least one Free Additional Orifice of Appropriate Diameter, to be installed by the moving mass of my choice.
I would love to be able to cut through the BS, all of it, both sides of the coin, and see the naked Emperor face to face. Flag waving over wars and vets, just drop the protecting freedom BS and cut to the chase, we fight wars to keep the economy going, nothing to do with protecting freedom. If I don't need a pair of boots, a tooth-brush, toilet paper, bombs, bullets, planes, trains, and boats,an airstrip in zombie-land to get it there, warehouses to store it in and trucks to deliver it, then you don't have a job making them, to pay taxes and support a bunch of people that don't work because we got scared and decided to pay them not to marry and to make babies for a living. Racial profiling? Sorry, but if 13% of a population commits 70% of the violent crime and 80% of it is against me because I am white, then I am carrying a gun whenever I have to excursion around them and I am not happy or safe if they stand around the corner at the 7-11 selling crack and certainly ain't thrilled about them being forced to go to school with my children or buying the house next door.How many times do I have to get robbed or beaten down for every Alan West or Connie Rice I meet? I support our troops because being a soldier, a warrior, is a needed profession, got nothing to do with defending Freedom unless you follow it through to the necessity of sustaining our economy by protecting Big Government interests world-wide.I am willing to accept a black person as an equal when he works beside me and uses the proper English and diction that my father paid for them to learn $15.00 an hour for flipping burgers? Why the hell not? It is just fiat currency and much cheaper than paying all the freebies that they will suddenly earn too much to receive. America, love it or leave it? Not a freaking chance while I still got a bullet and the will to fight for it, and I don't mean dressed in digital bag-suits in Affuckastan defending Kellog Brown and Roots new 60M airport from goat-herders armed with the Kremlin's chief export.
I have made a detailed survey and analysis of this turd and have determined there is no clean end to pick it up by. With that in mind, the options are somewhat limited: either we just leave it lying there for everyone to step in and track across the floor or we get on with the unpleasant task and just pick it up and flush it. The entire issue boils right down to tolerance or maybe, intolerance, such as the case may be. I don't like rap music or hip-hop. In-fact, most of it offends me, but I have no rights to legislate your taste in music and I certainly understand that twerking just doesn't work as well with George Jones or the Grateful Dead.I am supporting a black man for President, not because of his color, but because of his character and principles but I still carry a gun and am definitely more wary and suspicious around colored people, not because I don't like them but because according to real crime statistics, I am 7 times more likely to be victimized by blacks than any other race or ethnic group. I didn't make this shit up, and as much as I would like to ignore it, I don't want it on my shoes. I like Merry Christmas as a holiday greeting, not because I am a christian, but because for the past 60 years, I have awaited Christmas morning to open presents and play with the children and grand children. I am tolerant of not getting my mail or being able to go to the bank on Martin King's birthday or veteran's day or any other agenda holiday. Religion is the least tolerant thing I can imagine. Allah or Odin, or Jehova, doesn't matter much. The people that are so instilled that their's is the only way and nothing else can be tolerated, is a lit fuse. No amount of complaining on social media, will protect us from becoming collateral damage. The paradox is that this may be the wrath of God, whether God exists or not, and even atheists will not escape the collateral damage.
There are advantages to being old... the apologists will remark following a non- PC comment that you must not take what I say at face value because : A. I'm senile B. suffering from Alzheimer's C. too old to know better when thy don't realize that the right answer is: D.I don't really give a sh!t what they think....