The most likely SHTF scenario...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by IrishMonk, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    After generations of a well fed life, people of today will not be as tolerate as they were during the Great Depression. As you can't grow food in concrete the fire will begin in the cities.
  2. content

    content On Hiatus Banned

    what is GUARANTEED is that overpopulation will result in some sort of pandemic, and we are fast inflating our dollar into worthlessness. t is already worth only 1.3c, as compared to its worth in 1910 or so. back then, a $20 bill bought an oz of gold. today, you need 75 of those $20 bills to buy an oz of gold. So why would anyone work for it, in a few years, when it buys nothing at all anymore?
  3. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    So sayeth our very own sage and jailhouse expert...
    Lots of free reading time in the clink. He sure does know more than us. Why don't we petition to have him take over the Monkey and teach us all?
  4. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    most likely EOT/SHTF scenario

    it wont be just one thing, we can deal with that and work around it
    itll be a bunch of stuff hitting us all at once
    quakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, famine, plagues and economic colapse
    it wont be pretty
  5. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Beastlie,Glad to see you made it to this forum. The Monkey is one of if not the best Survival site on the web. Ive been studying the end of the world now for some 10 years.

    I cant predict the future but I see World Government coming to power in the next few years and as that does not mean the end of the world it may mean the end of the world as we know it today. It may mean the end of personal freedom, The end of gun ownership, Gas burning cars and owning your own land. I t may mean the mark of the antichrist and it may mean nothing at all.

    There is so much fiction blended with truth today it is very hard to know what is real anymore. Virtual life is a reality for many people right now. They live in the machine like in a matrix. Plugged into everything and not able to function without it. The internet has created another world and many live it to the very edge of sanity. I unplugged for the last three days and went fishing. Wow!!!! It has been a blast catching bluegills by the bucket full.

    Weather is a real problem these days and it does not matter to me how it came about but that we need to prepare for storms of the like we have never seen before. So far we have been fortunate here in Michigan but I am taking down two trees before they take out my house. One good 70 to 80 mph sw wind and my house is toast due to a huge Oak tree that is leaning out over my roof. Next week it will be history(fire wood). I have zero faith in the Mayan stuff and I dont buy into Nibiru or Aliens either. My best guess is we will somehow try to destroy ourselves and maybe succeed. As far as predictions and prophecy go Ill stick to the Bible. The Bible calls for weather, drought, famine, plagues, wars and an antichrist world leader. Im good with that. Its the when that matters. Kingfish
    ghrit likes this.
  6. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    isnt ObamaNation the antichrist? :p
    yeah the weather on my side of michigan is awful
    almost june andi still cant get in my garden
    gonna be a lean winter
  7. bad_karma00

    bad_karma00 Monkey+

    I actually got into prepping years ago because I live in the projected damage area of a major New Madrid event. I was concerned that it would be weeks, or months before any type of assistance was available, or travel would be possible. And I had no idea how long it might be, in the event of a major quake, before things returned to some form of normal.

    Now, I just don't know. The more I look at things, the more I wonder if the NMZ will have the chance to ruin things before the entire economy collapses and we're in a near state of anarchy. I admit I don't know enough about how the this 'world economy' works to know what the domino effect, if any, might be, but people who CLAIM to know say it will affect most of the world, since so many other nations have their economy tied to ours.

    Not knowing what may happen, all I can do is continue to prep as hard as I can, trying to make sure my family survives come what may.
  8. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Beast, Im planting corn tomorrow. Veggie garden right after that(this weekend) Im not doing bad at all as my first cutting of alfalfa will be on Monday. Im going to get maybe 5 cuttings of Alfalfa( rabbit food) this year. Im thinking this is a pretty awesome year so far for us anyway. It must be somewhat colder over by you. My garden plot has been tilled twice now and Im working it by hand the rest of the way out. Blue gill fishing went great with over 600 fillets in the freezer now switching to Walleye and Pike with a few trout mixed in. So far we are ahead of last years food production. My wood is already cut for this coming winter and I only need 3 cords to have a three year supply cut split and stacked. Ill be cutting a couple big oaks here on my land this summer to finish my wood take for the season. Its all about solar after that. I want the transfer switch in and at least the frame for Array up by Fall. Kingfish
  9. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Hey King - Don't forget the timothy hay for the older (7+ month of age) rabbits. Congratulations on the rest!
  10. irayone

    irayone Monkey+

    I am hearing alot of talk regarding FEMA Camps Can anybody give me an insite to these death camps?
  11. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

  12. irayone

    irayone Monkey+

    Is The Only choice to leave the USA

    Thanks for the heads up. So is the best plan to leave the U.S? It doesn't seem like there will be a place to hide. I have enough food for a year and have prepaired to be self reliant. I am not affraid of the hord getting out of Los Angeles. I am afraid of our government. I live in a small fishing town on the central coast of Califorina.(10K pop) Great hunting and fishing. (been honing my survival skills since I was a kid) So I feel confident on my survival. When you throw in the martial law issue my plan seems to go up in smoke. The more I research the issues I belive it's all been pre planned by the NWO. The fall of the real estate market, fuel prices, goverment propaganda, unemployment, etc. With Japan jump starting the ball rolling being unable to provide goods to other countries who now cannot produce there products because they can't get there inventory, which means no jobs. It's like a bad james Bond world take over movie. If there is another thread on the subject of how to hide from fema please direct me there so I can further my research.
  13. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The clues or reasons are all around us; the unemployment, the economy, our homes worth next to nothing, energy costs, empty homes in our neighborhoods, the cost of food, and a totally idiotic and incompetent president. It is the spark which is still missing and usually is identified after the fire is over.
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Damn you falc (just kidding on the damning part my friend), After watching that I'll never be able to see a policeman, border patrol or clergy man in the same light.

    Oh the humanity of it all. Or is that inhumanity.

    Cool thing is according to Alex's maps, I'm really close to one of those UN forces area so I'll be getting some shootin' in before the rest of y'all ! Now i have to find a way to counteract LDAR and stop tanks. I think the 200 Year old oaks will work fine with the APC's but them tanks? Not to sure. Probably a shape charge over the engine bay. Anyone know where the CPU is for an Abrahams?

    Anyone know where i can get a half dozen EMP grenades? Those might come in handy too.
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