The Militia culture and it's impact on society

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Son0fLib3rty, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Knew of him but never met him. I talked to Mark about once a week. He really helped me out when we were trying to get organized.
  2. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    What was funny was , I built the portable toilet in the front page picture. That one got a lot of laughs from all the guys.

    Militia members rally outside Flint City Hall to discuss water crisis

    Here is a short video of Norm in Washington at the senate hearing calling the government corrupt right to Arlan Spectors face.

    Norm was not the founder like the press says. but did form the Upper peninsula corps. Frank Stasa was the first I knew of right after ww2. Olsen knew Stasa.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2016
  3. Garand69

    Garand69 Monkey++

    The Militia culture and it's impact on society......

    Actual impact? Or perceived impact??? The problem is the "Quality" of todays miltia goes from a few 1st rate like Minuteman & Kingfish's groups to pathetically usless or even worse, dangerous. Who gets the media attention??? When Groups like Minuteman and Kingfish's make positive changes or take positive community actions, they're lucky if it makes the local news. On the other hand, the bad apples get National coverage. Media is the hardest thing to deal with and 90% of why we are here today.

    The Original Militia had it pretty good back in the day, the media/pamphleteers were on their side! Today, getting our message out in a clear, coherent, and FACTUAL way just isn't happening. Today too many are hanging on to everyword of the most bombastic ranters out there and simply repeating the half-truthes and exaggerations, and it makes the movement irrevelent to the masses.

    About 3.5 seconds after I got my 1st computer back in the 90's I started search info on militias. I was always impressed with Stasa and his group and received newsletters from them and I based a lot of our groups FTX's on them.

    I wish I had gotten involved pre Ruby Ridge, Waco and OKC and got to know some of the better players though. After that, the mix of personalities on the militia forums was quite broad. From the focused and serious "true to the intent of militia" types to the hot headed anti-gov keyboard commando/agent provocetuer types. It was a turn off and I started spending more and more time reading Klick's posts and then I eventually moved away from the milita boards and became active in KISSATA. The goal of KISSATA being to shed the "anti-gov" mentality of a lot of the militas at the time and focus on using small team tactics/anti-terrorism and work with local LE. I was the main contact for Illinois from the get go and for awhile had a strong team that did some good things. My biggest concern at the time was a Beslan type school massacre, so we patrolled a lot of schools near forest preserves or wooded areas. I wrote up a few reports stating concerns with some of the schools proximity to cover/concealment making them easy targets for a staged attack, I mailed copies to local LE and school principles...... nothing but crickets. We offered free marksmanship training, and that was met with tepid response. Then the one two punch of the Housing crisis and the 2008 election hit us. The forum dried up faster than a west Texas creek in a drought. Some got hit hard financially and faded away, the more angry types hid under a rock from Team O's all watchful eye (like it wasn't there with Bush or Clinton :rolleyes: ) My small group started to splinter as well and after the death of my right hand man, I simply got tired of constantly having to get them fired up to get them and out to train.

    In northern IL I am not familiar with a decent militia (if you are part of one let me know). My only face to face with the claimed leader of one of them was quite humorous. My friend (who didn't know much about guns) calls me and asks if 100 bucks was a good deal on a frame and slide for a GI 1911 and whether or not I had the parts to complete it. I told him go ahead and get it, I'm on the way over. I get there the guy that sold it is gone, my buddy tells me he is the head of the Illinois Militia. I look at the parts and ask him if he had the guys number.... Why? ..... because you bought two completely useless parts for a toy/replica gun.biglaff
    The "Commander" returned red in the face and tried to explain his way out of it but nothing would explain stupidity. I still don't know if he was a douchebag trying to rip off my buddy or just completely clueless about firearms, either obviously disqualifies him from the rank of "Commander".

    I would like to find a serious group around here following the original intent, but for now I'm just keeping my ear to the ground trying to determine what groups are good and which ones should be shot on site like a feral dog post SHTF.

    Of course YMMV
    Dont likes this.
  4. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I am not interested in joining any kind of 'militia' now, because I think it's bad OPSEC. But post-SHTF might be different because it'd be obvious which groups are worthwhile and which are crap. It's easy to be 'good' when things are good, but when things go seriously bad, the task of seperating the the princes from the paupers is pretty much done for you.
    3M-TA3 and Garand69 like this.
  5. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Same here. I've met a few of the wrong type and others who would be scary in an actual combat situation.
    In a SHTF world, the wrong type would be more than tempted to take advantage of the power vacuum. It happens all over the world in a power vacuum.
    How is the everyday person to know the armed group walking up their lane is the good or bad type? Are they they a group who want to help and protect or a dangerous gang intending to pillage and plunder.

    As transportation was very slow, the original colonial Militias were your neighbors; not strangers which made matters a lot easier.
    Garand69 likes this.
  6. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I have several from our unit who are coming here. They are young men I trained to shoot and move. They live in the city and needed bug out locations. So they keep bedrolls here and some long term food preps. The deal we made was you bring one years food and a good rifle with 1000 rounds or you dont come in. In exchange they get a warm dry place to sleep, water, and are able to share our garden and the lake. They then patrol and act as sentries While we manage the fort.
  7. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Janet Reno , and I will dehumanized her because she was a cruel person was the first to dehumanize the word Militia. Her office issued many statements after Ruby ridge mixing the word Militia with words like radical, extreme, anti government, crazy etc. The trials were during the Clinton administration. She did most of the damage that The state Militias have lived with now for two decades. She is and always has been a Liar and Left wing socialist wingnut.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  8. Garand69

    Garand69 Monkey++

    While Ruby Ridge was all about Bush, he almost has plausible deniability. (only during the initial ordeal, after the s#!t went down, heads should have rolled and charges pressed.). The actions of Reno (and those higher) during Waco should have had her hung..... Those times certainly were a turning point for the worse.
  9. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Although he was CIC, Bush didn't control Ruby Ridge, the AO commander did so Bush has more than plausible denial ability.

    Although there isn't any real information confirming it, supposedly, Weaver was former SF and I can't confirm it. Same as SEAL, SF is at the top of the military food chain and that scares people even the Fed.
    Unlike the blah, blah, blah baloney artists, former SOCOM types are the real deal when it comes to the art of war. Bluntly do not proceed as scared and gutless wonders; walk up to the door and knock. If they had the nut for it; the senseless mayhem at Ruby Ridge would not have happened.

    Reno should be in jail for the hosed operation at Waco. It was pathetic and there is no excuse for the overbearing incompetence. As the local CLEO or sheriff said Koresh can into town to shoot pool once a week; he could have been easily picked up then.
    Gator 45/70, 3M-TA3 and Yard Dart like this.
  10. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    That is a fair deal..... (y)
    pearlselby likes this.
  11. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Randy was a former Green Beret. So yes he had training and that scared the feds. But he didn't belong to any militia, AB, or any type of anti- govt groups at all. He was a former high scjool football star and as red, white and blue, patriotic, flag waving, apple pie, all american as could be. They portrayed him as this radical, anti-govt white supremacist which was all fiction. He did have some strong racial seperstist views but he moved to the wilds of Idaho to start a simpler, self suffecient, homestead type of lofe for his family. Today they make reality shows about people like that.
  12. Garand69

    Garand69 Monkey++

    In both Weaver as well as Koresh, a stand off/raid was never needed. Koresh jogged daily and went into town regularly. Weaver also went into town regularly. But in both cases, especially Waco, the feds wanted to show off their recently developed tacticool might.
    Gator 45/70 and oldawg like this.
  13. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Thanks, until this morning the only reference to Randy Weaver I found stated he was a Combat Engineer.

    This bio states both Combat Engineer and Special Forces:
  14. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Bo Gritz who was the most decorated Green Beret in Vietnam was the one who went up to the cabin and talked Randy into surrendering. Bo carried Vickies body down the hill. He knew that Randy would listen and trust another GB. But he had to get the Governor of Idaho to threaten to have the feds arrested if they didn't allow him to go up to the cabin. They tried to prevent it.
    Garand69 and BTPost like this.
  15. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    @ Yard Dart , yes I felt it pretty fair. They both keep an inflatable camping mattress and bedding here. They purchased enough rice and beans , sugar and salt for one year. They both own AR-15 rifles and side arms. I have sort of a Barracks in my Work shop which has its own wood furnace and water. I am currently considering a third guy recommended by my old team leader who needs a place to bug out. An older guy older then me in fact. He is the current field support guy for the unit.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  16. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    oldawg and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  17. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

  18. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    I have thought on this subject for some time......

    and I confess I mostly avoid these groups because of too many unstable types that seem to want attention or something..

    but as things grow and change I start to see a need in each local community that perhaps should be looked at?

    That is where my current thoughts reside..........

    form some sort of local group and perhaps work with the Sheriff and such........ but?
    Garand69 likes this.
  19. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    One thing I have to state that the media totally lied about. The Bundy group and Finicum and the rest were not Militia as stated by the press. There were some 3% guys there for a short time but they left. The Bundy group are ranchers. FINICUM was a rancher. For instance if the refuge had been taken by Michigan Militia . There would have been a perimeter defense set up. Fire teams deployed ,ammo cache, encrypted coms, and more teams outside the containment zone . This was not a Militia operation. A real Militia unit would not box themselves in . I get irritated by the press when they try and depict Militia as stupid idiots playing at being soldiers. Most of the Militia units nationwide ARE EX MILITARY . They train others. One of the guys who came around and trained us twice a year was terrifying. We just called him Bishop. I have no doubt that he by himself could have wiped out that entire group of feds at the Bundy Standoff. I have never seen a man move so smoothly , quiet and fast at the same time. He was one of the two special forces dudes I spoke of earlier. A true Rambo , the real deal. I have only met two such men in my life. they have those eyes that are like black holes. No remorse, no fear, terrifying. Our Government creates these men and when their time of service is up they cant quite wind it down so they pal up with others and train.
    Yard Dart and Garand69 like this.
  20. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I get pissed off everytime I hear every group and their brother called "anti-government militia groups". It's just more propaganda intended to demonize not only militias, but the patriot movement and constitutionalists in general.
    Minuteman and Garand69 like this.
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