The Last Battle - Debate is OVER. It is time for ACTION!

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by enloopious, Mar 26, 2021.

  1. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    We are about to find out what America is made of. The first Biden/China meeting went well... for China. They verbally "bitch slapped" the Biden admin. The meeting was scheduled to last for 4 minutes. China knew they were in charge and lambasted Antony Blinkin for an hour and 15 minutes!!! There was no doubt that China was in control and telling US what to do. This never would have happened if Trump was in office. The meeting got so bad that the US secretary Blinkin told all of the press to leave the room just in case they couldn't resist informing the American people of who was really in charge. China's response to the press leaving? "didn't you believe in Democracy?" He was telling us that they OWN the US and we better do what they tell us.

    And to think that China wouldn't attack America is just deliberate ignorance. Really?!?! That's what you think? War is too expensive or logistics are too hard so they are not going to bother? Even after CENTURIES of war? I mean really, we can't be that naive. The first thing BIDEN did when put in office is attack several countries for no apparent reason, at least none that made sense to America. To think China wouldn't want to be the dictatorship in control of the entire world is dangerous ignorance.

    China told the US that any actions we take, that they don't like, would result only in hurting ourselves. They said that there is nothing the US can do that will make them stop doing anything and that they are in charge. There's nobody left in America to defend America except the people. Our reps are long since sold out and gone awol.
    johnbb and GOG like this.
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    This is an amazing video, very informative. Thank you Crusin Sloth!
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