I guess that because I work exclusively with small businesses, I see the cost to the business of recording keeping and reporting. I do it on a daily basis and charge a fair amount of money to provide that service. I'm also frequently called into small businesses who have failed to remit taxes, not through criminal intent, strictly because of cash flow. I negotiate repayment plans and try to establish cash management techniques so the small business can remit the tax, the penalty, and interest before the state shuts them down. It happens more than you would believe. Check out your state's Dept of Revenue Services and look at the list of business that are caught not remitting and then multiply that number by 100. Most of my accounting clients are within a 50 mile radius and if I see so much I know for a certainty that the number of small business in trouble is a hugh number. Remember that over 95% of all businesses in the US are small businesses.
I offered this before, but I'll say it again. If you are interested, I'll send you a copy on me. Only hitch is that after you read it, you need to pass it on with the same rule. The more people that understand how this works, the better off we are. or buy it at amazon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just found this on a blog Can you see The USA becoming the Tax Haven for all sorts of corporate interests? Think about it, ANy large Corp that wanted to move in would have a 0(zero) tax liablility. Think of the jobs this would create...melbo