The Civil War is HERE Says Democrat Media, Biden Speech Celebrated As Pre-War Declaration By Dems

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by enloopious, Sep 3, 2022.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    BZzzzzzzz, Wrong Answer... BATFE is a direct part of, and Bureau in, the Department of Justice, similar to the FBI.. and NOT a Bureau of the Treasury Department... This change was made when the realignment of the Executive Branch of the US Government after 9/11 and the creation of Homeland Security... Done at the same time as the moving of the Coast Guard to Homeland Security, from the Commerce Department...
    Gator 45/70 and Thunder5Ranch like this.
  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Thanks for the clarification. I knew they used to be under the Treasury dept. In the 90"s we said they were just glorified tax collectors. The majority of "crimes" they pursue boils down to non payment of the required govt tax. For a class 3 weapon or parts, for illegal booze or tobacco sold without giving the govt thier cut etc.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I am in total, 100% agreement with every word you wrote, and it is good to know some of us are on the same page.

    I also am VERY interested in how the Left will handle these elections in November. I am deeply concerned because they haven't shown any concern only scorn for the polls that show them being beating by landslide numbers which make me think they got things rigged well enough that they'll continue hold both Houses, but it will not be such a blatant thief as was the Presidential election.

    I think there are ONLY two events that would force a violent uprising from the Right, Firearm confiscation or Trump being assassinated. I can't think of anything else, even his arrest would not. The Right, for better or worse, consists of law-abiding people, even if the President considers us to be semi-fascists.

    I do wonder what the Left will do if they lose badly in November. I expect more lawlessness and rhetoric, perhaps more extreme.

    The sad thing about all of this is even if there is a landslide win in November for the Right and they are given the reins of power, I have no faith, none at all, in the Republican party to take the steps necessary to ensure and secure my freedoms and to right all the wrongs caused since Biden took office. The Republican party are a bunch of losers, whiners, and liars that do very, very little for the people and the nation...and that needs to change and damn quick.
    Gator 45/70, Minuteman and Dunerunner like this.
  4. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Folks, the Dems and Far Left are out of ideas. None of their utopian plans have succeeded, none of their socialist ideas are working, the economy is stagnated, and all they can think of to do is spend money they don't have and raise taxes.

    They are on the brink of being thrust out of power in Washington and are desperate to find a way to cling to that power indefinitely.

    They want to incite a violent uprising to validate the rhetoric they are spewing. It is laughable, the extent to which they are willing to go in retaining their grip on government. Frankly I'm just sitting back, watching the show, as they lose their minds.
    Gator 45/70 and CraftyMofo like this.
  5. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Speaking of educated people, the ones who said "Amen and Awoman" are still in power and telling us how to live our lives and what is moral.

  6. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    This is all conspiracy theory but there was something called PROJECT LOOKING GLASS which was supposed to be a government program to allow them access to see the future. Apparently the story goes, they built a crystal ball of sorts that lets them see the future. There are blue prints for this in the patent office and actual leaked docs where they talk about this as well as several movies. The story goes, the government has been using it for decades to see into the near future and change the outcome to their advantage. In 2012 it just stopped working. They could no longer see the future so they assumed it was the end of the world. Coincidentally that is also the time they stopped pretending to be the good guys. What if they saw the rapture and are doing everything in their power to prevent it? What if those steps they are taking to prevent the apocalypse are the exact steps making it happen? We still have the large hadron collider in Cern trying to open a portal and summon demons. Have you seen the videos?

    The PL machine is supposed to look like this.
  7. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
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