What you won't see in the news? Muslims at Honey Island Swamp Shooting Range?? A guy I work with said a friend of his was at the Honey Island Swamp range over the weekend and there were 5 or 6 obviously muslim guys out there shooting. He posted something about it on his facebook, talking about the types of guns they had or something, which is true because he showed me the facebook post. The guy then posted that he was contacted by the state department within a few hours and they told him they were following up because these characters had caused some problems with a female range officer that day. Now I am of the opinion that 99% of EVERYTHING posted on the internet is complete bulls**t, so the red flags were flying full mast as I was reading this facebook post. But if it did really happen, or some version of it, I figured somebody on here would have heard about it. So how about it? I know the guy that started this thread, Strait up guy and works as an engineer.
Well it says it IS a swamp in Cajun land so I'm not too worried about that particular bunch making it to Texas if true.
Muslims at a shooting range? Cool. They probably just want to protect themselves from the terrorists because they belong to a different sect. It's the ones that are not at an official range and training in the national forest or someone's compound in Kansas that I'd be more worried about.
fecking intolerant racists. First people have an issue with them attending flight schools, now shooting ranges? What next, not letting them be au pair's for America's elite?
Muslims can be citizens and to that point they have the right to keep and bear arms. Hell, just because they are human they have the right to have arms to protect themselves because SCOTUS said the police weren't going to do it. The Jews can have guns, the blacks, the native americans .. etc. every human on the planet should have access to guns. Ok, maybe not a psychotropic drug taking democrat .. we've not faired to well with that. When we start saying that this group should not have something but we should, then we are immediately wrong. If it's a God (or Allah or Yahweh or Mother earth or some of those cool norse gods) given right, denying that right through coercion or legislation is just plain wrong. What was that saying. First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. Going after one group because we worry or fear they might do something bad/evil is no reason to deny the entire group because there is the potential of one or a few to be bad actors, sound a bit like the anti-gunner arguments being thrown at blanket at all gun owners. are all Muslims members of a terrorist cell? are all Christians members of the Westboro Baptist church? Or the KKK? Or white separatists ? Innocent until proven guilty I say. Could my stand that people are innocent of being a terrorist get me killed? Maybe or maybe not. But I'd rather not have to go through each day thinking that ever person out there is trying to kill me. I've got too much stuff to do .. like living. If I worry about the infinitesimally small chance of dying due to a terrorist, I might miss that my own government is more likely to kill/maim me during a police stop than some nut job with a bomb. Just be careful that when you start painting a group with a large brush and strokes, there is a lot of paint that gets splattered and it might just wind up on you and you might not notice it. Anyway I'm getting down off the soapbox after saying my piece. Everyone is human, and perfect, and fallible, and has the right to live. It's the a ss holes that we've got a problem with, not the bulk of humanity.
I served to protect the solidarity of our county which starts with each person being able to protect themselves and their home and family. Now if any one or group plans to overthrow the country then that is a different matter.