That Overwhelmed Feeling

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Motomom34, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    My water is stored in several things ,the fact of the matter is, it all will be run through filters before we consume it, regardless of how it's stored . SOP
    Use the jugs don't worry about it.
    Having dirty water is better than not having water at all.
    Along with dry goods, I store lots of canned foods especially meats and vegetables and fruit. eat what you store, and store war you eat .
    Don't forget to use mylar bags and oxygen absorbers this will add years to your reserves.
    Mine are in portioned bags ,and then in larger bags, all having 02 absorbers in each individual bag.
    In the event the plastic bucket is compromised by a bullet, all will not be lost .
    Secondly being able to pass out portions, with out compromising the whole bucket, makes it last longer, and its easier to keep it secure.

    Canned food does not need refrigerated or re-cooked so this puts you ahead if stealth is required.
    Food in the common house pantry is a front, and my regular stores are in my secret room.
    Baking mixes I am told, will go rancid due to oils in them, so it's best to store the components independently .
    I cook with cocoanut oil even though it's expensive, and that's what i store as well ,it also is an antibacterial I'm told.
    Dunerunner likes this.
  2. JrOrtiz

    JrOrtiz Monkey

    I understand the feelings if being overwhelmed, and to suddenly realize just how dire things are can be and is too much. Watching friends and family that are finally realizing the state of things can reveal how they might react in an intense situation. Some just shut down, resigned to their fate, some become frantic and fanatically zealous, and some make a plan, and some that make a plan work it.

    The panic last spring was an educational moment for me. You could feel how people were barely holding it together. I believe there were so many people that knew the truth but needed an excuse and Covid gave it to them. All at once the was a collective urge to build up pantries, buy a self defense weapon and secure their households and persons. This is a positive thing
  3. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Everyone reaches a point where they have either a knowledge or ability deficit. You can read all the material you can find and realize that you do not have the skills to utilize that knowledge. Not everyone is a solar engineer, an electrician, a carpenter, baker, farmer, rancher or anything else. Know your limitations and work around them.
  4. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    They were not scared of COVID

    They are, however, terrified of the FedGov and the army of Blue Meanies that seemed to have spawned of late....
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. JrOrtiz

    JrOrtiz Monkey

    Most people I know are afraid of not just over-reach of the federal government but also state and municipal. I live in a "sanctuary" city. I had no say in the matter. The progressive left wants to conduct social experiments that when they fail directly impact my life, livelihood, and lifestyle negatively yet not only do I have no say but if I object to these experiments then I am a bigot, sexist, racist deplorable, worthy of contempt. Less than human.

    Using the pronoun I, I mean those I know, it is like a chorus, all singing the same verses. Imo, the average person feels disenfranchised, no voice, and see no way real change is possible. They watch as their future prosperity slipping away and our NATURAL rights following close behind.

    Together we could take care of all is in a week, but working independently is asking to fail. They can only suppress the voice of a limited number. There is safety in numbers. If one nail pops up it is easy to hammer down, but if all the nails pop up the floor needs to be replaced
  6. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    You do have a choice.... move away from the City!!
    I did this a year + ago.... we sold, and moved to the next county.
    Some things seem like a world away now days, taxes are lower, cops enforce "just" laws, neighbors are working together.
    I go through the last town and the city stress wicks away, things get simpler and quieter.
    Never think you have no say, you matter.
    Tully Mars, Gator 45/70 and JrOrtiz like this.
  7. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    There's a reason I don't work with people, but I'll give this a try.

    To the original question: "How would you respond to this person and what advice would you give to them. Encourage not discourage, advise but not overwhelm."

    Everybody started with one can of beans and one bottle of water in the pantry, one silver dime, one gallon of treated gasoline and one roll of toilet paper. You add to those each chance you get. You add a box of .22 ammo and a gallon of kerosene when you can. Salt, pepper and honey make rice and beans much better. Buy seeds, learn what grows well in your area. Talk to people about how their tomatoes are doing. Learn from them. Are they canning? Can they teach you? Plant perennials like rosemary, grapes and fruit trees while the kids are young, they will grow up with them. Spread stuff around. It will all fall into place later. You have a start, because you're thinking about it, that's the biggest part of being prepared. The thinking part. You can do this. We're all here to help.
    Cruisin Sloth and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. JrOrtiz

    JrOrtiz Monkey

    Leaving is definitely a possibility. Honestly I would leave tonight. Not that I would need to but I can be happy on rice, beans, and instant coffee. But it's not that easy if others aren't on board.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  9. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I built my battery system years ago when we bought our first Compac computer, a gell-cell battery and inverter and a battery charger.
    Solar panels and wind-mill came later.
    Same with storing food, learning as I go a little every day like a habit buying just a little more than I need and putting the surplus away, and rotating it from time to time.
    My motivation for squirreling away supplies had nothing to do with world events so much as preparing for natural disasters like especially deep snow storms we had from time to time. at times up to 6 feet deep. Or worse snow storms that turned to slush 3 feet deep and there is no moving around in that till it finally drains away very slowly.
    Water is your most precious resource, and the great thing about it is that you can restore it no matter how old it gets, and not all water is for drinking.
    Along with 2000 gallons of water I have in various tanks I buy Simply Orange, orange juice, half of which is for the container it comes in especially heavy crystal clear plastic 2.7 QT jugs. These are much better than milk jugs though they don't hold as much.
    These are washed and filled and I add just an .oz of colloidal silver which kills bacteria. It will not have an adverse side effect chlorine might tend to have on plastics over time.
    Gator 45/70 and Capt. Tyree like this.
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