Texas takes steps to restoring freedom

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Minuteman, Jan 1, 2016.

  1. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    So far I haven't seen a single open carry in Texas, even in Walmart during hunting season. The only people making a big deal out of it is the media. Obama's gun control EO is a different matter. Our Gov. Abbot tweeted "Come and Take Them". God Bless Texas and Abbot! I assure you he is carrying every day like Perry before him.
    pearlselby, Yard Dart, Ganado and 4 others like this.
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    I open carried today.

    Went to town to pick up dinner.

    Just me and the staff as I entered to pick up my order.

    All smiles and awareness of what was going on, no questions just smiles, really made me feel good.

    Freedom as a basic form of self government.

    One step at a time to regain lost freedoms forced on us by PP Politicians, we just gotta keep going.
    Yard Dart, oldawg, pearlselby and 5 others like this.
  3. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    Kroger Grocery Stores Have Simple Message on Texas' New Open Carry Law That's Hard to Ignore
    Kroger simply decided to follow the law. What a novel idea...
  4. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    When Texas allows people to carry without government permission, wake me. Free men don't need permission.
    Ganado likes this.
  5. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    If you sleep too much you will find yourself in chains.

    Get involved, don't let us do all the work for your freedoms.

    After all, we are not just for State's Carry, but for all US Carry.
    pearlselby, kellory and oldawg like this.
  6. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Yup we in Texas and others in non compliant constitutional carry states have to repair the mistakes of our past Fed controlled State politicians.

    Glad to see more Western States, Kansas for one, removing the permit clause but still keeping the permit in place to allow their residents reciprocity with other states who are a bit slow to wake up.

    And that is happening,within the law and by the laws we change.

    I have noticed a bit of chiding by some who have been lucky enough to either be born in a state with constitutional recognition or to be there by accident.
    As knowledgeable forefathers were aware "We hang together or we hang on the gallows one at a time."

    Those that knock our efforts to regain our constitutional rights are in fact helping the anti gunners and are simply making themselves feel good in some type of self serving egoistical manner.

    What my Mom called "Cutting off their nose to spite their face."
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
    pearlselby likes this.
  7. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned


    Ohio is a traditional open carry state. Recently, the Ohio legislature passed HB-12 over Governor Taft’s veto, thus preempting all local open carry bans even in Ohio’s “home rule” localities. Unfortunately, despite passage of HB-12, a permit to conceal is still required to openly carry a handgun in a vehicle.

    (We are arguably freer than Texas (who makes the most noise)
    HK_User likes this.
  8. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Uh, hate to break it to you, but ya'll are way behind most of the rest of us in the REAL free states, pal. Again, wake me when Texas at least catches up with the rest of us. Sorry to be hard on you...usually I just laugh at this notion that Texas is the last bastion of freedom in America...but the hard truth is...you ain't...so you best worry more about what you are doing there than what I have and continue to do in the states I have lived in.
    Indeed, perhaps my shaming of Texas is part of the reason ya'll are finally making some progress.
    Ganado likes this.
  9. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Careful patting yourself on the back.
  10. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    pearlselby and HK_User like this.
  11. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    HEB is going upscale in some areas and out of my shopping "experience".

    I may look up the store manager while in DFW and check out his feeling. Much the same as I did at a Walmart as they banned the first round of CCL. I'll just tell them they lost a customer.

    They do not know if you do not make a personal appearance and give them the facts.

    I open carried yesterday because I had been working outside all day, moving feed, feeding stock and working on a few outside projects since it was so nice.

    Being strapped it seemed silly to undress for a run to town so I went as I was, not as a statement but just as a convince to myself. Something non rural folks do not have a clue about such things and certainly Suits in the corner offices are at a loss.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
    oldawg and T. Riley like this.
  12. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    (We are arguably freer than Texas (who makes the most noise)

    Note, TEXAS has by its choice of passing this remediation of past gun laws and its promise (all promised advances in gun laws has been kept) of Carry on State Campus in six months is now a TARGET for all anti gunners.

    THUS the Noise from TEXAS as a warning to other States to watch the illegal action now in progress. This illegal action by the anti gunners, be they single persons or media groups is not to solve problems and aid the public, but to cause conflict and yes their hope is to cause a shooting just so they can say I Told You So.


    Read the article below by Bloomberg Media Group, find the outright lies and the brainwashing in their report.
    If you cannot, from your experience to this point, find any lies or brainwashing then go to the Texas Open Carry Law site.

    Bloomberg Lies Follow.

    Wal-Mart Workers on Pistol Patrol as Law Lets Texans Tote Guns
    Wal-Mart Workers on Pistol Patrol as Law Lets Texans Tote Guns
    Lauren Etter
    Shannon Pettypiece spettypi
    January 6, 2016 — 4:00 AM CST

    • Boycotts by both sides of debate put retailers in bind
    • Starbucks, Target attempt to walk fine line on firearms
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    Managers at Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in Texas have a new task to add to their list of duties: asking customers if they have a permit to carry a handgun.

    To comply with state liquor rules, the world’s biggest retailer sent a written notice last month to stores that sell alcohol, telling managers to ensure that customers who openly carry firearms under a new law have licenses. Cashiers or door greeters who see someone with a gun are to alert the highest-ranking employee, who is to approach the customer and ask to see the paperwork.

    Gun control advocates protest outside Wal-Mart
    Photographer: Christopher Capozziello/Getty Images
    “We do try to ensure that people have a licensed firearm,” said Wal-Mart spokesman Brian Nick. “We are giving direction to our store employees to ask for a license as our management sees appropriate.”

    The notice was sent out in anticipation of the Lone Star State’s open-carry law, which went into effect Jan. 1. It made Texas the nation’s most populous state to allow citizens with a permit to carry handguns openly in a holster.

    Fine Line
    The measure has put retailers in a quandary, forcing them to take sides in one of the nation’s most fraught debates. Gun-rights activists are boycotting stores that forbid firearms, saying people shouldn’t be punished for exercising their rights. Gun-control advocates, meanwhile, are shunning stores that allow customers to bear arms, saying no one should have to shop where they feel unsafe.

    Stuck in the middle are retailers loath to risk losing business from either side. Dozens of stores and restaurants across Texas, including San Antonio-based HEB Grocery Co., one of the state’s largest food retailers, have banned openly carried guns. That’s incurred the ire of activists who have vowed to shop elsewhere. Others, such as Cincinnati-based Kroger Co., have chosen not to ban firearms carried legally, inviting the scorn of gun-control advocates promising a boycott of their own.

    ‘New Space’
    Wal-Mart and other retailers that sell beer, wine and spirits fall under the authority of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, which prohibits unlicensed handguns in establishments that offer such products for off-premises consumption. An establishment can lose its liquor license if it “knowingly allows” a person to bring an illegal firearm on the premises, said Chris Porter, spokesman for the agency.

    Previously a shopper could have been walking the aisles with a concealed weapon -- legal in Texas for two decades -- and store clerks wouldn’t have known. Under the new law, the only way to ensure compliance is to ask a customer with a gun for a permit.

    “Now that it’s open carry, that creates a new space that you have to cover,” said George Kelemen, chief executive officer of the Texas Retailers Association. Stores like Wal-Mart want “to make absolutely sure that the message they convey is, ‘We welcome your patronage, but we sell alcohol and we don’t want to risk losing the ability to do that.”’

    Some companies are trying to walk a fine line by publicly opposing guns in their Texas stores, while stopping short of posting state-issued signs that serve as a legal notice that firearms are prohibited. The coffee giant Starbucks Corp. has requested that customers who aren’t law-enforcement personnel refrain from bringing firearms of any kind into stores, but hasn’t issued a ban, according to spokeswoman Jaime Riley. Target Corp. has also asked customers not to carry guns openly, even though it hasn’t displayed the signs prohibiting the practice, said spokeswoman Molly Snyder.

    Liquor Laws
    That balancing act isn’t sitting well with gun-control advocates. The Texas chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America has begun targeting stores that have publicly opposed the open-carry law but haven’t displayed the official signs prohibiting it. The group is affiliated with Everytown for Gun Safety, a group backed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg that advocates for stricter laws. The ex-mayor is the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg News parent company Bloomberg LP.

    “The strongest statement businesses can make for their customers’ safety and care is getting that sign up," said Alexandra Chasse, a spokeswoman for the Texas chapter of Moms Demand Action.

    License, Please
    Wal-Mart, which itself sells rifles and shotguns, says it’s asking customers to show a pistol permit only in Texas stores that sell alcohol. When it comes to allowing guns in stores nationwide, the company says its policy is to follow all local, state and federal laws, said Nick.

    Still, its stance has begun to trouble gun-rights activists as they walk into their local Supercenter with pistols on their hips.

    “I find it offensive,” said C.J. Grisham, president of gun-rights group Open Carry Texas, who has heard from members who shop at Wal-Mart that they have been asked for permits. “I don’t want to be treated suspect by a place that I’m shopping at.”

    When 25-year-old Ashley Bravo de Rueda walked into a Wal-Mart in Wichita Falls on Sunday night to buy pacifiers for her infant son and dog food, she did so with her Bersa Thunder .380 pistol on her hip. Almost immediately she was approached by an employee.

    “She said, ‘Ma’am, you are more than welcome to carry a gun like that, but I’m going to need to see your license,’" Bravo de Rueda recalled.

    Startled by the encounter, Bravo de Rueda nonetheless pulled out her permit and proceeded to shop.

    “The whole time I felt like I was looking over my shoulder,” she said. “To me, I’m lawfully carrying. I should not be stopped for something that I am not doing wrong.”
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
    Sapper John likes this.
  13. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    No, the strongest statement would be a sign that reads "welcome, we shoot back."
  14. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    “The strongest statement businesses can make for their customers’ safety and care is getting that sign up," said Alexandra Chasse, a spokeswoman for the Texas chapter of Moms Demand Action.

    And that portion in reference to liquor sales/laws is a down right lie.
  15. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    There is a Texas Law that covers Liquor Sales and Gun Carry, any gun carry within the premises where liquor is sold.
    It is called the 51% Law and has nothing to do with the small percentage of Liquor Sales in Walmart. All smoke and mirrors, lies and negative noise to scare the uninformed.

    In fact the 51% Law is about alcohol sales.

    Mr. George Kelemen, chief executive officer of the Texas Retailers Association Stores is either misquoted or ill informed about the law.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yep, unfortunately, lies work. I just informed two little old ladies about the truth of obummer's new gun laws. They are now anti-obummer. (No one reacts well to being lied to.)
  17. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Yup if you snooze you loose, even states with good laws are subject to be attacked by the Bloombergers.
    pearlselby and kellory like this.
  18. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    While some are cheering the open carry and talking about businesses that allow and how this is an exercise in our rights, there always is another side. I don't know how to respond to put this article in perspective-
    Texas Man Handing Out Cards Warning That Guns Will Trigger Veterans' PTSD

    The man is handing out these cards-

    Yes, we have people who are scared of guns. We have people that panic at the site of guns. One of my first threads here was of a friend who was scared because she saw someone carrying. Personally open carry is fine but why not take a step and get the approval to carry concealed.
  19. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Respond? Pretty simple. Break down the statement, set each "item" in its own column and see what the perp/ahh mud raking anti gunner is trying to do..

    The first is that an assumption is made by the anti gunner that a PTSD person is tripped out by the view of a weapon. If so the sight of a weapon on a Cop would trigger in the same way. In such a case a person might, with any type of visual trigger to weapons,PTSD or other, might well be confined in their home with agoraphobia, due to the fear of seeing a gun on a Cops belt or any other condition that might cause a Panic Attack.

    In short the person who has a Panic Attack needs help.

    PTSD is not proven to be triggered by the sight of a gun, in fact there is nothing in the CFR Code that is quantified in that respect.

    Just more BS and a anti gunner looking for something that is not there.

    AS to how to answer, then look at your post. and understand that your friend, if not afraid of Police bearing Arms, has been desensitized to that event. Time and public exposure to Open Carry will allow her to reduce the brain washing of the Anti Gun Groups.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
    Mountainman likes this.
  20. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Read the story and comments then followed the link to Una Voz Unida. Seems to be another political activist. Probably just looking for attention. And I personally agree with most of the vets in the comments section of the story.
    HK_User likes this.
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  3. Coyote Ridge
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  8. Ganado
  9. Yard Dart
  10. tacmotusn
  11. HK_User
  12. Yard Dart
  13. Tully Mars
  14. Witch Doctor 01
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