Wait.. I thought I caused climate change by defeating the safeties on my microwave and running it on level 10 with the door open! Climate changes. It is historically documented. The dinosaurs didn't cause the ice age, man didn't cause the mini ice age, industrialized man was was not around to cause the warming of the Jurassic period or any other cataclysmic weather events of the past. It is hubris for mankind to believe they are the root cause of climate change. JMO
All this Climate Change is caused by the Norse God “Loki”... The trickster... I thought everyone knew that...
Was reading and came across something on pole shift that brings Mark Twain's bible quote to mind "It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, its the parts that I do understand". Wish the data provided here was from some crackpot tinfoil hat organization, however, https://phys.org/news/2021-02-earth-magnetic-field-broke-years.html , seems to indicate that at least sometimes in the past things haven't been to good and I see no indication that this is the lead story in the April 1 st edition . If you don't have some time, stay out of this rabbit hole as it ties a lot of loose ends together by main stream people and is about 100 times as convincing in its conclusions as is the proven science of climate change. Another interesting comment on the event was the use of biological material to track the effects of the pole shift, https://phys.org/news/2021-02-ancient-relic-earth-history-years.html but be advised it is presented in the new never let a good crisis go to waste and that if we could just limit carbon dioxide, we could all sit around and sing Kumbiaya and it would not affect us. As is becoming ever more common in the "new" internet, the original article either requires registration or is behind a paywall. Between censorship and restricted access, I think in a few years most of the use of the net will be for brainwashing and entertainment rather than a useful research tool.
Now the funny videos start to show up... (funny as in oddball reporting 'style') (lines at the HEB) once inside, no power/no charge if using CC. Gotta love TX - and yes, this is Austin.
power is out, the store won't/can't take you r credit card. So what is it goof for? Make a radio out of that card! here is a site I think many will find worth a visit The RadioBoard Forums - Index page
Someone needs to invent a completely green powered jet to transport these Democrats around the world pushing for this green energy fiasco quick,,, and put every damned 1 of them on it and send them across the big pond ,,, now ,,,
Boohoo Texas, Yall think that weather just magically stopped at the Sabine river like it hit a wall or something?