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Discussion in 'Technical' started by melbo, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Adding this just to keep track of it:

    Read more:
  2. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    1. (1990, 2000, 2008, 2009 & 2010 - prisons & jails - federal - prisoners by most serious offense) During the eleven years of 2000-2010, the number of federal prisoners grew by almost +45%; since 1990, they have more than tripled.
      At almost +104%, the fastest growing category of federal inmates belonged to "public order," which represents those incarcerated for immigration and weapons violations. The number of federal "drug" inmates in 2010 expanded by almost one third over those in 2000, but remained at the same approximate 50% of total federal inmates as in 1990.
      Number of sentenced prisoners in federal prison by most serious offense Offense 1990
      2008 2009 2010
      Share 2010 % Chg 2000-2010

      TOTAL 56,989
      182,333 187,886 190,641
      100.0% +44.7% Violent 9,557
      15,483 15,010 14,830
      7.8% +7.9% Property 7,935
      11,080 11,088 11,264
      5.9% +11.1% Drug 30,470
      95,079 96,735 97,472
      51.1% +31.2% Public-order 8,585
      59,298 63,714 65,873
      34.6% +103.8% Other/unspecified 442
      1,394 1,339 1,203
      0.6% -4.8%

      • Violent = homicide, robbery, murder, and manslaughter (negligent and non-negligent).
      • Property = burglary, fraud, etc.
      • Public Order = immigration, weapons, etc.

      Guerino, Paul; Harrison, Paige M.; and Sabol, William J., "Prisoners in 2010," Bureau of Justice Statistics, (Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, December 2011), NCJ 236096, p. 30.
      West, Heather C.; Sabol, William J.; and Greenman, Sarah J., "Prisoners in 2009," Bureau of Justice Statistics, (Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, December 2010), NCJ 231675, Appendix Table 18, p. 33.
      Beck, Allen J. and Harrison, Paige M., "Prisoners in 2000," Bureau of Justice Statistics, (Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, December 2011), NCJ 188207, Table 19, p. 12.
    2. (2006 - prisons & jails - length of sentence by offense) The table below shows the average sentence (mean and median) imposed on Federal prisoners for various offenses in 2006. "Among offenders convicted of a felony and sentenced to prison, the mean sentence was 49 months and the median was 24 months."
      Length of sentence received by convicted offenders by most serious conviction offense and sentence type, 2006 Most serious conviction Prison Mean Prison Median
      Jail Mean Jail Median
      Probation Mean Probation Median

      All Offenses 49 mo 24 mo
      6 mo 4 mo
      31 mo 24 mo Felonies 49 mo 24 mo
      6 mo 5 mo
      33 mo 24 mo Violent Offenses 94 48
      9 6
      38 24 Property Offenses 38 24
      7 6
      32 24 Drug Offenses 34 24
      5 3
      32 36 Public-order Offenses 33 24
      6 5
      34 24 Misdemeanors ~mo ~mo
      5 mo 4 mo
      19 mo 12 mo
      ~ = Not applicable
      Cohen, Thomas H. and Kyckelhahn, Tracey, "Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2006," Bureau of Justice Statistics (Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, May 2010) NCJ 228944, Table 13, p. 13.
    3. (2000 - prisons & jails - federal prison sentence length by offense) The table below shows the average sentence (mean and median) imposed on Federal prisoners for various offenses in 2000. "Prison sentences imposed increased slightly from 55.1 months during 1988 to 56.8 months during 2000. For drug offenses, prison sentences increased from 71.3 months to 75.6 months; for weapon offenses, sentences imposed increased from 52.3 months to 92.2 months."
      Average Federal Prison Sentence, 2000 Offense Mean Median

      All Offenses 56.8 months 33.0 months All Felonies 58.0 months 36.0 months Violent Felonies 86.6 months 63.0 months

      Drug Felonies All 75.6 months 55.0 months Drug Trafficking 75.2 months 51.0 months Drug Possession 81.1 months 60.0 months

      Property Felony - Fraud 22.5 months 14.0 months Property Felony - Other 33.4 months 18.0 months

      Public Order Felony - Regulatory 28.0 months 15.0 months Public Order Felony - Other 46.5 months 30.0 months

      Misdemeanors 10.3 months 6.0 months
      US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2000, With Trends 1982-2000 (Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, November 2001), p. 12, Table 6.
  3. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

  4. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    RWH just made some changes to try to get rid of these errors.
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