Stop calling them Drones!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Icefoot, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Looks like states are going to have to reign in the fed's controls. Nothing on the hill is stopping it.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  2. AmericanRedoubt1776

    AmericanRedoubt1776 American Redoubt: Idaho-Montana-Wyoming Site Supporter+

    Tenth Amendment versus drones:

    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (April 25, 2013) – A bill nullifying warrantless drone spying was signed into law by Florida Governor Rick Scott today. The bill passed the House 117-0 and the Senate 39-0.

    SB92 prohibits any law enforcement agency from using unmanned drones to gather evidence or other information without a warrant. It reads, in part: ”A law enforcement agency may not use a drone to gather evidence or other information.”

    The bill opens the door for any person whose privacy is violated by a drone to take civil action and would also make any evidence gathered in violation of the act inadmissible in court.

    Fair use source:
    Florida Governor Signs Anti-Drone Bill into Law | Tenth Amendment Center Blog


    Privacy Protection Act

    This legislative package is a state-level response to the forthcoming expansion of drone-use by law enforcement agencies within the United States. There are two versions of the legislation that are both ready for introduction in your state.

    The first requires that a warrant be issued before any law enforcement agency uses a drone within the state. The legislation is restrictive enough that drone use would be severely curtailed.

    The second is a full ban on the use of drones by law enforcement, criminalizing their use.

    Activists, we encourage you to send this to your state senators and representatives – and ask them to introduce this legislation in your state.

    Fair use source:

    Privacy Protection Act | Tenth Amendment Center


    The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791. [1] The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or the people.

    Fair use source:

    “The Tenth Amendment was intended to confirm the understanding of the people at the time the Constitution was adopted, that powers not granted to the United States were reserved to the States or to the people. It added nothing to the instrument as originally ratified.” –United States v. Sprague, 282 U.S. 716, 733 (1931).

    The founding fathers had good reason to pen the Tenth Amendment.

    The issue of power – and especially the great potential for a power struggle between the federal and the state governments – was extremely important to the America’s founders. They deeply distrusted government power, and their goal was to prevent the growth of the type of government that the British has exercised over the colonies.

    Adoption of the Constitution of 1787 was opposed by a number of well-known patriots including Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and others. They passionately argued that the Constitution would eventually lead to a strong, centralized state power which would destroy the individual liberty of the People.

    Many in this movement were given the poorly-named tag “Anti-

    The Tenth Amendment was added to the Constitution of 1787 largely because of the intellectual influence and personal persistence of the Anti-Federalists and their allies.

    It’s quite clear that the Tenth Amendment was written to emphasize the limited nature of the powers delegated to the federal government. In delegating just specific powers to the federal government, the states and the people, with some small exceptions, were free to continue exercising their sovereign powers.

    When states and local communities take the lead on policy, the people are that much closer to the policymakers, and policymakers are that much more accountable to the people. Few Americans have spoken with their president; many have spoken with their mayor.

    Adherence to the Tenth Amendment is the first step towards ensuring liberty in the United States. Liberty through decentralization.

    Fair use source: About the Tenth Amendment | Tenth Amendment Center
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