Ya ya...i've actually been HIT by rock salt for ripping up a corn field when I was a kid. Still have the scars. I don't think I deserved to be killed for what I did.... In fact, years later I went and appologised to the farmer for being a retard and not sticking to the trails.
Broadcasting common sense Do As You Would Have Others Do Unto You is not trolling. Block me if you dont like my stance. Living in fear is cowardice.
Common sense is keeping your animals and kids in check. Defending ideas that endanger your neighors is not common sense.
13 Years on this property....seems pretty solid to me that No Harm No Foul is working as designed...not "endangering my neighbors". Frankly - ALL my neighbors on my street are HAPPY to have my dogs wandering around..they chase bears and coyotes.
I live in a town/city of approx 70,000 people on a dead end road on your way up the mountain. Most folks on my road have land...most folks in town do not. Most people I work with in the city cram their family in apartments under 1200 square feet.....i'm on 10 acres and feel it's "small." I grew up picking tobacco on minimum 60 acre farms and family has a 600 acre maple syrup plot back east. I pity people who live in sky-boxes that to me seem like little prisons.
It stands, you blew it and rattled along untill you tripped yourself up. Good Hunting and careful of the pot holes in that city street of which you live as wll as the Freudian slips.
MG, NO your beef is with the Canadians stealing your land, not with the Americans stealing their Natives Lands... So go Bitch to Ottawa, or London if you care to, but leave the US Citizens out of it. And should you be from a US Native Tribe... Then as a Canadian Citizen, you have NO beef at all, since you abandoned your land, and left the country.... Get REAL, Sounds like a typical whine... Loser complaint... From a lost War, a century ago... And history is replete with whiney losers.....
Indians have pushed Indians off lands for centuries. It is the strong who hold the land, then and now. I'm part Indian myself, You'll not count coup here. I'll hold my boundaries, for good fences make good neighbors, and trespassers will be prostituted (this is not a mis-print)
I have a lot bigger beefs with America than pulling the "you stole my land" Native card. Losers? You clowns haven't won a war since WW2 and have been mercilessly throwing away the lives of your young men to protect corporate interests that have nothing to do with "defending your borders". Go watch the next false-flag on CNN and send your kid to Syria to back up Al-CIAda.
There is probably some cultural disconnect contributing to the various opinions on this thread concerning trespass. There is an "American" cultural concept to private property and trespass; but there are certainly regional differences. A common sign in the more rural areas around here in North Carolina, and certainly in Georgia, where I grew up, is: "Trespassers will be shot, Survivors will be shot again." One that was common in Georgia when I was a kid was: "Trespass on my land, shame on you. If I don't fill your ass with lead, shame on me." When I ran into one of those as a kid, I always took the property owner at his word, and steered clear. But this sort of thinking would be unheard of, and considered barbaric in the extreme, in a country such as Britain. I spent several years in England, and was amazed at their trespass laws, or lack thereof. In England, as I understood the law, if you are not actively living in a house that you own - hunting cabin, vacation cottage, etc.; and someone finds the door or a window unlocked, they can move in and take up residence under a several hundred year old squatters law. The burden of proof is on the owner to prove that they committed a crime by forcing a lock. Once they have established themselves, getting them out can be difficult in the extreme. There are also "rights of way" in England, some of which date back a thousand years, which you may not obstruct. If a farmer puts a fence around his pasture, which crosses one of these rights of way, he MUST place a gate at that point to facilitate entry into and across his property. Not even the government can legally block one of these rights of way, if a citizen wishes to push the point. I worked on a high security base in the north of England which set astride one of these rights of way. There was a ten foot fence, topped with concertina wire, around the base; but protestors would climb over the fence, and into the base. The Ministry of Defense police would detain them, and escort them, courteously, to the main gate and release them, and ask them not to do it again; which they would, of course, and the process would begin again. The Official Secrets Act allowed the government to place a fence around the facility; but the right of way law prevented the government from charging the protestors with trespass. A friend of mine from England, and a South African friend of hers, was over for a visit recently, and the South African fellow asked about trespass laws here. Living in England, he had become familiar with their trespass laws, and was as astonished as I had been. He had noticed that my property was fenced, and posted; and he was curious if the American law would defend the property owner against trespass. He said that South African law similarly defended the property owner, and that trespassing there was an extremely bad idea. The point that I'm trying to make is that, regardless of what law is on the books in a given area, someone living in the suburbs may look at trespass differently than someone living on a working ranch. Someone in Rhode Island may have a different view of what constitutes acceptable trespass than someone in Texas. Someone in England would definitely look at trespass differently than someone in America or South Africa. None of us are necessarily barbarians, or liberal-minded clones, because of our attitude toward trespass, if our views are acceptable within our local culture, and supported by our local laws. It's not really something to beat each other about the head over.
@Tulianr, you have a point, but only one point of view really matters. The man defending his own, will use whatever method he feels he must. That may include shooting. It really doesn't matter what the opinion of the lead catcher is, he's either running, or dying. You can't reason with a bullet.
True. In general, it is the property owner's opinion that matters most. I'm just trying to say that it is quite probable that some of us will never agree about trespass, because there are cultural norms that affect our views.
Good point aboot culture difference....don't think I ever used the word "barbaric" but I still stand strong in saying "Shooting a mans dog cuz it shit on your lawn is ignorant. Confront the man, sure...but don't be killing his best friend just cuz u got a gun and can.
True enough, that is why there are LAWS to govern that behavior. Here, believe it or not PURPLE posts mean no trespass, same as a sign. I never knew that, nor ever seen the posts. but ignorance of the law, is no excuse. know your laws before you trespass.