Spring Food Riots?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jim2, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    We have over 50000 heirloom seeds banked. We are raising our own meat and growing our own veggies. When bloody Bing cherries are selling at 6.69 FRNs/pound, when they were 3.99 FRNs/pound just last season, you know it is getting bad. 4.00 FRN/gallon milk. Chicken is at 2.99 FRNs/pound. I live in bloody HOUSTON on the GULF and gulf shrimp, which normally sell for 2.99 or less FRNs/pound are selling at nearly 10 FRNs a pound.

    It is coming. Sooner than later. Got preps?
  2. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    i dont know about other places, but here theyare working veryhard atmaking roadside stands illegal
    then of course there is s510 thatthe lameduck congress slipped thru
    guard your gardens well folks
  3. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I drove some of the back highways last week to check grain production. Wheat and a few other small grains are doing reasonably well, but corn is in a hurt. I wonder if ethanol will get priority for the corn?

    Leaf crops and others are in bad shape or non existant due to the drought we're facing here in Texas.

    I think more staples from Sam's is in order.

    I understand why ADM, Monsanto and others would want it, but I just don't understand how anyone could vote to outlaw family gardens. It hurts no one and frees up food for others. I guess the desires of the greedy and control freaks rule the rest of us.

  4. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    you can bet that every politician in office last december got a good payoff for sliding that bill in under another one
    its not about us, its all about who pays the most...Monsanto
  5. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I hit Sam's last time i was in...
    Picking up 50lbs. of rice...
    and with all the flooding we are getting in Louisiana...
    The crawfish production will increase for the estimated next 5 year's...
    So some good will come of this..
  6. bad_karma00

    bad_karma00 Monkey+

    I read the entire S510 bill when the hype about it hit. I saw nothing in there about outlawing gardens, or even truckpatching. In fact, there was an exclusion written in for producer to consumer sales ( i.e. garden stands, local farms, etc).

    I know people are upset about the law, and I understand why. But nothing I saw, after reading the entire bill, shows a threat to gardening, or to truck patch sales, or even farmer's market, which another producer to consumer sales platform.
  7. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    not yet maybe but ti makes open doors for heavy regulations concerning them
  8. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    HOWEVER, the FDA regulates all foodstuff. Seeds are considered food. All the FDA has to do is claim Heirlooms are dangerous. Regulating commercial farms is a half step from small or home producers. All that needs be said is "the laws apply to you". Oh, sure you can argue it in court. However, before you see a courtroom, you will face destruction of your crops, fines, and depending on the "severity" of the offense, arrest. It is not hype, it is all about interpretation of the law and interpretation of law still remains the concern of a courtroom.
    ghrit likes this.
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