Sound from heaven

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Taku, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Withak

    Withak Monkey

    I heard this a week or so ago after someone posted on another forum. A beautiful voice to be sure, one I was happy to listen to several times - and I'm not a fan of the song itself - but she performed it more beautifully than I've heard from many others.
  2. Withak

    Withak Monkey

    Perhaps, if there were a Brittney Spears song worthy of such praise, but I highly doubt it. I see this song as both religious and secular, based on Cohen's own interpretation of the song's meaning. So in reality, it means different things to different people, depending on their religious (or lack thereof) point of view. As to whether or not it should be placed before Trump and Pence, that's a personal matter, why should it matter what song is chosen - this song moves certain people, so let them be moved. I have yet to hear a Brittney Spears song that moved me to do anything but shut off the radio [yukface]
  3. Taku

    Taku past history. Already prepared.

    Just enjoy the song and the soul and heart it is sung with. Thst is all it was put here for. Not to start some bullsheit religious debate.
    Unbelievable dont like it shut it off. Easy !
    Ot is a little girl that likes to sing.
    I doubt even an athiest could dislike that little girl and tbe song or they have to have a truly black hesrt.
    Look past the beliefs and politics and see the heart and doul dhe sings with. For someone that seldom speaks at all whatever you believe this is a miricle she does it.
    Truth be told I hate athiests as much as they hate me but that all has zero besring on what this girl does and brings to people amd what it does for her. It is her medicine snd also for many others it hesls as well.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
    3M-TA3, ghrit and Withak like this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I believe her voice and youthful innocence seem to go perfectly with the holiday spirit and that rendition of the old Leonard Cohen song, whose lyrics were changed by a Christian rock band, if I understand correctly. The song fit Kaylee as well as she fit it; beautiful lyrics in my opinion. The song was perfect for her as she was perfect for the song which was perfect for the holidays - that simple. Now, if she were to try something else, for example your Brittney Spears, I highly doubt it would have resonated with so many people because the song just would not fit her well, even with her great voice. I think she could do some Gospel well and probably some Folk (would love to hear her sing 'Danny Boy' or 'Amazing Grace' or even 'Shenandoah') but don't think the little girl could do Brittney's Hip-Hop junk or Rap-crap or Heavy head-banger Metal and I highly doubt we would want to hear her do it. I certainly wouldn't. The song she performed was indeed rewritten to be religious but whether one is religious or not everyone (including atheists, agnostics, and even deists like me) still can enjoy a beautiful song performed perfectly by a sweet innocent, especially at Christmas time. Just my opinion...
    3M-TA3 and chelloveck like this.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Somehow "Oops, I did it again" just isn't quite as inspiring... A great performance is moving, and the majority of secular songs follow a formula to maximize profitability and not move the spirit.
    Withak likes this.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    1. Whatever the reason for posting the thread, it doesn't mean that it has some special immunity from comment....agreement...or even disagreement. That is the nature of a forum....comment is open to all with possibly differing points of view..

    2. I gave no indication that I disliked the girl, nor that I disliked the song, nor that I disliked the way the song was rendered: I just questioned whether the effusive praise given her might not be so effusive if she had sung a secular song.

    3. That sounds like good advice, that might be profitably exercised at times by the person suggesting it.

    4. Evidently: So do the rest of the choir, but their efforts seem to be largely neglected in favour of the soloist.

    5. Who dislikes the artist? Not me. Yes the song is hauntingly melodic, but it is a heavily Bowdlerised version Thomas Bowdler - Wikipedia of the original Leonard Cohen lyrics; Which would themselves, be mildly disturbing for a young person of Kaylee Rogers' tender years to be singing. (Leonard's Halleluja lyrics incorporate some quasi sexual themes i.e. Samson and Delilah (seduction and betrayal)Samson and Delilah: a good effort at biblical sex and violence, and David and Bathsheba (adultery, abuse of authority, and murder by proxy).

    I have a black heart?? Perish the thought.

    6. Certainly, Kaylee sings with enthusiasm, and with earnestness, and can sing in tune nicely, but hers is a raw, untrained talent, that could benefit from some vocal training. As good as Kaylee is for her age, and experience, and as challenging as are her life circumstances, she is none the less, not as yet accomplished a singer as Aled Jones or Charlotte Church were at ages similar to Kaylee's present age. Kaylee does show some potential, and I hope that she has the opportunity to develop her talents further.

    7. Whether Kaylee's talents could be described as miraculous, is a matter of opinion. The word miracle has a few slightly different meanings....miracle - definition of miracle in English | Oxford Dictionaries. Kaylee's talents are explicable within the context of the natural world: why attribute her talents to a divine agency when clearly her performance is clearly attributable to her efforts, the efforts of her music/singing teachers, and fellow students. It diminishes Kaylee's very signal achievements in spite of the challenges of autism, by suggesting that some divine agent is the means by which she delivers her performance.

    8. That possibly says more about you than it does of me (as an atheist). I don't hate you, nor do I hate any other theist for that matter. Hatred requires so much more of an emotional investment than might be warranted in your particular case. Mild disdain, perhaps, but hatred? Hardly.

    9. I agree with you heartily....I don't know why you bothered bringing up the fiction that you are hated....unless you are somehow interpreting disagreement as hatred.

    Had Kaylee Rogers sung the solo part of XTC's song, "Dear God" WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING NOW? (Ongoing Participation Thread) | Page 19 | Survival Monkey Forums, I wonder if her singing talents would have been featured in the F&R forum at all, regardless of her evident singing talent. Would her singing be enthusiastically acclaimed as heavenly inspired? Some people find religious glurge appealing, but far fewer seem to appreciate songs critical of god, regardless of how well written or performed....go figure???
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
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