Some thoughts about defending your retreat

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Grand58742, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    [LMAO][LMAO]You are a smart man chello
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Better than sitting you your Head.....
    Gator 45/70 and Grandpa Patch like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Or maybe that I have a better sense of humour than some here...and am occasionally inclined to make a joke at my own expense.
    Ganado, Gator 45/70 and Grandpa Patch like this.
  4. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    I had often wondered the same thing about the concrete mix. Around here it is popular to line a person's property with quikrete bags if they have a creek running through it. They are layered the same way a person would lay block pattern wise. Lay them in dry and let the humidity/rainfall do the rest. As the years go by the paper bags rot away and they end up with a nice retaining wall against flooding.Looks similar to your idea. I do like the idea of the traffic cone as a bag filler.
    Largest Manufacturer of Packaged Concrete | QUIKRETE: Cement and Concrete Products
  5. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    Really like this idea, especially if you cut slits and embedded heavy galvanized wire or even barb wire along each run. As to the age old argument about a fortification is a death trap. I always ask what is the first thing the US Military do when they establish a base. Yes they fortify. I will qualify that with always have a plan b, and an escape route, a back door. I also like this idea if you have a lot of rocks.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Fortifications need not be inherent death traps...though it has to be said, that most fortifications can ultimately be defeated if the OPFOR has sufficient time, patience, resources, and resolution to overcome a substantial defence. In a TEOTWAWKI / WROL environment, if a solid defensive plan (including fortifications) can provide protection from roving, ill armed and uncoordinated gangs / bandits. it may be sufficient to deflect much of the golden horde onto easier / softer targets.

    Fortifications should be seen as measures to enhance survivability, and buy time and opportunities to explore further options. Many ancient and medieval fortifications had sally ports, and often various concealed means of egress to enable parts of the garrison to counter attack, or escape the encirclement. Concealed means of egress should be part of a survival retreat planning.

    Another method of achieving ballistic protection, is the use of gabions. THey could be incorporated into the homestead's landscaping and be prettified to conceal their actual purpose. Gabions can use dirt fill....just need to line the cages with geotextile fabric or concrete cloth.

    A poor man's concrete cloth could be improvised from burlap sealed with a cement slurry applied from both sides.YMMV.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
    jim2, Tully Mars and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    Gabions are what I was referring too in my post, about using livestock panels, filled with rocks. The pig fencing has a tighter grid for smaller rocks. You determine how wide you want the gabion, then cut up another one and make cells inside the 2 panels that you place parallel to each other. Wire or weld them together and then fill each cell up with rocks.
    If it is 2 ft thick, it will even stop a .50 cal. If you research Rhodesian Farmer defenses they had a lot of good ideas about using these for standoff protection from rpg and even Molotov cocktails around buildings. They are readily available everywhere. You can custom design your own walls. I would beware going to narrow or high without some serious thought to engineering the structural loads and foundation support.
    Although even on hard packed ground if the first tier is wide enough you should be safe.
    Put some barbwire on top and there you go.

    Unless they bring mortars or artillery against you, I think you have a fair chance, big thing I think is paying attention by monitoring the radio's and using your own intel networks as to what is happening in your zone. Say listening out 25-50 mile radius. Then start putting out ranging patrols with plans for ambushing groups before they arrive at your location. Assuming all has collapsed and you are truly with no government support or help.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2019
  8. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    Rhodesian Farmer Defenses:

    Rhodesian Farmers Defensive Arrangements

    The following is a general overview:

    1) Most farmers fitted hand-grenade grills to the outside of all windows and Doors leading outside were likewise security grilled.

    2) Many farmers built thick sand bag walls in front and under bedroom windows to stop bullets passing through walls and providing secured firing arc's. Beds were never placed against the outside walls of a farmhouse.

    3) It was usual to have a designated safe room within the farmhouse that could be defended until support arrived. Sometimes this was a central corridor that allowed the farmer to move into other rooms to attack those outside through the windows. In the loft or ceiling over the safe room, some farmers laid sand bags to deal with possible mortar attack.

    4) Every farmhouse in a given area was linked by a radio system called “Agric Alert”. This allowed radio contact with other farmers who formed their own defence units, usually under the umbrella of PATU (Police Anti-Terrorist Unit), which would react to a call from one of their neighbors for assistance. Another means of alarm raising was the use of a signal rocket - The Agric-Alert system was not done away with after the war, such was the lack of trust in Mugabe`s promises. It performed admirably as well when dealing with criminal activity such as stock theft. The alert system arranged for all farmers to check in with each other at a given time in the morning and evening as a means of monitoring their status.
    South Africa also had such a system Called MARNET.

    5) Around all farmhouse gardens were erected security fences with barbed wire (or razor wire) and which often had simple alarm systems built into them.
    There were usually 2 fences were placed about 50 m apart with a ditch dig close to the inner one - the inner fence was usually very high 10 feet with barb wire and close to the main house, about 4 meters away, the outer fence was lower and alarmed with simple soda cans with stones inside that would rattle and wake the dogs if there were disturbed.

    the reason for the 2 fences and ditch was much like todays BAR Armour on Hummers that you guys use .. the inner fence would catch grenades and they would then roll into the ditch and explode there causing little damage. and an RPG fired at the house would also be caught by the fence and do little damage to the mail house

    Within the inner fence boundary, every farmer usually had a couple of large dogs. The dogs were fed their largest meal in the morning instead of the evening, in order to help keep them awake at night. Other farmers had geese or ducks, which made excellent guard “dogs.” Gardens were kept deliberately trim so as to keep clear fields of view and fire etc. The farm houses also had outside flood lighting erected in such a way as to blind those outside the fence, but not to interfere with the vision of those within the farmhouse.

    the flood lighting often included hardened lighting, usually behind sand bags , reflectors were used to provide light from lights shining vertically upwards because lights are the first targets and if the reflectors were shot they still worked ... albeit with a few holes

    6) All farmers and their wives were armed with an assortment of weapons, and most farmers were trained military men. They had at least one assault rifle, usually an FAL 7.62, assorted shot guns, .303 hunting rifles and so forth. It was also not unusual for wives to carry Uzi`s around with them, or other equivalents such as the Rhodesian Cobra. All members of the family were trained on the various weaponry available to them, including the kids. In one famous incident a child successfully fought off the attacking terrorists after both of his parents were wounded. The main defensive weapons were at all times within immediate reach of the adult farmhouse occupants, and were placed next to the bed at night.

    7) Some farmers used mine protected vehicles, as a favorite of terrorists was to landmine the driveway outside the fence. A great deal of time was spent looking at the dirt roads for freshly dug earth points and so forth when driving around the farm.

    8) Some farm gardens and particular points external to the fence were wired with home-made claymore like devices strategically placed in areas where attackers were likely to take cover. In a few instances farmers deliberately erected “cover positions” for the terrorists to use outside the fence, which were then blown up upon attack. A particular favorite was a section of plastic piping filled with nails, nuts, bolts, screws and so forth. I witnessed tests with these and the tubes cleared large areas of their intended aiming point of all bush cover and leaves from trees etc for about 30 meters into the bush. By placing a number of figure 8`s in front of these tests, it was apparent from the strike patterns that not one of them would have walked again had they been terrorists.

    9)Out buildings were often fitted which screens of thin steel or wood the provide false cover to intruders who would have to stand behind the sheets to fire around the corners of buildings but could easily be picked off if they did, by firing through there cover.
  9. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    @deMolay great post! I'm left wondering what hand grenade grills are and some other things and I can look them up.
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  10. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    This is a question for tech guru's. How about using marine radar for homestead or BOL detection of intruders. Maybe off the wall but what is your opinion?

    OK to stop someone from throwing from throwing anything through your window, build a metal frame of angle iron that covers your window area, you can even build it so the frame extends out a foot or two, then attach expanded metal on all surfaces. No bricks, rocks, grenades, Molotov cocktails etc can come through your window.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2019
    chelloveck and arleigh like this.
  11. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I have for years expressed the use of having a false structure at the probable entrances to the area so that marauders and such might inspect them and through hidden electronics survale their intentions .
    I recommend them the ground rather than in the structure because most would likely destroy the structure .
    Secondarily , having some form of communications in secret locations around the perimeter ,recon teams have an alternate form of communications with command .
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  12. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Another serious asset can be alternate language forms ,from sign language to Klingon or other foreign languages .
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    First of all, Most Marine Radars are X-Band Radars that operate at about 10Ghz, and about 3Kw but no more than 10Kw Peal Pulse Power... At this Frequency and Power level they wouldn't give a return off a human form unless it was covered in Aluminum Foil...
    Second, are you planning to Rotate the Antenna, like used in Marine Radar technology? If so, just remember to Duck, when it swings by your head... Third, The minimum detachable Range of such a unit is about 200 Yds.... It takes the T/R Cell about that length of time to recover from the Main Bang of the Magnetron, and get the Receiver FrontEnd sensitive enough to detect a return Reflection from the Target...

    One would be much better off using an Inferred Laser, and watch for an increase in received Reflection Density, and use that for your detection scheme. Less likely to be discovered, unless they approaching Folks are using NV Googles...
    Gator 45/70, deMolay and chelloveck like this.
  14. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Really? We had one that would pickup seagulls taking off in the fog.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yep exactly, there is a BIG Difference between a Seagull just above or still in SaltWater, and a human with just clothes that have little or no metal... The seagull sitting in SaltWater causes a corner Angle Reflection that is similar to why Corner Reflectors work, when they are constructed correctly..... Years ago, I was installing the first 10Kw Furuno X-Band Radar that sported 6’ SlotLine Antenna, imported in the USA... on a NEW Western Towboat Tub Boat ... When i went out on Sea Trials I was setting the Heading Marker, and the skipper noticed a flock of Seagulls out in front of us, at about 2 miles... I looked thru his binocks and told him that when the FloatPlane took off , just in front of them, they would all fly, and all the targets on his screen in that area would dissappear.... Sure enough, the Floatplane took off and as soon as the flock was airborne all the targets dissappeared, except one... He pointed it out, and decided to go check it out.. So we run over there, watching the target untill it was inside the minimum Range of the Radar... (about 200 yds) and when we got there, it turned out to be a styrofoam Cup, floating around... We picked up the cup and backed off, and continued with the Sea Trial, at half a mile, he looked and No Target in that area... He was very impressed with that Radar, and still only puts Furuno Radars on all his boats. The Seawater Object Angle is the critical factor in the amount of reflected 10Ghz Signal returned by floating objects...
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  16. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Ground Surveillance Radars exist....just that they are likely to be prohibitively expensive for the average joe prepper / survivalist to afford....however, who knows what ex GI radar equipment might be available as army surplus. man pack / portable ground surveillance radars have been around for quite a long time.

    Annual report for fiscal year ... including the reports of the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Air Force ... 1961-64.

    Ground Surveillance Radar Section, 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 50th Infantry Battalion in Vietnam

    Radar Basics - AN/PPS-4

    Ground surveillance radar has, of course, moved on from the early 1960's

    'Civilian' ground surveillance radars are available commercially: price and capabilities - YMMV

    Low-cost surveillance radar for site security. | Scan 360

    Radar | FLIR Systems
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2019
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @chelloveck However NONE of those Units are X-Band Radars... and by International Convention Marine Radars are only licensed in X-Band, and the older S-Band... S-Band was the basic Radar used in EARLY WWII Marine Radars... S-Band is down around 3.9Ghz... which is even worse for detecting Human movement... What one needs is to move up to Millimeter Frequencies like Airport Scanners use...
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    As interesting as your reply is, Bruce, (@BT Post) I wasn't remarking on the suitability of civilian maritime radars as field expedient ground surveillance radars. I was merely pointing out that there are radars specifically designed for the ground surveillance role, giving a few historical and contemporary examples of which; and throwing in a couple of Youtube clips for the mil history buffs here for good measure.

    I take your point that a surveillance system suitable for one environment (marine) may not be practical or suitable for a different environment (ground surveillance): But I wasn't suggesting otherwise.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  19. deMolay

    deMolay Monkey+

    I appreciate both you guys clearing that up before I got myself involved in experimenting some day, and obviously I would be heading down the wrong road. Thanks
    chelloveck and Gator 45/70 like this.
  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Just a Note here.... Back in the Day (mid 60s) I knew a fellow in Seattle that was doing the Original Wx Radar Experiments using an OLD Decca 404 40Kw Marine Radar... He had replaced the 4ft Slot Line Antenna with a Home-built 8ft one with a 12° Verticle & 1.4° Horizontal Beamwidth... With this he was able to see, and calculate, the Moisture Density of the Clouds out to about 120 miles and covered most of Puget Sound and the Olympic Peninsula... Had a Special Experimental Operating License, granted by the FCC... I helped him mod the Transmitter and Waveguide to accommodate a 100Kw Military Magnetron for the Transmitter just before he died.... and got a mention in his Patent Application and subsequent published Scientific Paper...
    HK_User, deMolay and Gator 45/70 like this.
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