Some thoughts about defending your retreat

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Grand58742, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. jimLE

    jimLE Monkey+++

    the way i see it,is like this.the further out a person's location is away from towns n cities,the better location it is..especially if everything is taken into consideration first..location,is it remote enough where you (might) see 4 or 5 ppl inside of 1 year?do they live in the area,or hunt?
    then there's plants,animals,creeks,streams,ponds,lakes.are any of them spring fed,by a underground spring? property line littered with trees and underbrush? is there plenty of trees on the property for lumber and firewood?. have several bug out routes? knowing when to bug out when it's safe enough to do so.communications for each member of family/ it walkie talkies.cb radio,and other forms of communications..

    reconprepper likes this.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    jimLE likes this.
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Hmmm, someone posted a map showing just where those really remote access places were by road traffic. There were very few truly remote locations in the west, and none in the east. (Iirc)
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Alaska is FULL of them..... You actually have to have Roads, to have Road Traffic.... and Roads are one thing that is in short supply, in Alaska.....
  5. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2015
    kellory likes this.
  6. jimLE

    jimLE Monkey+++

    BTPost..Secure Comms i hadn't thought of.but then again.i don't hear much about them..
  7. Pineknot

    Pineknot Concrete Monkey

    I think the biggest myth is:
    We have 50 people and we will hold back anybody from taking our stuff!!
    i always respond, if you have 50 people, you can only hold off 100 if your defenses are great and your people are trained AND YOU DONT LOSE ANYONE, it won't take long before some group comes through that has the manpower and the skills to take you out.

    A community, yes, you will need a community to stay alive and well fed. The myth of bugging out to most is just what they have read or been told. They think because they have a farm 20 miles from town that they will be immune to attack because many people don't know its there. Just sit back and wait. they will be before long. And if you spend all your time guarding said budget then who tends the gardens, animals, medical, building and design, food preparation and storage and and water. who will leave to scout dangers. i think you will need a couple hundred people to survive prosperously until god calls you home.
    chelloveck, Ganado, Mike and 2 others like this.
  8. jimLE

    jimLE Monkey+++

    thats exactly why i believe that it's all around best idea to think everything out before buying a bug out location,or a bug in location..and just because 20 miles from one town can be good enough.doesn't mean it'll be good when it comes to a different many other things have to be considered as,how hard or easy is it to get onto the property?how many ways onto and off the property?how hard or easy is it to cross the property line,on foot motorcycle, or vehicle.? can thorn trees and thorny vines be planted on the property line,to make it harder for someone to cross it.? and still make it look like it's natural? dont take me wrong.i know that there will always be flaws in a plan and/or a situation.but yet they can be worked out to a point where there's little worry on the small flaws.and knowing those flaws can save lives.having 50 people within a community is good.depending how large the property is,decides how many is on patrol at any given which their on patrol for a set leanth of time..for example.4 to 5 hours at most.then the 2nd security group relieffs that group.and the ones not on patrol do things that needs to be house cleaning,working the garden,attending to life stock,,etc etc.
  9. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Defense has always worried me and will continue to worry me. W e are in an area fairly close to a large city but not on any main road. Most city folk have never been out here but the locals are at least as dangerous if not more so. I stocked about as much ammo as we could afford along with long term preps like propane, water, rice ,sugar and salt. Living on a lake is living on a pantry. The lake has no public access so it is at least somewhat safe. However it does not take a rocket scientist to know that water is life. For me the word force multipliers comes into play. I have designed very wicked and hurtful things to stop invaders. They are not deployed or even assembled. They are built from standard things found in any well supplied work shop such as large nails, Pipe,pvc tube, scrap steel, Black powder and lead split shot. Boards and long drywall screws can be used in sinister ways. However the best thing we have going right now is perimeter defese using Black locust trees. I planted this nasty crap a few years back and it has taken over the areas along our road becoming and thorn thicket that even the deer wont go through. This will help funnel intruders into one of two lanes. My driveway and my neighbors driveway. I command the high ground from good concealed positions. I will not however sit there and wait to be attacked. We have Identified several choke points(bridges and culverts out to a mile from our house that we will defend first falling back to pre selected positions. Whittle them down first and finish them before they even see the house. But any plan can fail. I have no elusions of grandeur nor do I hope for such a breakdown in my area.
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Rommel was right.... In any Defense, you need to "Stop them, on the beaches". Or before they can get a foothold in your territory.... In my case, my plan is to discourage them, by punching out their WheelHouse Windows, @ 1000Yds with .308 NATO Rounds.... From 10 Ft back in the woods.... Two or three shots would seem to be sufficient, to get them thinking, " There just has to be easier Pick'ens, ELSEWHERE...." And turn around, and leave, the Inlet....
  11. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I really and have always believed that the worst elements of society will die first in combat with remaining law enforcement. Once law an order breaks down and the cops go home then we are all on our own. By that time thousands will have died. Mostly in big cities and the people if denied power will move south to warmer climate. I am counting on this to help reduce the number of raiding types approaching us. All we have to do is sit tight , be quiet and stay off the main drags as the hordes go south. Michigan's winters are cruel. With no plows out the roads will be impassable and traffic by car will stop. If shtf during the winter? Millions will die in the north without power.
    jim2, reconprepper, Rsparks and 8 others like this.
  12. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    BT, you certainly have an advantage over most considering the population density and independent spirit of your neighbors. Here in the mid atlantic we have cities nearby and most have large ghettos. Am fortunate to have a remote farm but do not rely on it as a final resort. If things truly get bad then I plan to be fairly capable of being mobile between several locations should moving become necessary.
  13. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    That is where we are screwed. If we have to move we cant. My wife cant walk to the end of the property much less even a few miles a day. We would have to drive out . Nope we make or break it right here. If she dies I die beside her. My hope is our area is not over run by mobs of looters and such.
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If you have to Go, Going next to your True Love, is about as good as it gets.....
  15. Pineknot

    Pineknot Concrete Monkey

    It would be nice if we had the opportunity to see the future then we would know what we need and how much time we had to get it. I'm in my mid 30's and wish I would have started in my mid teens. I would possibly have a much better location although costing a lot more to commute to work and such. I am lucky to at least have a 40 acre farm out side of town with just few roads leading my way. We don't have anywhere else to go unless things get serious bad and we have to join a larger group and pool supplies.
    jim2 likes this.
  16. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Bruce one to the wheel house two at the water line
    Tully Mars and ghrit like this.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If I had a 40MM, That would work just spiffy, but with a .308 NATO, the holes aren't big enough to let in enough water to do cause much concern.... The Wheelhouse Window shattering lets them know, they are under survalence, and within range....
  18. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Tobit, you are welcome at my fire, anytime....
    Gator 45/70 and Mike like this.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If you have enough 308, you can make it look like a colander while he's picking glass out of his eyes.

    Gots to conserve the Ammo, you just never know if, or when one might get ReSupply...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2021
  20. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    Tobit, it's never too late. I started at 60. There is no "try", there is only "do" or "not do". Yoda
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