Some Myths About Bugging Out on Foot

Discussion in 'Survival Articles' started by Grand58742, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    This one has a 475 hp Cat Turbo Diesel with a hydrostatic trans, will climb most any slope with or with out the winch ( removed in this pict) with the winch she can climb an 80 deg slop, and does about 40mph flat out cross country! Sucks 140 gallons per 12 hour shift!!! Still one of the nicest cats I have ever run! The brand new Pinroth cats just cant keep up, and the resort isn't happy, they bought 6 at 1/2 mil a piece!!!
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Since the cab is fiber glass you may want to have a clamp on mount to something available behind the cab. mag mounts need a ground plane .
    I use to work on those babies at snow summit Big Bear lake Calif.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If the MagMount Antenna is designed correctly, the Coax FeedLine will act as a RF Ground, for the Antenna... You just have to have a 180° run from the Antenna Polarization for the first 24" of the FeedLine.... or you can stick, a 1 SqFt Steel Sheet Metal Plate, with DoubleSided Tape, to the Underside of where the MagMount is located, and bring a Ground Wire in to it thru a Window Gasket. I have done both over the years, and they both will work just fine... Using the FeedLineonly, will cause a small skew in the H Radiation Pattern, but it isn't really significant, in Repeater usage.....
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  4. avagdu

    avagdu Monkey++

    My winter setup is 40-45lbs. with 3 liters of water (and a gravity filter to get more) and four days worth of food. My two bug out locations are near the closest natural water sources. One is about 30 miles and the other is 11 miles. Firearms, magazines and ammunition would be situationally dependent but obviously add to the weight.

    If highway was clear of roadblocks I'd rather drive and could take a lot more food, water and stove fuel to last about two weeks without rationing.
  5. Mac Bolan

    Mac Bolan Monkey

    Several scenarios pop up that could necessitate bugging out on foot. Roadblocks, martial law, rampant violence, and just avoiding the horde if it comes your way. Some of the logistical problems associated with BO on foot are...carrying enough supplies and knowing where to go. These can be mitigated if you plan in advance and utilize caching.

    In this thread... Here is an article I wrote that details getting home when forced to abandon your vehicle on the road | Survival Monkey Forums I gave a quick presentation on the use of map and compass in finding your way home in unfamiliar territory. The same methodology can apply to bugging out and cache locations. Having a bug out location as your ultimate goal is only part of the process...getting there safely and without compromising yourself is the other.

    One way is to carry everything but the kitchen sink in some ungodly heavy backpack and having your poor wife/gf do the same. The other way is to minimize your load and rely on several caches that have been stashed along your route. The most common and cheapest way to create a cache is to use plastic PVC pipe and caps. Using a good sealer on the pipe threads (like silicone) will keep things dry.

    What you put in your cache is up to you. I would suggest some bullion cubes for a quick soup, small first aid kit, hard candy, maybe a few protein bars. a BIC lighter and some foil wrapped alcohol towelettes (these make excellent fire starters as well as keeping you fairly clean.

    I would definitely have one of these Bear Grylls canteen/cooking cups as part of my BOB.

    Now, as far as locating your caches...

    You can apply the same principles utilizing Google maps to show cache locations as you will for getting home.
    The only difference is that you determine landmarks on your map and triangulate to your cache.

    Of course, this becomes easy with a GPS but in an EMP or solar storm scenario, the GPS will not work or at the very least be inaccurate. you go out and hide your your triangulation and make note of the coordinates in a small note pad.

    Keep in mind that caches do not necessarily have to be buried. Placed in dense trees, under rocks, or if you are daring...under water also works.

    There are many reasons why survival caches useful. Here are a few of the most common ones:

    To prevent all your survival supplies being in one single location and having to carry them.

    By spreading our your supplies in unique hidden locations, if one site becomes compromised, you don’t lose everything.

    To support a bug out.

    Strategically located survival caches can provide extra supplies along your bug out route. This helps keep your pack weight down and allows you to restock on critical supplies (food, water, ammo, etc.)
  6. A lot of people pack a BOB and ended up having to carry it on a golf bag carrier!!!!! LOL By the way I have a golf bag carrier!!!
    chelloveck and HK_User like this.
  7. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

  8. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Remember that in some situations the government could scramble the GPS signal just enough to make it difficult, if not impossible, to find your hidden caches of supplies.
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I would use the GPS to get me with 1000 Yds of the cache. and then use local landmarks to locate the specific cache... GPS would be useless with variables larger than 1000Yds for ANY Purposes....
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  10. Grand58742

    Grand58742 Monkey+++

    Going to see if this actually posts now.

    GPS has been a game changer in land navigation, but it can fail which is why having that secondary skill of orienteering is critical. When computers fail, paper maps, a protractor and a compass rarely do. It's a perishable skill, but keeping in practice you can get within 10 yards (meters if you prefer MGRS) of a target location.

    When technology fails, the tried and true typically can save you.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2019
    Gator 45/70 and john316 like this.
  11. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    on 911 it came to a hair's breath close >> after they got the legit airliners down & parked - anymore terrorist planes and they were going to scramble GPS - can't imagine that nitemare for everything else that is GPS dependent ...
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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