Although Aptus, you have been here long enough that you need to find an Avatar! Get with Melbo, he seems to come up with some interesting ones!
Yup, and us old guys get to ask lots as well. (And jam each other up with misinformation now and then.) Melbo, how about a big question mark avatar for Aptus until he finds one he likes for himself?
Will that stuff stick to Romy parkerizieng (or whatever that stock material might be?) BTW, it took a 4 lb hammer and four hands to get the barrel pin out, but it's out --
Oh yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. Those Romy barrel pins were the bain of our existence. The take up a big part of the build time. The air hammers help a lot removing them.
WD 40 is a bit thin, even as cold as it is around here. I've used a number of potions to loosen stuff up, Liquid Wrench, Marvel's Mystery Oil. All of them work to one degree or another. Just happens I'm out --. That problem will go away in the next day or two --. Then there is a bit of heat, which is extreme, but if it doesn't work, nothing will.
The very best I've ever used is called AeroKroil. truly amazing stuff. We bought a case last year and after giving my mechanic and excavator a can each, they now buy cases themselves cures Cancer too!
Yup, have used that potion also. Not at all bad, just don't drink it. Grows a third arn outa u forehaid, and makes your lips look fishy.