Did a jericho marathon to catch up here.Pretty cool the way they drag hawkins story along in bits and pieces.I'm betting he's a "stay behind sleeper agent outfitted to survive, and raise and train a resistance cell if over run by an external enemy, he has private web acces when everybody else is stuck with the "emergency broadcast system image".. plus his private information..He seems to be us govt. But set up to help protect the country not enslave the populace. except for all the romantic subplot b.s. its really enjoyable...( and my butts sore).
I am enjoying it, but yes the tactics and decisions are not even close to sound. It is nice though to see a series on mainstream TV that doesn't follow the norm. Last time I checked there were not any men kissing each other in Jericho, no actors using the forum as political commercials, or the typical b.s. that the big three networks feel we need shoved down our throats. It also gives us a look into what if...........
I think that's exactly what makes it entertaining. Any one of us can picture ourselves in that situation.
One of these days I am actually going to turn on the television ...Occasionally I watch Austin City Limits....but for the most part..I just don't turn it on.... Heck...I didn't even have one for a long time.... I'll check it out...and since I can access older ones from here..it will help....
unplugging isn't such a bad idea... I was real surprised to find jericho on cbs I had given up on the "big 3"along time ago other than jericho the only other show I try not to miss is "House " on fox. my wife says "ugly betty" is pretty good too.I can get too caught up in foxnews crisis reporting.leaving the tv on during the lebanon fighting or other "big" news.
Just more of a thought provoking question here. Why is it that all of a sudden we are seeing LOTS of series like this? We have Survivorman or whatever it's called on cable. Theres also another one I've heard is on cable and now we have a complete show on the big 3 about surviving. Alot of documentries are also now doing clips on self reliance too. So whats up? Is this just a fad or do you think that theres more than meets the eye here? Take care Be safe Poacher.
While a lot of the info given on the show is incorrect, like where they give the guy iodine oraly for radiation (and doing so would be fatal as it should be applied topicaly), it at least dose give some good food for thought. As to why a lot more of them are poping up I think it is largely due to increased intrest due to current and recent events. A LOT of folks started looking into at least some basic preps, and some a lot more than basic, after Katrina then again with the bird flu scare hitting main stream media and the gov has even been in support of the people takeing some basic steps to prep as they have web sites now adviseing folks to have BOBs generaly refered to as 72 hour emergency kits, evac (BO) plans, ways to contact family members through an out of state message person, and so on. I think the networks are just picking up on the increased intrest and testing the waters as to how much they can cash in on it and the trend will grow or die based on that. Who knows, SHTF shows could be the next CSI type craze.
Hi, This post is very informative, however I would like some specific information. If someone can help me then please send me a private message. Best Regards,
Noticed catching from the web site, there was a mention of "steel barrell " in a news cast relating to a broken up plot ( I think it contained a nuclear odevice). and we know hawkins is involved in some kinda plot. because of his confrontationin the hospital with the dying straggler from denver." We are down 1 man, now " ... and tonight we've got chinese packaging, supposedly old russian transports and us parachute canopies on the air dropped supplies so, I don't know whats going on but it doesn't look like the US governmemt is playing too above board here... Oh yeah ; Jonah and mitchell shoulda been whacked last week. just taken out behind the barn and given a summary trial for being a boil on the arse of society and executed..
What I found humorous was they get their hands on a generator that is capable of powering the entire town up to and including all the small farms in the surrounding are and all they manage to do is string some incandescent lights on main street LOL !!!! On top of this a Generator like that baby weighs well over a ton and it would have been dropped on a trailer , otherwise a crane would be needed to pick it up . I really loved after they started her up Hawkins is telling his kid in a normal speaking voice "this is what daddy did at work today" LOL even at idle you need to yell to be heard next to a unit that large and when under load you get away from it to speak because it is a loud piece of equipment even at 60 ft away . A town that large would surely have trained and licensed electricians who could have hooked that baby up to a power substation and everyone including Jonahs gang would have had power . Screw ups on things like this that are fairly common knowledge really detract from the enjoyment of a otherwise good program for me . Amazes me when you consider that when the typical writer writes a book they do research on things like this to make it as accurate as possible .
One of my biggest problems with movies and television programs is that they almost never get the little things right. I had recorded "CSI-Miami" from Monday night and watched it yesterday. Well at the end of the day with a truck full of plastic explosives heading towards the nuclear plant it is Horatio Cain who is the sniper that takes out the truck. What a load of BS! Where was SWAT? If he, a regular policeman has time to make it to the scene then a busload of SWAT trained snipers would also. Then, when he finally shoots the truck they make a big point of him jerking the trigger as hard as he can and as quick as he can. Any idiot that has any rudimentary training knows this is not done. Why is it that these programs do not get the technical advisory help to make their scenes credible?
"Why is it that these programs do not get the technical advisory help to make their scenes credible?" Because few know the reality or ever will. Or if you will, It doesn't make any difference in the long run. No offense intended. jim<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Left us hanging pretty good tonight...( til feb?) I'm betting Hawkins' character won' tip his hand until the very end of the series...they burned alot of time on romance subplots. They can stetch hawkins subplot out for months like this and pick up more female viewers along the way....Think the death of mitchell cafferty ( da' scumbag) will raise any eyebrows??
not to bad a show better than most on today the ones I can't stand are the reality shows if I want reality theres better all around me nice thing about jericho it does show preparedness pays off .
Duke, I think it comes back in Feb. "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum........and i'm all out of bubblegum"
CBS has 11 mini-episodes on Hawkins called "Countdown" on their website with some really interesting data. http://www.cbs.com/primetime/jericho/digital.php?episode=1