So what did you put away this week?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. TXKajun

    TXKajun Monkey+++

    Not exactly put away, but installed a set of 2 grow lights (2 bulbs each) in what I hope will be my "growing room" and brought in some ghost peppers to see if I can get them to produce over the winter.

  2. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    Finally bought a generator, Honda EU2000i. Significant upgrade to my Battery/inverter set up. Will be handy for the family group camps and home power outages.
    stg58 and BTPost like this.
  3. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Bought a hog from a buddy of ours and dropped it off at the processor Tuesday. United had whole chicken on sale, .67 a pound, so I added another 6 to the freezer. Once we pick up the hog, all three deep freezers plus the freezer on the fridge will be jam packed. The Mr. just scratches his head and keeps his mouth shut, heh.
    2 big bags of charcoal added to the pile. 4 big bottles hydrogen peroxide, 2 of rubbing alcohol, another bottle of Betadine. Saved enough okra and pumpkin seed to plant a football field next year. Seed order from Baker came in yesterday, way more than I'll be able to plant next year but I got carried away. :)
    stg58, tacmotusn and BTPost like this.
  4. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    3 boxes of 5.56 NATO green tip from Wally world.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2013
    ditch witch likes this.
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Not gonna call it a prep yet, but just took possession of my CB360 Honda cycle. It is in need of a bit of work to make it functional again, but will add another means of transportation, with less fuel, and will suffice for most of my travel, pick ups, and deliveries. And with the saddlebags I already have, will function for small grocery runs as well.
  6. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Picked up a nice kerosene lamp for the kitchen and found a shade to fit on of the ones in the living room. Also came across some metal storage boxes for longer term storage of food items that rodents might enjoy spoiling...
  7. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    I swear lately I been on a firebug roll. Last month my Cane type flamethrower for weeds & a dozen 1 pound cylinders, this month a couple those heaters you attach to the top of a 20 pound propane tank, & increased my 20 pound tanks from 2 spares for the gas grill to 6 spares not counting the one I'm testing one the tank top heaters for. Also another 10 300 match boxes of strike anywhere matches

    I'd get one those adapters to refill the one pound tanks from a 20 pound tank with, except I'm a lil nervous it might blow up. Any one got any experience with refilling the one pound tanks with an adapter?
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Suggest going to the hardware and reading the directions on one of the adapters. Two things are important, you have to invert the grill cylinder so that liquid transfers rather than gas, and do NOT overfill the one pounders. Pretty sure you have to do it by weight.

    Remember also that you cannot transport the refilled one pounders, they are not approved for that. At least if you get caught ---

    No, I've never done it.
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    they work just fine. I hang a bulk tank upside down, so it pushes liquid gas, and screw on the adapter and 1 pound can. crack open the valve and fill the can. you can feel the can get cold as the gas fills it, and you will get about a %70-80 fill.(check it with a spring scale for weight) Ever once in a while, a can will leak after filling, just attach that one to a light or heater, and the lantern valve will control it. (or let it burn off in use, and scrap that one.
    oldawg likes this.
  10. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    Added some more bullets to the inventory. Someone posted about the only primary lead smelter in the US being shut down due to more stringent EPA regs. May not have immediate effect, but I think I will work towards doubling my current inventory for my main calibers of rifle and pistol. Secondary smelter likely will keep supplies flowing but sooner or later I would think lead has got to go up in price if we have to import more that is refined from ore. Gee, they came up with yet another way to kill business and put the squeeze on ammo all in one simple regulatory move. Now some smelter in Mexico will belch out unregulated lead pollutants and sell it to us. I wonder if US mining of lead ore will still be profitable if it has to b sent to Mexico for smelting. I believe lead ore typically also contains silver or tin? So might have ripple effect on those metals as well. Not just ammo, but lead batteries, solder, and FISHING WEIGHTS!!!! :D
  11. janjak

    janjak Monkey

    Another 500 rds of 12 gauge shells.
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned This solar charger and battery pack just arrived. everything seems to check out. battery pack (with built in flashlight) came pre charged, so will have to run it down and recharge to see how well it works. 4 hours direct sun should fill the 5200 mAh battery pack. and it will charge cell phones and tablets one or two at a time, either directly from the solar panels, or the battery pack.

    three boxes of strike anywhere wooden matches) 300ct each) and a box of 12ga sabots.
    Yard Dart and Jeff Brackett like this.
  13. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    Well, I'm like a kid with a new toy since I bought a 12" Dutch Oven. What a kick it is to take ordinary food and transform it into highly tasty fare. I did have one spectacular "crash & burn"--an unfortunate attempt at a pork roast that did not get enough of my attention. However, I followed that up by lowering my expectations and ramping up to where I had a wonderful success with Coq au vin. My wife loved that.

    We had some friend over recently (fellow prepper) and his first comment upon observing me cooking BBQ Country Style Ribs was "…so this dutch oven thing is a prep per thing, right?" They loved the ribs and they're looking forward to more dutch oven cooking. He has even offered to buy the groceries and to provide the charcoal!

    So, I am now adding a lot more charcoal to my list of stuff to stash away.

    PS I recently stopped by Bass Pro Fishing and saw an 8" dutch oven that I could not resist. I told my wife that it just followed me home. At least she likes what comes out of the dutch ovens so far.
    ditch witch and Silversnake like this.
  14. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    Kellory - I've thought about buying that puppy in the past. Let us know how it works out for you, would you?
    kellory likes this.
  15. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    Just got home this evening with a new hole puncher. I've had my eye out for a Kel Tec Sub 2000 configured in Glock 17 9mm so that the ammo and magazines would be interchangeable with my pistol. Been watching on for several months and haven't been impressed with the deals I've seen. Today, a local shooting range posted on FB that they had just gotten one in stock. I called & confirmed that it was the config I was after and asked them the price. Got it with a standard 17 rd mag, plus a 33 rd, brand new in box for less than what the used ones have been selling for. Score!!! I am a VERY happy camper. And it only took eight months of patient shopping. ;)
    Moatengator, BTPost and Yard Dart like this.
  16. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Picked up the same unit this week... thanks for the tip on the great discounted price @kellory... Costco had them at almost twice the cost all summer!!
    kellory likes this.
  17. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I love Amazon. Bought some more DVDs off them(well my mother bought most of them, I only got myself season 2 of Leverage), as well as a feather quilt. We have ordered over 20 times from them in the past 6 months, but we don't have a problem, and we can quit anytime we want! Also we're getting a bumper crop of bolete 'shrooms. In a few minutes I'm gonna go prepare them to go on the drying rack(I put two bricks on the wood stove, an unused oven rack on top of that) overnight.
    kellory likes this.
  18. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Nuts. [OO]
  19. wastelander

    wastelander Bad English, bare with me

    4 new studded tires for the car! Been pretty much digging in my preps this last week since we've been out of electricity and due to that stores haven't kept open and gaspumps haven't worked and so on.
    Silversnake likes this.
  20. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    Lee Precision 9mm Luger Loader

    Edit - When I bought mine, there were two left in stock and it was $30. Now there is the one left, and it is priced at $43! Wow, talk about an example of supply and demand... :(
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2013
    BTPost likes this.
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