So Is there a General Rough Timetable of Events Once SHTF/TEOTWAWKI Begins (Any Books?)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ED GEiN, Feb 27, 2017.

  1. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Sgt Nambu and Ura-Ki like this.
  2. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Your question was answered pretty well in the posts above.
    Were I you I would assemble a quality BOB/with whatever type of weapon you decide on.
    I would purchase at least a front wheel drive(4x4 is better) vehicle with enough room for whomever will be going with you and their BOB, and room for extra fuel cans/tank. MPG should be a concern. Personally I would lean towards diesel power, but that's me.
    I would plan to unass LA at the first sign of trouble heading East/Northeast. No point in you going North. You would never make it through the entire state full of brain dead libtards who will be hawking their newly won oscar for a joint and a ride outta town.

    Excuse me for saying so, but after reading ALL of your posts, you appear to me to be either
    A) A troll
    B) Someone who is "panic buying". That is to say you appear to be using the shotgun effect towards your perceived preping/survival goals.

    My .02 is to fall back, make a plan and go from there. This topic is a good place to start.
    Identify what events local to your AO would cause TEOYWAYKI and prep for them.
    Identify what events on a national/global scale you feel are most likely to occur and prep for them.
    But first and foremost, if you are indeed serious you need to have a place to go to, a BOL. Because currently your location is untenable.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    No, No Book, and if you stay where you are, you will just be Toast, for the first bunch, that thinks your stuff is worth having.... The same as most of the rest of the population, in your AoO... and if the "Big One" Earthquake, or Uncle Kim's first Strike Nuke, on LA gets you, You will not care anyway.... You will just be a Shadow, burnt into the concrete, you were walking by....
    sec_monkey, chelloveck and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. sarawolf

    sarawolf Monkey+++

    Water: In most cities there are 3 to 6 days worth of water in the pipes. That's it and that's if they have a nice high water tower to gravity flow from. More if the town was smart and has their own generator. MY dh when he worked for the city tried to push through the city getting one for an electrically outage. If it's an EMP nothing electrical will work.
    Food: Most families still only keep 1 to 3 days of food in the house. The stores will be empty in 3 days. Plan on food riots after a week. After that it will get worse as the people get hungrier.
    Don't plan on things lasting over a month because they won't.
    If you are still preparing, time's getting short and prices are going up. If all you can do is at first plan for 3 months worth of food, meds, TP and etc, do it, then bring that up to 6 months worth and go from there.
    hitchcock4, chelloveck and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    As @Tully Mars pointed out - when I saw your posting, I was also struck that you are a youngster that just figured out that that nobody will take care of you like you can take care of you.

    First - forget all the ELE crap (Yellowstone, comet strike, etc) - there is no prep for that.

    Rather - look at what has already happened, over time and decide what you can do to mitigate or prevent the hazard. Examples are - Housefires. Earthquake. Labor issues (strike). Loss of utilities.

    Do some research - your own research, not just pinging a board - I have no idea of your situation or location.
    Find out how often does this (or these) thing happen? Yearly? Once every 5 years or so and so on.

    Then you can plan for you based on some real data and not just guesses. Good luck - asking the question is the first step in a journey that will last a lifetime...
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
  6. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    Thunfer5Ranch pretty much nailed it.

    The difference between the Poop Hitting the Prop and the Nightly News is mostly whether or not you see yourself in the video.

    It's happening to someone, somewhere, all the time, including right now.
  7. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    Here is your time table:
    Day 1 - everyone waiting to see what happened/happens
    Day 2 - crime increases 100%
    Day 3 - violent crime is now the new norm and you can not go outside with out a dozen body guards (Rome - then/now)
    Day 4 - Things start to look REALLY bad
    Day 5 - Things get worse
    Day 6 - you long for "the good old days" of Day 4/5
    Day 7 - The term "in the toilet" loses all meaning as things are way past that point
    Day 8 - Things start to look REALLY, REALLY BAD and murder, killings, burnings, riots are going on 24/7 as roving bands run wild
    Day 9 - You long for the good old days of Day 8 as things get worse
    Day 10- It gets worse
    Day 11 - "worse" stops having any meaning
    Day 12 - everything that CAN burn is burned. Everything that can be hauled away by car/truck is looted/gone. Kill or be killed is the new way of life and doesn't even seem odd/strange any more. Man becomes a eater of man. The new norm.
    Yard Dart, Ura-Ki, Sgt Nambu and 2 others like this.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Gents, be good enough to delete your off topic shots, please. The OP is green as grass in late spring, but doesn't need snide shots to make the points.
  9. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Do I believe that everyone that stays in the city will be dead? No. I think relocating, giving up your livelihood and way of life because something bad can happen is silly (think Y2K doom fail). I believe that people can and will be able to survive in the city. Water will be the greatest obstacle but I do believe it is do-able. Read up, study stealth and being a grey man. I think those skills will come in real handy.

    As for a book to read, there are so many. Each one gives ideas. I just watched a cheesy movie- Watch The Blackout (2014) online - Amazon Video Things fell apart real quick. Faster then I would think for a rural area but one never knows. I appreciate your questions.
  10. Sgt Nambu

    Sgt Nambu RIP 4/19/2018

    It's the old norm, too, Legion!
    chelloveck and Ura-Ki like this.
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    No plan survives its initial implementation.

    No matter what you plan for. You initial plan is not going to work. Unless of course your plan is to launch nukes and destroy the world then you might be successful..

    Other than that, what ever you plan for each scenario you imagine can happen in your area. You MUST be willing to abandon that primary plan and hopefully you have secondary and tertiary plans and the ability to abandon those as well and wing it.

    If you can not or will not abandon a plan that is failing, you may not need any additional plans, because someone else will decide for you.

    But plan for the worst and hope for the best.

    There is no sequence of events nor time table when the big incident comes knocking on your door.
    Yard Dart, chelloveck, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  12. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    All too true. Don't believe it? Try walking through Chicongo, Deriot, DC, NYC, East St. Louis at night. Try walking through the "bad" areas at ANY time, DAY OR NIGHT! This will show that I am an optimist when discussing my above post.

    Think that my first post "can't happen"? I could point out quite a few countries where exactly that DID happen, in pretty much that order too. Only an idiot would say it can't happen here. And yes, I spent more time in LA than I like to think about, it would be exactly as I said it would be too.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2017
    chelloveck likes this.
  13. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Thank You I will check out that movie
  14. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Water, water, water, this is true. But history shows that your problem, whether in the city or out, will be dealing with who controls that water. I agree that you may be able to survive in the city, but the question is, at what cost? What will you have to do or give up in exchange for being allowed access or use of the limited resources available? Yes, this will be a problem outside the cities as well, but much more prevalent within the cities due to the concentration of population...and opportunist predators.
    chelloveck and Tully Mars like this.
  15. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!

    Yes, there is. I think it's called 'The Holy Bible'. I, also, think that major population centers are going to be primary 'killing grounds'. I'll, only, add that I agree with Sir Isaac Newton's dire timetable for both Christ's Second Coming, and Armageddon: Almost all of the major apocalyptic events will have occurred and the final results determined by no later than ± 2080.
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