SHTF: Martial law or not (can it happen)

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by hitchcock4, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Contemplate the three day rule. We are given 3 days off to grieve a death. Most people begin to adapt effectively in about three days. That's means a large number will wean from government dependency after a short grieving period and start to adapt.
    Zimmy and duane like this.
  2. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    Yes Marshall law may be declared but can it be enforced?
    duane, Ganado and Motomom34 like this.
  3. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!

    Broadly speaking: Martial law, most assuredly, can be both quickly instituted and very effectively enforced across the entire continental United States. For anyone who hasn't been paying attention, the 'detention camps' and 'transport systems' are already firmly set in place. So are the airtight polymer coffins!

    (Remind you of anything?) ;)


    NOTE: I just suffered through the very long video at the beginning of this thread; and I've got to say: The depth and breadth of human stupidity and naïveté never ceases to amaze me! With the current amounts and quality of information that are still available to the American public how can anyone be THAT stupid! :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
    Zimmy, duane, Ganado and 1 other person like this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Since hindsight is 20/20 and we are now in late 2024 and about to experience another violent season no matter how the Presidential election turns out...
    We ought to be reminded of the fact that the Covid lockdowns (which occurred just after this thread left off) were implemented across most of the country without serious concern at the time. Allow me to reiterate this. Covid mandates were implemented to force people to wear masks in public places. Americans were told to remain indoors, even the healthy ones. Businesses placed restrictions and implemented their own mandates on employees and patrons. The "Government" utilized OSHA as a means to force compliance with Covid vaccination policies, and even threatened to fire you for not taking the jab and uploading your personal medical history to their private servers. Many Americans lost their jobs over this. And I haven't even gotten into the repercussions surrounding the vaccinations themselves because it warrants a thread of its own to fully digest.

    I bring this up because some people were on the fence about martial law. Now that we do have some additional clarity and understanding, I wonder how many will still question the tactics of an abusive, corrupt, and tyrannical regime we call government. I think the major problem some members here may have had was with the idea of martial law being implemented legally. Well, criminals do not obey laws, and everything government is, if time has not already proven by now --is legalized mafia. We have learned that those we previously held to be at least somewhat honorable within government stood by as a peaceful demonstration turned into an "insurrection", and even to this day people who were there are being rounded up and imprisoned. Do not underestimate the level at which those with power will go.

    We should be very concerned this coming winter. One way or another, we will see a great deal of violence because it's the only way the Leviathan we call "government" can maintain power. I really hope I am wrong.
  5. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Present regime has a history of ignoring court orders or of cherry picking courts that rubber stamp their goals. Checks and balances and general population backing controls on the government are at least greatly weakened. Law fare, impeaching president, capital invasion, use of outlandish fines and court awards to punish or destroy those who oppose you, all are being used and the general population goes along with it. Stop oil drilling for some bird or native tribe that never utilized that area. The fingers of government control everything and there is in most cases no real law passed by congress backing their actions. Thus Musk has to get permission from the FAA to fly his rockets and some bimbo can go to the government ant claim his rockets are bothering the birds or that the water used to cool the launch pad is causing damage and the FAA has to "look into it" and delay permission to launch.

    May not ever declare martial law, just creep into limiting things, gun control, regulating pollution , food safety, OSHA, health crisis, control inflation, hate speech, etc. No law passed but only electric cars for sale and no electricity to charge them and few can afford to buy and maintain them for example. And half of the country is brainwashed into thinking we have to do it to prevent climate change and would go along with it.

    The mass media is already attacking Trump and stating that if he is elected he will become a dictator and destroy his opponents. Not even a slight attempt to be anything than a partisan opponent and an arm of the Never Trump movement. It is in own way putting forth the view that any action, legal or other wise to prevent the Republicans from being in control, is OK. They would welcome martial law to prevent Trump from winning.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024
    CraftyMofo and Tempstar like this.
  6. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    "May not ever declare martial law, just creep into limiting things, gun control, regulating pollution , food safety, OSHA, health crisis, control inflation, hate speech, etc. No law passed but only electric cars for sale and no electricity to charge them and few can afford to buy and maintain them for example. And half of the country is brainwashed into thinking we have to do it to prevent climate change and would go along with it."

    This can't be repeated enough. It is happening right now. We frogs are in the pot and the heat is slowly being raised. It has been learned that erosion of rights and freedoms is easier than erasure.
    Zimmy, CraftyMofo and duane like this.
  7. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    To play devil's advocate from what I perceived from watching the left. Just being theoretical here.

    President Kamala Harris is elected the next President of the United States. Half the country is fucking livid over this but other than violent clashes with other groups, nothing big happens for a few weeks.

    The Dems double down with each clash! White people! Uncle Tom's, brainwashed poor! Executive orders roll out quickly to suppress and deny these hate geoups from any civilized advantages.

    President Kamala Harris is killed in an IED attack orchestrated by an attack of rabid right wing extremists who were also on anxiety meds and members of the Actor's Guild.

    Martial Law is declared!

    VICE President has nervous breakdown and cannot take Oath of office. We now face the Speaker (who won by a landslide like all Dems) and selection of a VP between Michelle Obama and AOC.

    Shortages start showing up immediately. Grandma dies of her treatable diabetes. Babies die who can't handle regular formula can't get the special kind. Folks unused to self management start to flake the fuck out when their scripts get changed abruptly because of shortage or folks go cold turkey. Lots of people die, kinda.....but not everybody, right?

    Cartel strength grows in the gangs. At least THEY have the diabetes medicine for grandma. For the community......

    More mostly civil clashes but Jan 6 investigative techniques are being used and only the right wing protesters and affiliated are getting snagged. Protesting publicly lands your group on the RICO list as well as terrorist watch lists. Surveillance is easier now across agencies.

    AFFILIATE MEMBERS ARE ROUNDED UP PROACTIVELY. People even loosely associated with groups above start getting nabbed. The full brunt of the Deep State falls on the hard to touch with kiddie porn, drug seizures, and IRS audits. (Promise keepers or Oathkeepers anyone?)

    Then the insurgency wins the heart of the people. The government will never get it back as theory smacks into reality in the minds of most all Americans. There ain't anything any country can do against the will of almost all of us. Not even ours. So many ignorant sheep, but they have mouths full of fangs instead of molars. Those fangs are sharpened by guns, lies, and righteous indignation.

    I believe the Triads co-opted the Chinese revolution 80 years ago and mobbed the whole damned country in the social upheaval. I do not believe the social upheaval here will be enough to be usurped by the Cartels. The PTB will have to move against the people and wage a war against the Cartels at the same time to stay in power.

    Shit I'm preachy tonight. Sorry.
    duane likes this.
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