SHTF: Martial law or not (can it happen)

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by hitchcock4, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    People don't even realize how far in advance the technology of the government is when compared to what we have. Let me put it to you this way, remember the 1950s? Could you imagine the technology of those days vs what we have today. Things like computers, cell phones, solar panels, lasers, microwaves, etc weren't even invented yet. That is how far ahead of the people our Govt currently is.

    But here is the thing, if you think they are evil, out of control, tyrannical, or just plain bad then you should do something about it today. Don't wait but get a group together and make a plan. A bad plan today beats the best plan the day after. Does anyone have any idea just how much we can accomplish if we put out strengths together? 1+1=3. That is the beauty of force multipliers. Make it happen.
    duane likes this.
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    He forgot NATO troops that are fully behind the Agenda21 the root of the problem .
    duane likes this.
  3. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Not sure what your definition of "city" is, but I can tell you that my natural gas, propane, food, dairy, water, etc. don't come from any of them.
    duane likes this.
  4. What prompted the need to declare martial law? Is it local in scope? State wide? National? World wide? I do believe the U.N. would be only to happy to "assist" D.C. with putting down civil unrest. But look how effective they've been around the world. Do "Smurfs" make good targets? If it's world wide would there be enough foreign troops to keep the peace here as well as in their home countries? The U.S. tried after WW II. and look where it got us.
    duane likes this.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    They don't need to impose martial law - most Americans are fat, stupid, lazy little sheep who will do what they are told to ensure their comfort. However, if they did, I'd side with the Canadian Prepper for those very reasons. All they need is fear, stool pigeons, and they have the technologies and force multipliers to selectively show what happens if you don't do as you are told.
    Zimmy, duane, Mountainman and 2 others like this.
  6. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    Dude, are you serious or just splitting semantic hairs?
    I'm not sure what your definition of "country" is, but I can tell you that you won't find any propane growing wild in the woods. Wherever you think you're getting it from, it's not God's Country.

    If you need a dentist or a box of wood screws, do you head for the nearest civilization or look for them out in the bush? How much more difficult would your life be if everything you have that was supplied from a city were not there...including simple things like hand tools, and yes, guns?

    You obviously have internet access. Where ya think that comes from? Hint: Not from the well out back.

    My point is not to bust your balls. I'm only trying to offer a reality check to people who think they are untouchable because they live in the sticks.

    And if martial law cuts off a nearby may take a little while, but yeah, you'll feel it.
  7. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Martial Law will only focus on population centers and will work by containment and control of goods and services. Like Tevin says, in the sticks you may not see anyone but you damn sure will feel it. I can't reiterate enough: This has and continues to be planned for by various alphabet agencies.
    duane and Tully Mars like this.
  8. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    You still haven't defined "city" or "country". You seem to be living under some delusion that there is a "country" that is out in the sticks with nothing, and a "city" where everything one needs is magically created and distributed.

    I live in the middle of farm country...about as "country" as you can get without being in the middle of some national forest. We grow our own food...I have a natural gas well on the property that pays me royalties, provides me with all the natural gas I want. I can also get all the propane I want just down the road, don't need to go into the city.

    Milk, eggs, dairy, produce, pigs, chickens, cattle? I can walk down the road...or across a few fields to any of a number of neighbors...besides what I have here.

    Box of nails? If I don't already have them, someone else will.

    Dentist? Doctor? Veterinarian? A couple of each live in the area...again just a short walk/ride either on the roads or across the fields.

    Internet? who cares.

    There are lots of "cities" around me...some big, some tiny. You think the military is going to lock them all down? Why would you assume the military has some magical power here at home that they obviously failed to bring to bear overseas? They couldn't lock down Baghdad, let alone every little city in Iraq...yet somehow they can do it here on a much more massive scale. Yeah, right. :lol:

    Have any of you actually gotten out and seen America? It isn't "sticks" and "city". Geesh.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2017
    Zimmy, duane and BTPost like this.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Fussin' and stewin' and backin' and forthin' over whatever the size of the "city" or the definition of "sticks" might be, you will not be too awful far from people. Averaged out, the CONUS population isn't too far off 100 bodies per square mile. (You can confirm this with a quick lookup, if you want to bother to quibble over a decimal detail.)

    Now, can martial law be declared? Sure. Can it be implemented? Sure, within limits. The fun part will turn up when someone tries to set limits and priorities. Will the limits be set by demographics, i.e., by enclosing troublesome areas (think gang infested areas of a city) or geographic (think well defined, as in say a valley) or something else like say available manpower? THERE is your question, not necessarily related to size. Then the ROE has to be defined for the "occupying" forces. That'll be a fun thing to watch.
    duane, Homer Simpson and Tully Mars like this.
  10. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I have traveled across the country several times. I HIGHLY recommend it for any one who hasn't... and even for those who have. There are places in this country that words just can't describe (in both good and bad ways). Living in the same area for your whole life and never going anywhere is a bad mistake. You will never grow. It is a lot easier than most people think. I did it on a couple hundred dollars.
    duane, Ganado and Brokor like this.
  11. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    And you seem to living under some delusion that the medications the veterinarian uses, the dental supplies, hardware, the farmer's fertilizer and agricultural equipment just grow wild out in the sticks. All of that stuff is produced in or shipped from a city. You'll be ok...until the novocain runs out and your friendly country dentist doesn't have any left in his backyard garden.

    For martial law to work they don't need to lock down an entire city. All they have to do is close off an airport, a major road or bridge, or a rail yard...and you will be screwed just like everyone else. How willingly will your neighbor give you a box of nails if he knows he can't run to Home Depot and buy more?

    I can't argue with a guy who thinks he has it all figured out.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
    duane, Oltymer and Brokor like this.
  12. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    One aspect of martial law is that they will control, food water and power distribution, People will be brought to heal by their needs. You have to show up you have to register before you get anything, step to the side for re education trouble maker.
    duane, Oltymer and Tully Mars like this.
  13. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Expect at some point to be chipped. They will make it necessary to make purchases, access the Internet, receive medical care, unemployment, etc.. It will be used to track everything you do and your location every time you do it. It will also be used to restrict purchases if/when they decide to place quotas on things they want to control like fuel or foods they deem unhealthy. it will act as a force multiplier during martial law since they already know who they will be looking for and where they will be.
    duane and Oltymer like this.
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    When the powers that be, start talking in terms of establishing 'strategic hamlets' and start massive relocations to the same, in the cause of public safety and security, then martial law as a temporary expedient can be expected to become......more permanent. :rolleyes:
  15. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Don't expect to run some where you've never been, or rarely visit, where the people there don't know you, well.
    Even if you own property some where in the boonies , if the locals there are blocking access to all those they don't know, you may not be able to use your own Bug Out location.
    At the cusp of the event it's likely most folk won't know or feel the pressure to act, like an earth quake . Most don't feel the
    urgency till it effects them selves personally. these you might get past ,but don't bank on it.

    Some folk don't feel the urgency to move due to a fire, till it's smoke has reached their own nostrils .

    If one has the liberty to practice the drill for real , each time indicators have popped the safety valve, the more likely they will be the ones to make it out in time, before the roads are fully clogged, and barriers established .

    But if your one of those that are waiting for the announcement of martial law, after things have already fallen apart, and then start putting things together , figure on staying put .

    If it is a pandemic and people are told to stay put , stay put, and don't inter act with any one . Worst thing is an infected person running for their life away from authorities infecting others as they seek refuge.
    Or worse authorities that are them selves infected spreading the decease going door to door. Wouldn't be the first time.
    Secondary worst scenario is no communications what so ever, and a pandemic is under way .
    As a precaution I keep a surgical mask in my EDC bag .
    If martial law is established in a surprise event, I m prepared to go home and stay home indefinitely .
    Here in southern california there is no where to run to except to the out side fringes of town , which is where I live .
    duane and 3M-TA3 like this.
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Quite true, and an excellent point. Now, take it even more realistically, and add every major highway. All they really need to do is control major arteries with checkpoints and set up outposts. How do I know? Let's see...we did it in Iraq against a very hostile and savvy homegrown network. Even after a decade of occupation, the checkpoints worked flawlessly.

    Do not underestimate what we are up against. We are not "too big to be contained". It can be done.
    duane, Tevin and Oltymer like this.
  17. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    This whole system is intricately laid and you can break it down with a small bump in the road. A solar flare for instance. People are not tough like they used to be. They have been bread to NEED government help. Some people go their whole lives without a job, income, idea, or doing anything on their own. The state pays for their ENTIRE lives. These people have entitlement.

    There are 326 million people in the US and if you shut down their electricity for a day some of them would die. For two days that number would easily double. After three days it would sky rocket. After a week most people would be out of food and water. If half of those 326 million started starving and came for your stuff so that they could feed their kids it would get ugly really quick.

    Now if you needed some of their supplies, medicine, water, food, crops, etc. and you walked onto their land there is a really good chance that before you said hello, or even saw them, you would be shot or some how killed. They would not want to know your name or your reasons for needing the supplies what ever they might be. You sure as hell wouldn't be there to make friends and they know that and just walking through their land, even if you didn't know you were, could be enough to get you slayed.
    duane and Mountainman like this.
  18. BlueDuck

    BlueDuck Monkey+++

    Not sure about the rest of you. But this is one of the main things I have been prepping for. I am getting old, they better hurry...
    Situational awareness applies to this scenario, the same as it would when you catch the scumbag sitting in the next booth eyeing your watch. If you live in a big city or high population area the odds are stacked against you.
    duane likes this.
  19. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Look at what happened in boston after the marathon bombing. They went house to house without warrants searching for 1 guy. They locked everyone in their homes and restricted all movement in the area.
    Zimmy, duane and oldawg like this.
  20. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    From the other side of the coin four people tied up twenty eight hundred assorted regulators of various agencies. Multiply that by a few thousand 2-4 man teams and no counting how many"oh hell no" lone wolves. Martial law can be declared, just not maintained.
    duane likes this.
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