SHTF gun whats your ideal gun?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by slug36, Mar 2, 2010.

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    RKBA2USA Monkey+

    My Springfield M6 is broken down and packed with my go-bag. It's lightweight, reasonably accurate and if I don't have time to snag anything else at least I'll have the .22/.410 option.
  2. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    I've got a picture somewhere around the house of my wife when she was eight years old firing one of those at her Aunt's cabin in Idaho.
  3. Strangeday

    Strangeday Monkey+

    I think the most useful "one" gun is going to be a good old 12ga. With "inserts" you can deploy so pistol calibers and with slugs have some range and hitting equally well on both 4 and 2 legged predators.

    So...Remington 870Magnum would be my choice....
  4. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    remember the boating accident?


  5. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    From the gun locker to Davy Jones's locker. What a tradgedy!!
  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    My ideal shtf weapon would be my Colt Woodsman in .22lr. I have taken more small game with this little weapon than most would believe. I can put a two-liter bottle over the muzzle and cap a sentry with just a quiet pop and borrow a more sizable weapon. I have taken deer and hogs with this little weapon and have confidence that within my duck and run IO, I can put a hole precisely where I want it to be. I have more than two hundred firearms to choose from but this would definately be the one I would take if I had to jump off the boat and swim.
  7. cimmeriansnake

    cimmeriansnake Monkey+

    I'm not really a big fan of guns, so I don't have the arsenal that a lot of you seem to prefer. I have a 30-30 lever-action Winchester, a 12 gg pump (with replaceable barrels, one short, one long), a Ruger 10-22, and a Mini 14 that I inherited from dad. I have only to pistols...a Ruger Mk. II .22 with bull barrel and a Taurus Judge. The Judge will fire .45 Long Colt or .410 shot shells. I don't suggest firing .410 slugs...the .50 AE Desert Eagle I used to have had less kick. I have a collection of blades that includes everything from a Smith & Wesson flip knife, to a Tom Brown T1 Tracker, all the way up to a sweet custom-made bastard sword...I REALLY like blades.
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Cimmerian, your arsenal is just fine. You probably have more firearms than some. It's all about quality and proficiency (applies to both guns and blades). If all the problems in the world were nails, then all we would need is a hammer.
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Quigley, we are glad that you survived the accident. But the horror of loosing all those fine weapons. And the worst of it all it was in the middle of the lake by the bottomless spring? Damn that sucks.
  10. Diddy

    Diddy Monkey+

    Pistol calibers in a carbine will reach out enough. As most believe that engagments will be at 100 yards or less - a carbine like the Beretta CX4 or the Kel-Tech sub 2000 even a Hi-Point 995TS will do nicely. Especially if you use +P ammo. I have been on target, emptying the mag on my CX4 out past 100 yards. I fully realize that it does not have propper penetrating power to punch through cover but for personal defense and stealth the carbine/pistol combo is a good way to go.
  11. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    If it is a .45 cal, the distance won't make it ineffective.
  12. Flip853

    Flip853 Monkey++

    YouTube - Dillon Aero M134 Gatling gun

    With unlimited funds to purchase and the same for ammo supply I want the Dillon Aero. "Peace Through Firepower Superiority" Back up music would be nice too.[gun]
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I've yet to figure out why they shoot already burning vehicles in that vid. Absolute waste.
  14. NVBeav

    NVBeav Monkey+++

    They're dislexic. They read "fire suppressant" not "suppressing fire".

  15. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Hey if it's worth shooting once it's worth shooting again.... ammo is cheap...
  16. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    I haven't read the thread yet, need some beer and more time. No one gun is right for all scenarios, they are tools and just as when you need a 1/2 inch open end wrench, a flatblade screwdriver is not going to cut it

    Here are my current front line SHTF weapons

    Pistols.. BHP .40 cal/Glock G22/G23/Custom 1911, backups are 9MM Star Firestar for me, and M649 SW for my gal. We are looking hard at Ruger LCP .380s for "derringers".. 3rd pocket or boot guns

    Shotguns: Mossberg 18 inch w-folder, light, Sidesaddle and heat shield. it's very compact and portable. My "Planet of the Apes" shottie is a tricked out FN SLP MK 1- 22 inch barrel. has a Procyon LED strobe capable light, 3 point sling, Sidesaddle, Nordic oversized/fluted Bolt handle, Nordic oversized bolt release, and a compact holo sight. I use SKS bandoleers for real SHTF, they are loaded up and stowed in ammo cans ready to issue. I am not alone, have associates, some of whom are young and short on ammo, but armed

    Rifles, Ruger Mini 14s/AR15s/AK47s/HK91/various scoped bolt guns

    The old saying does apply here.. "If trouble is brewing, bring long guns, and bring plenty of buddies with long guns"

    A handgun is a way to fight your way to your long gun
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    No truer words can be spoken, than these..... If trouble is headed your way, you need to reach out, and touch it, long before it gets within pistol range....
  18. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    I guess you could say the ideal shtf gun would be the one that keeps my hairy hind end alive and kicking As long as I shot them,hit them and kill them before they do the same to me.............If you are going to end the day in a horizontal position you might as well be doing it going to sleep. not by attaining that position on a non-voluntary manner.
  19. sdsharp61

    sdsharp61 Monkey++

    My favorite weapon of choice is one that is fully functional and won't jam. I keep my guns in tip top shape. I polish my ramps for no feed problems. I have a tendancy to lean toward the older proven weapons like the FN FAL, AK 47 and my personal favorite the Thompson. I think being familiar with the weapons is the best defence. Clearing jams, field stripping, oiling properly and the ability to use it efficiently when it is needed. I've never been accused of being "politically correct" so Merry Christmas to you all and God Bless America!
  20. They weren't burning for the first pass, which wasn't on the video - tracers took care of that, though :D
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