SHTF gun whats your ideal gun?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by slug36, Mar 2, 2010.

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  1. Sky Pilot

    Sky Pilot Monkey

    wow, this a question I think each person just decide for themselves and with what they are comfortable with!
    I have a sub 2000 with a lite that is smack dab on!

    the sub 2000 is not my only 'tool'!
    a good shotgun is great, and a .22 will be 'down' a deer, and if silenced is deadly!
    but again, practice,practice, practice!
  2. waynedog

    waynedog Monkey

    I'm thinking that if you "need" that rifle/pistol against other human beings you are most likely a gonner. On the other hand if you are lucky enough to be somewhat outside city limits and simply need a hunting weapon you'd most likely be best served with a nice bolt action rimfire rifle. When things are really bad (SHTF) you really need to be away from other humans. No matter how good you are, or how good your .50 cal/.308/5.56mm is, your time here is limited when other people are wandering around you. Think very rural. Of course I'm currently living in the Phoenix area surrounded by illegal aliens, so I'm a gonner anytime now. :)
    NVBeav likes this.
  3. An ar15 with red dot, magnifier, backup sights, 22lr conversion kit for small game and practice.

    "Sent via the Skyrim messenger service"
  4. custumized ruger 10\22

    I have a ruger 10/22 with williams peep sight installed on it which takes up the two rear mount screws, then i added a see through picatinny hi rise scope base. The see through scope rail needed all four mounting screws so i cut the rear part of the base off to allow the peep sights and the see through rail.
    The front sight fell off so i wasn't going to wasn't anytime with that so i drilled a hole through that and tied it to the barrel may look kind of rough but it has a coon hunters charm i think
    Its a 10/22 so the recoil isn't much so just the two mounting screws are fine. So i have very accurate close range fiber optic red sights and then still a scope.
    I also bought 12 inch handyman picatinny rails from amazon, i drilled holes into my wooden ruger stock and mounted them for a light, very versatile gun, I coon hunt with hounds so it can take care of any situation i run into

    the pistol is just a funny picture i found
    IMG060. IMG061. IMG062. IMG063. IMG064. IMG066. IMG067. unusual_weapons_16.
  5. Ks1966

    Ks1966 Monkey

    I would like to have a few with me but if I was to only take one weapon it would be my Kal Tec PLR 16. Fires a .223/556 mm NATO round (plenty of power) and available anywhere. The weapon is technically a hand gun but if you look at it you would not really think of it as one. 9 inch barrel and way more accurate than you would ever think. Are there more accurat weapons? Yes, but you can put a 30 round mag in this thing and go nuts. I can hit a 5 inch shot group from 100 yards and that is accurate enouph for a SHTF weapon. The other thing I like about it is it is concealable. Sling over the shoulder and keep under you arm.
    In a SHTF situation you do not want people to know how much fire power you are packing. The only down side I see in this weapon is it is loud as hell.
    But I guess that would let any would be attacker know you are not F@*# ing around.
    This weapon is a bull mastiff that looks like a small dog
  6. sgt peppersass

    sgt peppersass Monkey+

    ill take my 1919a6 converted to .7.62 nato :)
  7. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    You can't tie a front sight on with string,you have to use duct tape..what were you thinkin'? :) :)
    Gator 45/70 and oldawg like this.
  8. workhorse

    workhorse Monkey+

    What ever I have in my possession at that moment . Figure if there is a lot of shooting you might be able to upgrade to a D.O.O. ( dropped only once);)
    Mechwolf and oldawg like this.
  9. fmj50

    fmj50 Monkey

    Mini 30

    Because it's a reliable action, with the right add ons it's more than accurate enough for a carbine, and it uses the enemies ammo...
  10. JDKinman

    JDKinman Monkey

    I see these musings on gun forums and everyone has a different take--which is GOOD.

    Correct answer will always be: Whichever gun you have that suits you best and that you have most confidence in.

    For me, that would be a mid-caliber gun like .357 Magnum or 30-30 lever action. The stopping power of the .357 is undisputed, and I've taken down many small deer at ranges of less than 100 yards with my .357 handgun (S&W Mod 686 8 3/8" barrel).

    Likewise, the 30-30 carbine is probably THE most proven rifle in American history.

    But I can tell you this--if the poop ever does hit the rotating device, I will NOT be relegated to just one gun. No way, no how. With a handgun, mid-range rifle and 12-gauge shotgun I'll be comfortable. [winkthumb]

  11. shootermick

    shootermick Monkey+

    no such animal to suvive a 22 lr for protection anything but i know you can but i aint staking my life on it.
  12. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    The answer is always the same, its the one you have when you need it.
    Gray Wolf, Dropy and oldawg like this.
  13. ^ this 100%
  14. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The correct answer is alway the one you own. Where it goes astray is when one tries convince others. ;)

    Although certain guns/calibers are better at somethings than others; any gun is better than none.
  15. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    IF...and that's a big if...I had to choose just one, it would be...geesh, so many choices...22WMR is a contender. More oomph than .22LR, but not so much as to render small game a furball, light, easy to shoot, fairly quiet. And a handgun in the same caliber to complement it.

    Of course, IMHO the best way to survive is to avoid getting into a survival situation in the first place ;)
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    One, very BIG Drawback... Not Reload-able, so once you shoot your ammo, you only have nice looking Rock, or Club in your hand.
    In a Survival Senerio, making your reloads, needs to be part of your Long Term Preps. Excluding zombie firefights, a couple of thousand rounds of ReLoads (components) should last a small group, a lifetime. Being able to source your OWN Powder, (Black) having a supply of Lead, (couple of Hundred Pounds) will last someone equipped with a 50 Cal BP FlintLock Rifle, and 44 BP Pistol a life time, or two, after the Smokeless Powder Weapons, are long since useless.
    ..... YMMV.....
  17. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    22 hornet. small game capable and reloadable.
  18. RICHFL

    RICHFL Monkey

    My selection for Stay In Place Weapons.

    Having a background in weapons including several military schools for special weapons usage I have a complete package of weapons for usage in my SIP. First off I live in a rural farm area with the nearest town 15 miles away. My neighbors are all farmers.

    My group bought this farm over 10 years ago for use as a hunting lodge. I moved my family here to take over the site starting in 2006. My group has 30 adults and numerous kids.

    We have various weapons that use common ammo for each type of weapons system. We have 2 members who are factory trained gun smiths with all the equipment to repair any weapon we have on hand. We currently have 2 instructors (me and one other) qualified to FBI standards.

    We have refresher training every 6 months with a monthly shot off for each family within the group. All adults are qualified with all weapons we currently have. We are trying to get Class III clearance for our Assault rifles to upgrade them. [gun]

    Our Current Weapons Contain:

    Hand guns: Glock 23's, and .357 revolvers

    Shotguns: 12 and 20 gauge most are 500 and 590 Mossberg

    Long Rifles: Scoped Bolt action Remington 70's in .308 or .338

    Assault rifles: AR-15A3's in 5.56 NATO
  19. probie

    probie Monkey

    best fire arm

    thats a tough question . they make so many sexy firearms now its hard to choose from. if I had to choose 2 too protect my fam, i would choose. some sort of SBR, with some sort of common round easy to find. that way clearing corners would not be any problem. last chance gun, SIG 45 hand gun by far. shot gun would be a good choice, but i dont like the reload time, nor the distance.
  20. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I'm thinking that at this point a Punt Gun or Gatling Gun would be nice to have.
    ExHelot likes this.
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