SHTF gun whats your ideal gun?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by slug36, Mar 2, 2010.

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  1. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    If you do decide to shoot that shotgun. Make sure that it is not a Damascus twist barrel. If it is and you shoot modern shells it it, we may have to attend a simian sendoff. If unsure, check with a gunsmith.

    We don't want to loose you.
  2. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I'm really wanting an AR with a 11.5 inch upper...suppressed. Yes I know it's limitations, but I believe that is going to be my goal this year.
  3. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Thanks, it isn't a "chicken wire" barrel as the real old ones are. We loaded low brass for it or my father did.
    When Iver Johnson said full with a 36" barrel they really meant full. Its nothing fancy; when I was a kid it was a barn gun. ;)
  4. Building a AR10 .308 Thats next for me.
  5. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    Modern ammo or do you mean slugs?

    I ask because I have an old side by side rabbit eared shotty w/ a damascus barrel and have been shooting shot loads out of it for the past 25 years without a single problem.

    I would never shoot slugs out of it because it is not made to shoot slugs, it's a SHOTgun. But I have run thousands of rounds of everything from 00 buck to #8 shot and everything in between.
  6. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    "Inherently, these barrels are quite strong, and many best-quality Damascus barrels pass nitro proof. However, because of the iron content and welded manufacture, twist barrels have a propensity for rusting within the barrel material. Added to that is the fact that these guns were primarily used with non-corrosive priming, and are therefore potentially honeycombed with weak spots. While there are first-quality Damascus Parker and Purdey barrels that can be shot with modern ammunition, most if not all are not up to the task."
    Grampa's Shotgun: More Than Sentimental Value?

    A Parker or Purdey shotgun is easily as stout as what they make today. There are two types of shotguns with "chicken wire" barrels; Damascus and twist.
    The "experts" state either is strong enough to shoot modern loads; however there is a risk if a twist barrel wasn't well maintained. The danger is if it was poorly kept and one can't see the rust.

    The article is an interesting read on old shotguns.
    BTPost likes this.
  7. Saddleup

    Saddleup Monkey+

    I prefer:

    Long Range- 300 Win Mag

    Battle Rifle- 308 M1A Match

    Carbine- AR15 DPMS/Bushmaster

    Handgun- 1911 Springfield
    Springfield Arms XD
  8. I like the M1 but the price..So, I am building a AR10. Don't rule out a .223 (AR15). Love my XD40's :)
  9. hedger

    hedger Monkey+


    Have not seen much .45acp love lately.

    Now, thanks to you, I got my fix for the day.
  10. Just took my 4506-1 out recently. Still has my love :)
  11. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Hi WRC,

    Damascus twist barrels were created in the era of low pressure blackpowder load. Modern Smokeless powder tends to have a much higher pressure and longer pressure curve.

    It also depend is you are using a modern repro of a rabbit ear 12 gauge or one from the turn of the last century. there will be a huge difference.

    If it's an antique, Are you loading your own shells with BP? I'd be pretty leary of a modern high brass buckshot load. Not so much blowing at the breach but any inclusions or issues with the laminate down the barrel could lead to a KABOOM.

    A modern repro would be a less susceptible and it might not even be a true Damascus barrel but prepared to look like one. And would probably accept modern shells quite readily.

    IMHO, a Damascus shotgun would grace my mantle, not my shoulder unless it was the last weapon i had working.

    my 2 cents.
  13. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    It's certainly not a repro because I have been using it for the past quarter century, my grandfather gave it to me when he was 87. He used it quite a bit with a variety of shot loads for it. The only thing he stressed was never shoot a slug out of it. He said it was a shotgun and a slug would blow the barrels wide open. Since then I have used it with shot loads out of current ammo. I shot a turkey with it just last fall and might again this fall.
  14. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Everyone believes the best shtf weapons are the ones they already own. ;)
  15. teeter

    teeter Monkey+

    Shoot some alley cats with .45 ball ammo, watch them run off quite a ways with chest hits, and see if you still "think" .45 ball is such a great "manstopper". :) All it is, really, is the beneficiary of a lot of lies and ignorance.
  16. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

  17. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    I'm only going to tell you one more time. Shoot any cats in MY presence and the last thing you will feel is a sharp pain in your ear as I shove an icepick in.
    Got that you felonious piece of garbage?
    Go peddle your "expertise" elsewhere.
  18. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Hey Falc, why don't you tell him how you REALLY feel?
    Falcon15 likes this.
  19. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    So you inherited the lies and ignorance?
    Sapper John and Falcon15 like this.
  20. Gorilla Joe

    Gorilla Joe Monkey+

    Depending on the scenario of course, I have many "tools" to choose from. But going with the setting I'm bracing for and the most likely, it's bunkered in the homestead. [peep] My Bushmaster 5.56 will be first to the dance. Simply because it's the one I'm the most comfortable with, having fired a gazillion rounds in a long military career. Heck, I've slept with it more than I have my wife in 30 years. (Don't ask which one is better, you won't get a response. I know where I eat and sleep now!) I know there are better guns/calibers for this or that. But that's why they all exist, to specialize in an area. To stay true to the original question of what I'd defend myself, family and my 2 beloved chug dogs, I chose something I already own. If fantasy is involved, then give me the 400 watt super-plasma atomizer ray gun, grenade launcher optional. [elim]If I thought there was a better choice, why wouldn't I own it? The point is, how can one vouch for something they don't possess. Besides with 10,000+ rounds stacked, (I'm a bad shot , you know!) I have to rotate my stock sooner or later. [gun]On a side note, if I were to pick an additional one. The next called to duty, is the 12 gauge "street sweeper" with .00 buck. And finally, a 125 gr. Nyclad HP .38 Special, I call my "get off me" toy. There, that should just about answer the question with a few words...
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