Should Christians eat Pork?

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by skyking, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    WooHoo!!! Oral sex is ok, unless it's with a poofter : O

    swollowing semen will not defile long as it is my own.....or is every sperm sacred???

    YouTube - ‪Theology of Monty Python - Every Sperm is Sacred‬‏
  2. skyking

    skyking Monkey+



    Jim Staley

    Does God really care what we eat?

    If not, then where in the scriptures does it say that God changed His mind from what He told His people back in the book of Genesis?! Are you thinking of Acts 10, Galatians 2, Mark 7 or maybe Colossians 2? This teaching leaves no stone unturned as every single scripture used by theologians
    and church-goers alike concerning the subject is thoroughly examined. You will be amazed and shocked when you see for yourself that for over 1800 years we have read into the scriptures things that just aren’t there. You will truly be perplexed at the power of tradition and how the doctrine of “Jesus dying so we can eat anything” has survived for so long. Eat or Not to Eat/to-eat-1.mp3

    -- Eat or Not to Eat/to-eat-2.mp3
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2013
  3. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

  4. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

  5. dewber

    dewber Monkey+

    I think there are lots of other things God wants us to focus on right now but it is probably the state of your heart more than anything else - when it comes to bacon.
  6. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

    How's that my friend ,I have been sharing scripture that relates to this subject and the results of failing to heed those instructions.I'm not saying your hell bound on a pork rind if you fail this test.I'm only passing along information as I'm given it.Are you saying that the scripture quoted in this thread is misleading or false?
    I'm just not sure where we as believers really latch hold of the bible and start believing and obeying.We grab 9 commandments and try to obey those and then jump over to the gospels and yell "all right" now I can do this and off we go to eternal bliss,NOt
    So I think what it really boils down to or where the cracklin "meets the road" is ,we like bacon more than the WORD
  7. Barbosa

    Barbosa Monkey+

    I'll eat anything I wish to eat because I am not bound by the shackles of superstitious writings of bronze-age goat herders.

    However, a Christian should not be eating pork, but that's for another thread...
  8. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Back when the Bible was written they didn't have refrigeration and most pork was prepared over an open fire without the use of iron skillet .
    All they knew was that people were getting sick and dieing after pork was eaten. Now days we have a means to keep and prepare it without all the risks.
    I'll eat whatever keeps me alive and happens to be available .
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Bricks,Sticks and Straw just finished off 5 gallons of apples from our trees and got a scrub down with a stiff brush and the hose. JustSayin.
  10. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    You have made your points well. It is a subject worthy of some ponderance and prayer.
    In every journey that allows us to be saved by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Chist, we walk each one foot infront of another.
    Having not been raised by the law, and having been raised in North America, I am indoctrinated with the culture of the BBQ.
    I say this only partly tongue in cheek.
    What is right for you because of your conviction by The Holy Spirit, may not be right for another ( at this time or any other) because they have not walked to the point of conviction on this subject by The Holy Spirit. ( and may never need to)

    I give this example; I love a glass of wine, a great beer and absolutely relish a good glass of whisky.
    I have even, from time to time had one too many and been technically "drunk".
    Though I am not a drunkard and am very cognizant that there is a difference.
    I have several members of my family that I would gladly sit down with and enjoy these things, but there also one or two that I will not share this with as they have struggled with it and now recovering from that struggle....and I love them, so I don't want to be the guy that causes them to stumble.

    Now, having said that, I have come a loooong way from when I was a new Christian.
    And each new season brings me closer to a fuller understanding of what God has for me.
    If I were to be put before his throne this very moment, I could only cry mercy and grace lest I suffer the wrath that is rightly due me. This in part because I have lived in absolute ignorance of The Law and have not, through willingness or understanding, been able to fulfill it and keep it.
    I claim the Son of God, he who is Jesus, as my Lord and Savior and only through him could I even hope to be forgiven my insurmountable sins.

    I cautiously suggest to you that any person whom is being convicted of their sin,
    (including the young man you were praying with/ and myself in several instances) will point out that their own sin is no greater than someone else's and therfore just as easily ignored and laid at the alter as proof of "Grace"
    So, by what I have read, you have given up pork, but has the young man renounced his sins as well?

    I applaud what I think you are suggesting, that we should all pay close attention to what the Word says, what the Law contains,and why it contains the things it does.

    There are many conflicting interpretations of scripture, many that will say you must follow the law, many will tell you that you are excused from the law through the blood of Christ.
    Each of us is accountable for our own convictions,
    There are a lot of laws that are written, we no longer apply, perhaps you can help me understand why.

    But more yelling angry preacher you tube videos...

    And as an afterthought, I wonder, have you eliminated all Pork products from your lifestyle??
    How many changes have you had to make, I was amazed at how many products contain pork or by product.
  11. skyking

    skyking Monkey+

    Thanks for looking at this thread however I bet you made a bunch of these folks "cringe" by seeing my name brought up again. As in most things in life people don't like to be made to feel uncomfortable.So I'll try and play nice.
    You asked about me giving up pork . I did and have to the best of my ability.It's been over 6 yrs since I had one of my BBQ pork "samich" or my homemade pork sausage or cured my own hams or had a pulled pork treat or a good ol BLT. I was raised BBQ and it was part of the old me. There are many products out there and we just do the best we can. This thread was just part of the whole picture along with the sabbath and the feast and giving up mans notions and looking back toward the Fathers instructions, teachings, Torah, law. Many have mocked, made fun of and laughed at the mere mention of this instruction ,however they need only ask who, what is their high priest and what will his actions be upon his return? So yeah I guess they better get in all the pork they can ,but in doing so the information has still been shared.

    The dietary instructions are only part of the the whole picture,You asked about the keeping of the law or Torah, the teachings or instructions.Some say it's impossible to keep. I never tried or intended to keep 613 laws I just wanted to keep 10. When you look at the 613 you'll see that most professing christians are actually keeping over 200 of these now.
    221 of them are related only to the temple and even if there were a temple thy are geared toward the Levites ,etc.

    74 are special commandments which involve judges,agricultural matters ,or are for men only , women only ,widows etc.

    If we use this information we'll see that most christians will fall into the 66 to 85 % range , so you are keeping the Torah or Law as most claim to not wanting to be under.

    There are 94 commandments being observed by Christain minority's
    after the dust settles we're in the 69-87% Torah observant range.

    I got these stats on Roths AENT translated NT
    Pretty impressive for a group of people that will deny and argue we're not under law but under grace. We're freed from the curse of the law not the spirit of the law.
    I've said it before ,if we think of scripture from a western mindset and not eastern /Hebrew thinking we miss most of the meaning and it's not what's being taught in the New Covenant church.
    So in wrapping up here , oh don't worry folks I won't be back here to rock your boat ,no, all done with the videos and such , this was a good article I included below and it came from The Berean

    Matthew 5:18-20

    ( For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. (19) Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (20) For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
    New King James Version Change Bible versions
    The letter of the law that the Pharisees tried to keep was not enough--especially for us. We have to exceed the letter of the law. Here, Jesus was so specific about the continuance of the law from the Old Covenant to the New that He referred to the smallest punctuation and pronunciation marks contained in the written law, the "jot and tittle."​
    Most modern theology discards the letter in favor of the spirit, but one extreme is as bad as the other. The true Christian needs both the written letter of the law as well as its spirit to keep it properly.​
    To keep God's law properly, we have to learn to recognize the spirit of the law. The spirit of the law means God's original intent or purpose behind each law.​
    When God designed the Sabbath, for example, He intended it to be a blessing to human beings. He designed it to be a refreshing rest and an opportunity both to recuperate physically after six days of work and to draw close to Him in love and to worship Him, as well as to deepen love for the brethren through fellowship and outgoing concern.​
    Jesus knew the spirit of the Sabbath commandment. Therefore, He knew that the split second of divine effort involved in healing was a valid use of time on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:10-12). Because of Jesus' insight into the divine purpose behind the Sabbath, He freed the crippled worshipper of his burden. He experienced a wonderful and exciting blessing because Jesus understood the spirit of the law. God's law is always a blessing to those who recognize the spirit of the law.​

    Martin G. Collins
    Excerpted from:
    The Law's Purpose and Intent
    this is in my opinion a worthy read and hope you fill the same,

    Related Topics:
    Commandments, Keeping
    God's Law
    Intent of Law
    Jot and Tittle
    Keeping Commandments
    Law Keeping
    Law, Intent of
    Letter of the Law
    Sabbath as Blessing
    Sabbath, Keeping Properly
    Spirit of the Law
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